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Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal grabbed two drinks and sauntered over to Perez. He easily settled himself in and slid the drink over to the man, then took a sip. He let the silence sit for a moment, the confused look to fill the man's face.

Just before he lost his ice, Njal spoke softly, "By being here, I know that you want to avoid any trouble with the Black Hats. I think we all do. But I got myself a bit of an issue. I hope you can help me out.

You see, I was doing some work on a busted lock at the med-bay. I guess there had been some bad business there and the Black Hats had gotten' involved. The kind of thing a Emperor-fearing type would not want to be associated with.

The problem for you is, the machine-spirit couldn't stop telling me about your Ident. I could just make my life easier and turn this all over to the proper channels, but.... we all know how that would turn out. I wanted to give you chance, to come clean, avoid those unpleasant complications.

I think you are the type of loyal citizen that would want to unburden themselves. My friend from Krieg doesn't think we should waste the time, but I am a more.... forgiving.... sort than that.

Help yourself out and prove me right.

With that, he offers Perez a Lho stick.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/26 16:17:36

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
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Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Responding to Simonds question if the men outside could be armed, Wyona responds "We are in an imperial base under constant ork attack... of course they are armed."

Inside the bar, Perez visually squirms as Njall confronts him and as soon as he gets a peek on Poncho a small, ratlike squeak exits his throat. He takes the LHO stick with shaking hands and fumbles with the lighter. He is obviously afraid, but you get the diffuse feeling his fear is more focussed on the immediate future instead of the more intermediate. He puts his right hand on a spot on his colar and wispers "Shut up! They'll hear you!" as his panicked gaze races over to the door.

From outside Wyona mutters "ohh frakk... there's another two of them that just started to go around for the back exit. And the four in front look like they are in for trouble... You'll get company any moment now..."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Simond sighs and rubs his sweaty forehead as he inwardly curses the planet's climate, the aircondition could barely keep up with the press of bodies at the best of times. 'They are looking for trouble then.' He felt excitement starting to fill his blood.

He subtly loosens his knife in it's sheath, and then with the other hand slightly less subtly loosens the chainsword in it's sheath making sure that he is screened by his dice companion and the table as he does so.
'We're getting drinks.' He stands up and gives Balwin a motion to get moving before he turns and starts to push his way to the bar.
'Be prepared to follow me, and for the emperor's sake, take that hand off that knife hilt.'
He reaches the bar.
If the bartender is there. If not he loiters there like he wants to buy one

He asks and pays for a bottle of beer.
'I'm ready to start disarming if needs be boss.' He says sipping his beer holding the cap in the palm of his left hand.
The bottles were very useful. You were supposed to return them, but it was much better to take them to the Askari camp and get them filled up with something a little more potent.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/04 10:17:45

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal unsnaps the holster of his las-pistol.

He slowly stands up, and offers Perez a light for his Lho Stick.

In a harsh whisper the ice-worlder says, "Then, melt and tell me what's going on. Clocks ticking."

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Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

With the voices of his squadmates ringing in the small device in his ear, Poncho also reaches out for his laspistol, having opted for the less powerful, but easier-to-carry-at-the-bar weapon, safety was off and the holster was opened, as he reached for a sip of that fresh-ish water offered there.

His mask betrayed no emotion from the Kriegsman as he looked around the room once more, scanning for more potential troubles.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

As the four newcomers enter - 3 men and a women - the two workers in their overalls turn around and give them a recognizing look. At least Simonds first impression is, that they know each other and the workers make no move to leave the bar. The Guardswomen in the back at the slot machine on the other hand seems deeply sunken into her game and doesn't take notice of them at all. The Barkeep it nowhere to be seen, but as he positions himself at the counter to order something, he believes he heard the notion of a "thud" behind the door to the kitchen, followed by a noise that might be a dropping body that was barely caught before going to the ground to not make a lot of noise.

One of the 3 men is a bit older and has a burn scar on the left side of his head that also took half his ear, the rest looking like melted. He seems to be in charge from the body language of the group. The women and one of the other men are of stocky and short build, with brokkoli ears that indicate some experience in wrestling or boxing, but something in their visage implies they are not the brightest lights on the candle. Their similar haircolor and appaerance makes them look like siblings. The last man is a good 6 feet tall, slender, but well muskeled and even Simond had to aknowledge: quite pretty. Definetly someone who might flirt with a lady or one or the other gentleman to get what he wants and who is quite good at that.
Each of them has a pistol holster at the hip, the "pretty boy" has two. The older, boss type has a chainsword at his other hip, while the siblings carry shock mauls.

The two workers are local folk you would guess, at least they look a lot like Teodore and the other Skrynnians you saw so far. They look strong like workers, but Simonds experiences look tells him they are not experienced fighters. They have their toolboxes with them and each of them has a heavy wrench beside him.

All in all not the best odds to start a brawl, but as long as they don't get a jump on your lot, your chances are not abysmal.

The older guy scans the room for the moment, before approaching Balwin Simond and "accidently" pushing over a bottle of sticky sirup at the counter, that drops and splashes his rider boots with their content. As Simond looks up, the old Geezer looks confrontative "Got a problem there chap?! I don't like your kind, you know? All stuck up, like some noble folk. Bet you aren't that big when you're not on your little horsies..."
[He tries to provoke Simond to "go outside"]

Meanwhile Tambo and M'Gele have silently gotten up, hurried across the second half room, to get into the blind spot directly around the corner from the counter at the kitchen wall. So if push comes to shove, they will be some yards nearer to Simond to assist or might get the jump on someone getting into the second room to get at Njal and Perez. They have their hands at their slightly curved swords.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Simond takes a sip at his beer and smiles back up at the old man. 'Why don't you run along codger. I'll give you this chance; there is no glory in breaking brittle old bones.'
trying an intimidation (strength 38, fellowship 32) not sure which it would be under so I'm covering both bases

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

rolled a 60, so intimidation did not work... at least not as intended

The old man laughs and spits out on the floor, half hitting Simonds riding boots. "Try me, princess! Lets see who'll collect his teeth in the gutter." while he says that, one of his friends already opens the door, to "escort" you outside. The workers in their overal don't make any move to follow, so it would be "just" Simond, Balwin and the four newcomers, should he follow them outside. Plus Wyona, who was waiting outside and who your sparring partners should not have seen coming in.

Over at Njalls table, Perez has beads of sweat on his brow and whispers "... I thought they were just making some credits on the side, a little bit of black marketing to help the locals. I chipped in once, no big deal, but they kept coming back and wanting more... And when I wanted out they..." Njall can easily guess the rest, but he is not completely sure, if Perez tells the thruth or if he snitches on his buddies to get a lighter sentence, now that the cat is out of the bag.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal nodded, "I have seen it happen to plenty of good troopers. No need to be ashamed.

The only way out now, is to tell me how I can find them."

The Ice-worlder tried to look as paternal as he could muster.

He imagined what his dad would have said, but then figured that was the wrong approach. His dad would of cuffed him and sent him to go tweak the arrays out in the cold as punishment. His dad was more like a boiler, all pent up until it exploded. Probably best not to mimic him.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/08 16:48:08

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Simond lets his lips twist upwards at the ends. 'Outside?'
He screws the lid back onto the beer bottle.
In the next moment, the lid on tight, he had his hand around the neck of the bottle in a reverse grip like it was a dagger.
He lunged forwards and slammed the base of the bottle into the man's teeth he raised his hand back and smashed the bottle into the other man's teeth again. He didn't really hold back. If the base of the bottle broke off it'd still serve it's purpose. It might serve it's purpose even better. His blood was a mixture of furious anger and spiteful satisfaction.
As he did so she shouted to his companion, 'Balwin! WATCH MY BACK!'
Furious assault confers 2x attacks

Balwin should be able to hold the other two off for long enough for him to deal with this, he set about ruining the older man's face. He had warned the idiot.
Brawler - I got the following when we leveled up last, I was kinda hoping for this.

Type: Passive
Cost: 400 xp
Effect: The Brawler’s Comrade is used to fighting long odds with his partner. So long as the Brawler’s Comrade is within Cohesion, enemies gain no bonus for outnumbering the Brawler and the Brawler may React to Melee Attacks
even if he is Unaware or Surprised.
Type: Order (Half Action)
Cost: 300 xp
Effect: The Brawler shouts for his Comrade to step in, covering his blind spots as he moves to strike. Until the start of his next Turn, all enemies suffer a –10 penalty to Weapon Skill Tests to hit the Brawler. The Brawler may make
one additional Dodge or Parry Reaction before the start of his next Turn. The Brawler’s Comrade must be within communication range for him to enact this Order.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/03/09 22:17:24

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Desk with Perez, Poncho, Njal and Erc

Perez looks back and forth between Njal and Poncho, being especially intimidated by the Kriegers gasmask - his regiment does have a reputation - and seems to decide to rather try his luck with the new bunch instead of his old coconspirators. He still seems on the brink of panicking and by now Njal is pretty sure that this is not just a guise. He seems indeed to be just some random little clerk, that had the bad luck to get in contact with the completely wrong people at the wrong place and time.
"I met two workers at a smoke break behind the water purifier. We got talking about how much the locals struggle and they asked if I wanted to help. So I did... They found out where I live and since then they come by when they need something..." So he himself does not seem to know where to find them, but the workers (potentially the two sitting in the inn with you) might be a lead.

Your talk is cut short, as you hear the tell tale sounds of a beginning brawl near the bar, and the sound of breaking glass.

Near the bar - Simond, Balwin, 4 Attackers (lets call them Al, Ben, Chris and Dean)

Even though his for opponents were prepared to fight, the fury and speed of Simonds attack seemed to have taken them completely on the wrong foot. While his first hit with the glasbottle only glanced the jaw of the Al, the older guy, it is enough to distract him and let his counterpunch go wide enough, that the cavalryman can easily dodge him. His buddies Ben and Chris immediatly spring forward to grapple Simond and hold subdue him, but Balwin is on his toes, rams his shoulder into one of them and punches the other away, giving Simond space to breathe. Just as Simonds backhand brings the bottle back around, this time breaking it and two of Al's front teeth in the process, Dean, the last of the quad does smash a fist into the side of his head. For an unarmed hit, he really got him good, but Simond is experienced enough of a melee fighter to fight through the pain and stay alert.
So far he is selling himself good, but two against four does not look to bright, especially if more could follow.

Out of the corner of your eye, you can see both of the workers in their overals stand up and grap their wrenches, but also Tambo and M'Gele coming around the corner, trying to get behind dean fast and without him noticing.
The bottle is an improvised weapon with 1d10-2 (primitive 7)
First attack hits without a problem (56, enemy couldn't parry, but only 1 damage. Second attack is a 13, another 4 damage, bottle breaks.
Now the enemies get a swing (all with -10 because of WATCH MY BACK and without boni because of TO AGAINST THE ODDS)
two hit, two miss. But simond is allowed to dodge or parry which he does with a 3... wow, not bad. The other attack hits with 2 damage (did rigtheous fury, but that did nothing since Simond made a toughness roll.
I'm impressed, the brawler does have it in him.

Mid of the inn - Tambo, M'Gele, the unknown guardswoman

As the brawl starts, the Guardswoman at the slotmachine turns around confused and tries to get a grip on the situation. Immediatly she ducks into cover and you have the impression, that she is indeed just a bystander. The two Askaris step forward to try and close the distance and come to Simonds help, while trying to keep silent enough to get the jump on at least one of them. But just as they almost reached Deans back, the two workers shout "DEAN! BEHIND YOU!". The called turns around just in time to face the Askaris. Tambo wasn't yet sure, if it was wise to raise the stakes, but as Simond seems to be in all out fighting mode, he draws a curved, sabre like blade and slashes out in a lighting fast, crescent like motion. Dean screams out, as the blade cuts bonedeep into the flesh of his upper thigh as blood sprays everywhere and he goes down, trying to stop the bleeding with both hands and not go into shock.
Everyone involved seems to take a deep breath and hesitate a moment, realizing that this has gone beyond fists now, as Als hand goes towards his chainsword and the others start drawing their weapons too.
So, that should be a real hard stealth check, as they are fully awake and counting on company, So I'll give Tambo a -30. 74, no...
But Tambo can attack and hits for ... outch... rolled a 10, so righteous fury... 13 damage and a 10 on the fury roll... damn, Dean does not look good.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

"Is this something you are willing to die over!" he shouts to the new adversaries, "Because if we don't kill you, the Black Hats will. Give up now, and they don't need to get involved." He punctuates his words by drawing his las-pistol.

He nods to Erc, who grabs Perez and pushes him down to avoid the oncoming fight.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
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Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

The bottle broke in a spray of beer and glass. And he dropped it, moving his hand down towards the hilt of the chainsword. It'd pay to make some room about himself, even if these fools couldn't throw a punch worth a damn.

The idiot was reaching for his chainsword. Bad business that, could have settled with losing a few teeth, but the fool was asking for more. Simond charged into the idiot man with his shoulder trying to push him back, make him stumble, unable to get that sword out. His left hand was down by his knife as it was, and he had it out of his sheath and was cutting at the grip of the other man's sword in the next instant. It didn't mater if he cut the man's stomach open, sliced his fingers off or carved into his forearm, all would serve equally well.

So next turn he will get the chainsword out, this turn he'll get the knife out and attack Al

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

[Still first turn]

As Njall challenges the attackers to give up or face the blackhats, he catches a glimpse of the guardswomen who has ducked for some cover between the slotmachines and is holding a Lascarbinel at her side. She seems out of her water, but hellbend on defending herself. Your best guess is to rather not approach her, because she doesn't know who is on her side, so when in doubt she WILL shoot.
The group - and by now you are pretty sure the workers and the four guys that had surrounded Simond are a group - ignore Njalls offer, which might mean they are either really really dumb or know full well that their lives are forfeith if Perez or any witness of him get out of here alive. At least that would be the only reason for Njall if he was in their place to risk something as dumb as they are trying to pull of here.

Poncho springs up from his table and draws his laspistol, hurrying over to the corner where Tambo and M'Gele had just started to run into melee to get off a shot. Out of the sprint he doesn't really have time for a good aimed shot, so he just takes in the scenery and goes for the best armed person he sees that is not entangled in melee which is the guy drawing the two pistols. He leaves the setting on normal for now, but his expertise with this kind of weapon lets him anticipate Deans dodging motion, hitting him in the right shoulder, just as he raises his two weapons on Tambo.
Poncho rolled a 2 (on 56 + 10 for short range +10 for single attack, 7 degrees of success), so that is a clear hit, 9 +2 + 3 (mighty shot) +7 (lasgun Mastery) = 21 damage. The guy fails to dodge thanks to your lasgun Expertise, ouch... umm... he is at -6, He almost loses a hand, but more importantly he goes down due to fatigue and pain. Which means you'll have one uncontious guy to question later.

[Second Turn]
And that is just the kind of distraction that saves the Askari for now, as Dean screams out in agony and sinks his own to lasbolts into the backwall, as his uniform sleeve is set ablaze and flesh and bone fuze to some ugly charcoaly mess. Overwhelmed by pain and shock he goes down, unable to do

Simond lashes out with his knife, aiming for Als hand before he can draw his chainsword, but the old man is quicker on his feet than he looks and backs away just in time, drawing his chainblade. The brutal weapon speeds up on a pust of its lever and the cavalryman has to get all his wits together to stay out of its reach. The good news - if one is willing to call it that way - is that the two workers with the heavy wrenches decide to rather try their luck with Tambo and M'Gele instead of getting into Simonds and Als close combat.
a 24 hits indeed with a called shot, but as it is a full action, you won't be able to parry. Al unfortunatly dodges successfully with a 12, but fails his counterattack
Note that you have furious assault. So you can make an all-out attack and on a success get another attack for free.

The two big dudes that had just tried to grapple Simond a moment before and hold him for Al try again, but Simond is indeed a slippery one and his training with Balwin pays of nicely. The two of them float like butterflies as they maneuver between the three of them, dodging the chainsword, pushing away grabbing hands, jumping over legs and kicks and evading shoves and punches. For now they remain unharmed, but the center of a lot more attention than they can feel comfortable with.

Both workers mentioned before take a swing at Tambo, trying to bring him down, but their heavy weapons move to slowly, letting him evade them without even the need to parry. The Askari Answers in kind, hitting one of the two with the heavy hilt of his blade to knock him out and indeed the left one tumbles back, bleeding from a wound on his temple and seeming rather disoriented for the moment.
Daaaamn the dice betray my enemies. Missed with the attacks from the big dudes thanks to Simonds Brawler tricks, missed with all, missed with the two weapon dude, missed with both Workers, but rolled a 1 on Tambos stun attack... But I'm only 1 above so he will only be stunned 2 rounds. Still funny mechanic.

Now the door to the kitchen bursts open and another two combatants enter the fray, two women in standard guarduniforms wielding lasguns that immediatily and professionally duck behind the counter taking in the situation and preparing to add to the fray. By sheer luck they haven't noticed Poncho around the corner yet.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal sees everything is going south and draws his Las-pistol and flips the table over to give him Erc, and Perez some cover.

"What a snowstorm," he grumbles as he gets into cover.

Erc covers the worker with his body as best he can and draws his Brontian Toothpick in case anyone gets too close.

If I still have more time left, I will take spray some fire over the counter to suppress the ladies behind it with the las-guns.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/22 14:20:02

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Simond had his chainsword clear of it's sheath. His opponent had leaped back to avoid the knife strike, space permitted as none of the bystanders wished to be maimed by a swinging chainsword. There was space around the pair of them to fight properly. He smiled at his opponent the thrill of the contest thrumming through his veins like hot fire.

He didn't hesitate. Simmond lunged forwards and delivered a downward cut at his enemy, and turned his elbow outwards to quickly deliver an upwards cut.

There wasn't a lot of subtly in a fight like this, the difference between a strike and a parry was whether the cutting edge was striking steel or meat.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/31 09:33:33

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

[Finally got caught up!]

Teodore motions to Njal and Perez. "Come on, it's hitting the fan, we got to get him out of here quick!"

He keeps a hand on his auto pistol just in case as he looks toward the front entrance.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Just as Simond and Al are about to go at it with their chainswords, Ben, one of the guys that tried to grapple Simond raises a laspistol to shoot him in the back like a coward. The shot would be at point blank range, almost impossible to miss, but just as he is about to pull the trigger, Balwin bullrushes him, kicking off his aim. The lasbolt burns some locks of Simonds hair before burning into the wall, as Ben and Balwin wrestle for the weapon.

Meanwhile the two duellants give each other no quarter, exchanging blows and parries with their brutal, revving weapons. Simonds downward cut is met and deflected by Als Blade, who replies with a lunge towards Simonds torso. But the cavalryman sidesteps elegantly, using the opening in Als defence for an upward cut that would have almost missed him, would the attacker not have sidestepped just that moment. The blade slashes his thigh open and raises a painful cry from Simonds opponent, who looks pretty bad. But Simond is an experienced enough fighter to know that this wasn't over yet.
I understand from your post that you want to use furious assault to attack twice instead of attack/parry?
rolled a 78. But as far as I can find it you have BS 59 (?) + 30 from all out attack, so it is still 2 degrees of success. Al parries.
His attack succeeds but "Watch my back" gives you a bonus parry, which succeeds again. Your bonus attack from Furious assault hits on a 89 (really the last number that would have hit!
Damage: 8 (including tearing) +2 +3 from your strength? = 13. He is at 2 HP left and not looking good, but no heavy injury yet

Over in the second half of the melée, both the workers try to swarm Tambo and M'Gele, who slashes the first one with his sword, without fatally wounding him and somehow manages to still keep them at bay by deflecting the heavy wrench of the other one. The two Askaris do look a lot less competent then Simond though and have their hands full with the workers. This fight is far from decided yet, especially as Dean, the first guy Tambo had cut down seems to have overcome his initial shock and aims his laspistol at him, missing only by a hairs width.
Hit by Tambo, miss by Dean and one of the workers, other worker was parried. But Tambo is definitly the worse fighter compared to Simond

As they failed to initially notice him, Poncho gets the jump on Gabby and Holly, who were just about to line up shots on Simond and Balwin and decides to finish one of them, pushing the setting of his laspistol to the maximum and letting lose a salvo on point blank range. The little laspistol - so often underestimated - spits to bolts of deadly light that burn right through her flak armor into her torso, even setting some of her uniform ablaze. The soldiers eyes break and she is dead before her body even hits the ground. Her comrade swings around in panic, opening up in full auto on Poncho who has half cover though. And indeed the Kriegsman manages to duck behind the counter just in time for her to miss. His opponent seems to get herself under control though and the wild firing stops. Standing just around the corner, Poncho knows that she will be prepared next time he glances around it to shoot and on that short distance, an aimed shot with a lasgun will almost definitly hit.
I think this calls for a semi auto burst (+0) in point blank range (+30) on the closest one. 53, that should be 4 degrees of success for 3+2+2(max setting) +3 (mighty shot) +4 (lasgun mastery) = 14 damage at AP-2 on the first and 16 on the second hit... yeahh... she's very very dead.
The other one tried full auto but missed on an 88, even with point blank range. But now she knows were Poncho is so the next shot will be rolled on 90 due to short range etc. So you have to decide if you want to risk it.

Njall, Teodore and Perez couldn't see the attacker that just shot at Poncho, but the hail of lasbolts that just started flying and forced the Kriegsman into cover go all over the place, destroying the interior. Good thing that Njall had the awareness to turn their table into cover which protects them well from those stray rounds. While the fight is far from decided, your comrades do a good job so far in keeping it away from your witness.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Aware that the second Laswoman behind the counter would defenitly be ready for him, Poncho still pushes on, forcing the decision in a shootout. He readies his laspistol and drops around the corner, hoping for a quick, decisive shot while weathering an expected hail of lasbolts coming his way. His eyes - or rather the gasmasks vision glasses - meet those of the women covering behind, her lasgun raised and he can see a grim determination in her eyes that he knows all too well. She was willing to die fighting in a way that implied whatever it was, that these guys were trying to achieve, it was of utmost importance to them.
You loose your shots in the very same moment and a salvo of three Lasbolts pepper the Kriegsman. The emperor works in miraculous ways though, as the first bolt slams through ponchos greatcoat just between his arm and torso only slightly burning the top of his skin. The second glaces his gasmask leaving a burnmark on the respirator while the third plinks of his shoulder plate. Ponchos salvo on the other hand strikes true, hitting her left arm and the powerpack of her lasgun... The energycell overheats in an instant, exploding violently and simply evaporating the womans left arm, half of her face and a good chunk of her torso. A fraction of a second later the blastwave hits the bottles of spirits the bartender kept behind the counter and Poncho barely manages to drop down into cover before the break and incinerate with a loud BOOOOOM. There will likely be little left of both lasgunners beside two piles of burned ash slightly smelling of rum.

you are soooo damn lucky... she rolled a 93, so missed, the lasgun even almost jammed. As that would be a bit anticlimatic I'll allow myself to interpret "missing completely" a bit more freely.
Poncho rolled a 52, almost like last round. You are only in close, not in point blank range though, so "just" 2 degrees of success.
9+2+2(max setting) + 3 (mighty shot) + 2 (lasgun mastery) = 18 damage on both shots....

Njall dives some paces forward, flips over another table for cover and takes aim for Ben, who for now has wrestled free of Balwin. But the melee going on in the middle of the bar is too chaotic and Njall just can't get a good shot in. Trying not to hit one of his comrades, his lasbolt misses Ben by some inches. Ben noticed this, grins triumphantly at Njal before raising his laspistol at the back of Simonds head. CLICK CLICK CLICK is all that can be heard, as Balwin gets back on his feet, rubbing some blood from his broken lip and waving the powerpack of Bens laspistol "missing something?"
Njall: 92, no hit. Ben: 95, weapon jam which I again interpret a bit differently

Simond and all meanwhile exchange blows in a blinding flurry of cuts, slashes, parries and dodges. Both men know their trade well and especially Simond proves that he is at least as good on foot with a sword as he is on horseback with a lance. Al seems to be slightly more skilled, his slashes that little bit better timed and cleaner excecuted, but his advantage there can not completely nullify what Simond has on him in youth, agility and sheer ferocity. Just as Al deflects Simonds Chainsword to the right, the cavalrymen hits him with his free left hand, distracting him for a crucial moment and slashing his blade once straight across his face. The howling blade rips its teeth into the man tearing his face apart. Al screams in feral agony, which is turned into a rather gurgling sound due to his state. He drops down to his knees, holding his free, shaking hand to his face, unable to move and will succumb to his wounds in the next moments.
Simond hits on a 51, Al parries with a 60, Al hits on a 7, Simond got a 62 which is enough to parry as the Chainsword has balanced. Simond hits (thanks to furious assault) with a 20.
12 damage, 9 go trough, lets consult the krit chart...He is stunned, blinded and dies of blood loss in two rounds.

Which leaves Tambo and M'Gele still engaged with the two brutes with their heavy wrenches. Noting that the battle overall has tipped in their favor and help will arrive soon, Tambo changes his stance a little bit to get a better angle for evading and parrying his attackers. And indeed he manages to hold enough distance between him and the first one to let his wide swing go off, but the other one manages to shoulder away M'Gele, duck Tambos parrying movement and slam his heavy two handed wrench right into his left arm. A nasty crack can be heard, as he breacks some fingers of Tambos left hand and slices open his skin. Fortunatly the Askari still has his sword in hand, but he looks in trouble.
Tambo tries Defensive stance giving him a second reaction and -20 to the enemy melee attacks. So with their all out attacks they only get +10 WS. 57 does not hit, but 54 does


Just as the lot of you try to adjust to the combat situation, the door swings open another time and you hear a loud... and very VERY finite BLAAAM as the bolt from a boltpistol slams into the ceiling right above you.

Through the open door you see Commissar Cole as a squad of Subjugators swarm into the room, shooting some kind of tazerweapons at the remaining enemies and bringing them down.
Cole walks in slowly, bolt pistol at attention mustering your lot and saying "all right... I guess I'll take it from here. Thanks for keeping at least some of them alive. Sorry for being late, we had to look out for your sergeant first."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

Poncho was in the middle of observing his weapon, given the gruesome results achieved with the little pistol, and only the loud bang of the Commissar's bolt pistol made him snap out of it, he holstered his weapon to snap at attention after it was clear the Subjucators had things well in order.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

With his ears ringing from firstly the blast, and and secondly the Commisar's pistol Simond takes a step backwards, away from Al and spins on the balls of his feet to confront Ben. He keeps the blade low intending to swing for the man's legs should he attempt to run, but outwardly the positoning of the weapon is intended to looks relatively inoffensive. He takes a deep breath of the smell of burning alcohol.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2024/04/10 09:33:04

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal quickly holsters his pistol and snaps a crisp salute to the Blackhat. Looks like they got involved a bit earlier than he expected. However, he wasn't complaining.

He glanced over to see Erc get to his feet and pull Perez up with him. Before the trooper also went to attention and saluted.

Njal wasn't sure exactly what Cole had been told, so decided it was best to keep his mouth shut for now. He wasn't exactly clear if he had walked out of a Blizzard and into an Icestorm.

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Dakka Veteran

Somehow Teodore hadn't fired a shot the entire time. Not that it mattered. There was just some mental block about shooting another human being that caused him to freeze up. He blinks a few times as the Commissar walks into the room.

"Ummmm, anyone need some first aid?"

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Commissar Cole looks at the carnage around him and answers Teodore "Try to fix up that guy over there... I have some questions before he dies." with a tone that simultanously brings across the urgency of the matter as the chainsword wielding Al was really really messed up by Simond as well as the acceptance that the man was most likely gone to far to do anything more than end his suffering.
Even though he had been more or less stunned during the fighting, Teodore proves his worth again as he miraculously not only manages to keep Al alive, but even somehow fixes him up enough that he might be able to actually answer any questions with his own tongue, jaw and some of his teeth. A feat that earns him a respectful nod by the commissar "Well done son!"
rolled a 7 on medicae check... and with Teodores skills that should be a heap of degrees of success

Finally you file out and have little choice but to embark in some Arbites trucks waiting outside. Overall Cole and his lackeys seemed to have been here awefully fast, just as if he had been watching you much more closely than you thought. Getting in you also find Sergeant Wyona, who seemed to have been roughed up a bit, but isn't seriously hurt. While you drive back to wherever you came from, Tambo can't keep himself from asking Cole "How come you were there just in time?" to which the Commissar rolls his eyes and taps a microbeat in his ear "You really think you get a full set of these without some benevolent friend listening in now and then?" which raises a little groan from the Askaris realizing that the Commissariat most likely having heard everything you said the last few days. "Don't worry, you are not in trouble... at least not in a big one. I'll debrief you in HQ..."

The rest of the drive is mostly filled with you unwinding from the stressfull last moments until finally the trucks enter a walled compound and turn into some garages. You get follow Commissar Cole into a recreation room with a couple of sofas and even a recaf machine and a tray of sandwiches. "Help yourself..." the Commissar allows and somehow really manages that each of you feels somewhat at ease in his presence. No small feat as Blackhats usually tend to inspire fear and submission and not... relaxation. On the other hand it might be just that, which makes a good commissar: the ability to set the tone of the interaction whichever way you like.

Noting that you most likely have questions he starts to explain that what you have found there was more or less a cell of infiltrators from the Severin Dominate, delicately working to destabilize the imperial effort on Skrynne just enough to keep the Astra Militarum occupied and drain as many ressources as possible. "I suspected something like that going on, but every lead I followed quite literally went dead before I got anywhere. Always accidents of course, but you no the saying 'one is a coincidence, two is a pattern, three is a goddamn insurrection...'. So when your friends turned up in the clink, I smelled something fishy. So I though... lets see how this plays out if we loosen the reigns on your lot a little bit."

He opens a little pocket flask and spices his recaff with a healthy swig before continueing. Adressing Teodore and Simond he adds "I more or less had the same conclusion regarding how the orderly died, but I missed the keyboard. After you drew my attention I managed to puzzle the pieces together. Those guys had a good knack how to cause trouble without getting noticed. They changed the medication plan for some of our high ranking officers. If you had not drawn my attention there, General Plower would have died to a brain aneurysm within the next weeks and we would all have thought it to be a unforeseen tragedy. And there would have been a serious shortage in antibiotics and morphine in a month without us noticing due to some filing errors." which raises another appraising nod towards Njal, Teodore and Simond who had been involved in that.

"And now, thanks to you, we have a couple of leads to start following the threads and getting to the core of this. Needless to say that the Guardswoman and the barkeep have confirmed your version of events. So what can I say: you did good. Excellent to be fair. And the Imperium is not ungrateful." he takes out a small stack of papers and unfolds them.

"There are some opportunities at hand... if you want to take them." first he hands Teodore two official looking documents. As he glances over them he realizes one is a transfer sheet to the Generals staff, the other a honorable discharge from service "General Plower was pretty thankful and said he could well use someone as loyal as you and able to think outside the box in his personal staff. Solid payment and you would be out of the heat, in HQ. But as I heard..." he touches his earpiece again "you might prefer to rejoin civilian life again - whatever that still means on Skrynne. You have the rare opportunity to choose either so take your time thinking about it.

"As for you, trooper... " he glances into his documents "5-6-56-5... Your record is clear as water again, so if you want to rejoin your Korps, feel free to do so. But let me tell you this: I could really use a good marksman like you are and that might be more valuable to the imperial cause than wasting a keen eye like you on the frontline."

Next he adresses Njall and Erc "From what I gathered the two of you might like to be out of the blizzard without getting to bored, and I might be able to provide that. In my line of work I need drivers that can "hold their ice" as you might say it, that know how to handle themselves in a fire fight and feel as comfortable in a limo as in a rhino. You might never be promoted, but if you handle yourself well and are able to adjust to changing vehicles, I can arrange for a Lieutenants payment. And as Commisarial aids you would be somewhat out of the hierarchy."

"Something similar for you" he adresses Simond and Balwin, handing them a transfer sheet with a Commissariat coat of arms in the header. "If you want to return to your regiment that's fine, but I could make good use of someone who can hold his own against several men in a brawl. It's not a field of work with a lot of comrady and esprit de corps, but you seem to be a man who enjoys a challenge and values a chance to prove his worth and be a hero. And I can guarantee you plenty of that, son, that's for sure."

Last but not least he gets to Tambo and M'Gele, handing them not only two but 5 transfer documents. "I looked at your service record and your performance the last few days. And it got me the lingering feeling that you also might not be of best use for humankind on the frontlines. So I offer you this. Pick yourself squad of soldiers from your regiment. I'll have you be transfered to special operations. We loosen your leash a bit, flat hierarchies, no discipline mambo jambo and results count more than following orders. All that is asked that when we point you at some target, you get out there, scout it out, do what must be done. We ask no questions and you do neither. And we don't care what your men and women had in their ledger before, in this line of work we have no interest in the past..." Tambo smiles and answers "I might know just the right ones for that."

"Questions? Wishes? Everyone satisfied?" he adresses all of you.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Njal glanced at Erc, and the other trooper just shrugged. He had probably signed up out of necessity. His fate sealed and the guard was a new life anyway. Well, at least that's what Njal figured anyway. It was hard to tell with that one.

Njal looked at the papers for a while. He never liked the idea of running out of the back of a tin Rig into the teeth of enemy fire. Seemed a bit..... not healthy. Plus, driving a Black Hat around, sitting in A/C seemed like a pretty good rack.

Njal saluted, "Thank you sir. We are happy to serve the way the Commissar finds fitting." He gagged a bit on the inside, but that's how these things went. When you were on the ice, it was best to shuffle your feet.

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Dakka Veteran

Teodore looks around quickly at his comrads and the grateful commissar.

He has a few moments to think through his life up to this point and the horrific trial by fire he had lived through. It was mostly things he wanted desperately to forget about, but he had also become part of a band of brothers, and that meant something as well.

Finally he made his decision.

"Thanks. I'll accept the release from duty Commissar. I'd like to get back to working at the hospital and helping the civilians. I'm sure we'll still be treating plenty of soldiers though...and should I be tithed into service again, I'll be ready."

He looks around at his comrads.

"Gentlemen. I wish you all the best. Being part of this is something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life. I hope you all get to see your homeworlds again someday, I'll always be grateful you fought so hard to save mine."

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

Poncho seems to take a moment to think, but then the Kriegsman does something rather un-Krieg-like. Both hand lift up to remove his helmet and gasmask, something he would otherwise only do to eat and drink, he takes a long moment to look at every one of his companions, taking a deep breath following this.

''I will be glad to return to the Korps after all this, Commissar, though I remain honored to have served alongside this squad.''

The lanky face, pale due to the lack of sunlight, looks to the group, away from the officer he had addressed.

''I will be sure to remember your names, and share them with Him on Terra when I earn my redemption, others will know of your deeds''

With that vow, the Grenadier puts his gear back on, offering the sign of the aquila to the compratiots he does not expect to see again.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Simond glances to Balwin who nods, he smiles as he takes the offered paper from the Commissar. 'Thank you sir.'

First he looks to Teodore. 'I hope never to see my homeworld again. But my thanks for the sentiment.'

He grins as he looks around at his comrades. 'I'd say look out for trouble. But you all know how to handle trouble. So I'll say this, may you die well, but let it be after you've served HIM long and well my brothers...' he gives Wyona a wink 'and sister.'

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/17 11:20:31

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

"It's been an honour." Tambo agrees to the kind words from everyone else making the sign of the Aquila just as Poncho did. "May the skyfather always guide your ways until we all join him in the golden sunset."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

For those of you all following this thread. Pyro just launched another game using the Wrath and Glory system.

Pyro will take care of dice rolls in the background so no rules knowledge necessary. And yes...Imperial Guard characters (and others character types) welcome


"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
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