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Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

 RiTides wrote:
Are you going to multibase one day / are you doing so on new things already, or staying with individual bases?
Not this army, though they've got new steel Shogun trays that their magnets really lock down into, so they'll probably live in them from here out. Very much want to do a multibase KOW force, and that should be my TGG2 Not-Lust Elves army next year, though who knows how long it will take for all those minis to arrive. In the meantime, I'll be trying to finish the rebasing here, but mostly want to do a 'counts as' MFX crew* (much as that scene seems to hate 'counts as' and conversions in general) next, and see about doing a round-based AOS Not-Ogre army

Plus way more dartgun repaints than I really need right now

- Salvage

*Of mostly PP gatormen

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/12 18:24:33

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

We've come full circle when I'm doing counts-as for PP gators and you're using PP gators for counts-as Malifaux (although I've seen there's not much of that in the 'faux, either).

How do you transport your army if leaving them in the trays, btw? Trying to figure that out for my multibased abyssal dwarfs...
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

 RiTides wrote:
We've come full circle when I'm doing counts-as for PP gators and you're using PP gators for counts-as Malifaux (although I've seen there's not much of that in the 'faux, either).
I know right
How do you transport your army if leaving them in the trays, btw?
A bunch of years ago when I magnetized my Nurglings, I gutted the foam cells they were living in and made space for 4x5 or 6x5 trays (going from 2 cases to 1 in the process), so they could just stay attached in vaguely how I ran them in 8E. Except now I just run Blight hordes, which require kind of a long time to put together, even if KOW doesn't use model removal (blessed be!). So I guess the plan is to widen the foam cavities to accommodate the big horde trays, as the smaller WHFB trays really have little value for me anymore. ()

Also this thread belongs to the green things now, Wehr. You'll have to find another one for your chicks and farm animals

- Salvage

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/09/13 13:52:54

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in lt
Druid Warder

 Wehrkind wrote:
Not dead! Just busy. Oh my god, busy.

I did do some work for RiTides before NoVA the other week, so I am going to finally post those here before I forget again. Mostly it was building some Mierce goat men, but swapping their heads with PP Slaughterhouser heads and then sculpting the join. Also, taking one of Mierce's big gators, removing his hands and axes, and giving him open hands to be a wrastler.

Good do hear - busy is so much better than most other... alternatives. Pigs look good, menacing... but maybe too lean for what they should be? These bodies make them look more like tharn rather than basic slaughterhouse minions. Not necessarily bad, just... unexpected!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Glad to see you guys are keeping the lights on while I am away Please, feel free to pull up some chairs, change the thermostat and put on some music. Hell, I probably have a few Mike's Hard Lemonade bouncing around since the last time we gamed in the basement, Salvage

Totally post your army stuff here! My secret wish is to have all my friends' stuff I follow just show up in one place anyway, and since 1/2 of RiTides hobby things pass over my desk, we are almost there.

Plus it will give me something nice to read when I get a few minutes away from work and kids.

And funny you are mentioning farm animals... the next big conversion is going to be a counts as Morraig from a Drune Raider, which means I also have to build a standing version of him. I am thinking I will have to abuse the concept of a "war kilt" to make that happen, but we'll see!

(I am mostly excited about making the counts as Death Wolves from two of the Character Lanyfhs and the one I did before as a Nightwitch (I have proper models for that now, should I need some). The pictures that follow are not mine, rather from Chest of Colors.

I am pretty excited to get those models painted and on the table, seeing as I have owned them for about 10 years and never got to do anything with them.

Back to the studio, and Salvage and RiTides!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
*note* I might swap up the Deathwolves line up based on ever getting a chance to look at the little box of Kingdom Death stuff I have. There are some leather armor sets and I think a Primal Huntress in there. (I suppose I could also finish painting the half done actual for real Death Wolves on my table downstairs, but really, why do that?)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/13 20:26:41

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

The Morraig sounds really cool! Looking forward to seeing it amongst your several hundred other WIP conversions / paint jobs
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Only on the inside!

So... between dissertating, moving, new job, new kid, plague, new job, moving, new job, still plague, I haven't done much gaming in the past few years. And since my main motivation for painting things is preening in front of my friends over how pretty my army is, I haven't really painted anything much either. It didn't help that PP kind of bombed WMH with Mk3, either.

BUT, it turns out that the billions of Reaper Bones figures and terrain I bought through kickstarter are really good for my three homunculi to play with, and they have been steadily demanding their favorite models get painted. Along with working from home full time, that has got me at least half assing some models.

So, without further ado, enjoy some WIPS (some more than others...)

First up, a "Princess in a Dress" (I can't explain to a 5 year old what a courtesan is) and a "Bad Guy with a Rock"

(Apologies for the pic quality... I am using my wife's iphone 10 and I have no idea how to do so well. Plus we are moving again in a few months, and I don't think we ever unpacked the light box.)

Both models are Bones Black, from the KS circa 2018. The material is pretty nice, a bit easier to clean than the original although a lot more brittle. (I have the mammok guy and he was broken in 3 parts when I got him despite being individually packed.) As much as the little mold lines are killing me now, they are all but invisible on the models, and scraping/filing them off is a lot easier in the new material. There are still some of the expected Bones issues, like "Where are the bones in her left hand?" but over all, the quality is there and they are pretty quick and easy to paint. She took a while because I was messing around with that dress forever. She's gotta be PRETTY, damnit!
One thing that bothers me a little more than it should with the courtesan is her base... why is she standing on what looks like a disused, rundown cobble stone road somewhere? The cyclops has a relatively orderly stone pattern on the base, but she is apparently being coquettish out on some forgotten rural byway. Maybe she doesn't have bus fare and is trying to get home after a particularly wild bender, but still, it is odd. As usual, "what the hell is this?" translates into "going to be unfinished till I figure it out" so there she is.

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Wehrkind's baaaaaaaaack!
 Wehrkind wrote:
And since my main motivation for painting things is preening in front of my friends over how pretty my army is, I haven't really painted anything much either.
Hey, I resemble that remark
BUT, it turns out that the billions of Reaper Bones figures and terrain I bought through kickstarter are really good for my three homunculi to play with, and they have been steadily demanding their favorite models get painted.
It's hard to think of a more noble reason to slap paint on minis, especially one's endless ocean of Bones. The couple looks really good, especially if you're as out of brush practice as I suspect you may be!

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Hah, yea I am feeling pretty weak with a brush, although I wonder how much is having gotten spoiled with very sharp detailed models. Sometimes I feel like I am freehanding basic details on the Bones that a wash would have picked out cleanly on hard plastics.
Plus side, I had been working on the airbrushing, and that's gotten a bit better, as the wormy below shows...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
One thing I did do a bit more over the past years has been to work on terrain. Thing 1 asked for a "Winter Wonderland" terrain set, presumably so that Elsa would materialize on the board. Well... she got snow on a realm of battle board at least. Lots and lots of baking soda and glue snow. I also filled in the skull pits (which even a 6 year old decided "Look really silly.") with glue to give the impression of iced over water.
Then she also wanted some "nice forest woods places" for trees. Some old train table tops made the base for that, and I'll give her credit, she did a good job with painting on the glue and flock!

End result here (with Thing 2 having just gotten done playing.)

Thing 2, for her part, did a nice job hot gluing trees to the 3" disks they are attached to. I am still a little shocked no fingers or hair got burned...

(Side story about terrain: One time I was down stairs here working while Thing 1 was doing her world building with the tiles. I turned around, and she had all the tiles and parts separated by a few inches.
Dad: What happened? Aren't the tiles staying put?
T1: No, there were earthquakes.
D: Oh yea?
T1: Yea. The angel made the world together, but all the people kept fighting. It made her cry, so she made earthquakes and broke up the land so they wouldn't be able to fight anymore.
D: Wow. Did it work?
T1: Not really.)

I also experimented making a river table section, routing out a river from 3/4" plywood (bad idea, should have just used tiers of 1/4 or something, huge mess) putting in contours with spackle rocks and sand, flocking, then pouring clear boat epoxy for the river. I am both very happy and super angry with it. Plus side, looks nice! Downside, I did the entire thing save the epoxy in my garage (too cold outside for epoxy) and as soon as I brought it into the basement it started to warp a bit. I clamped and weighted the thing down to my dead flat workbench thinking the epoxy would help keep it flat. NOPE. It is starting to flatten a bit now, months later, and I hope to be able to heat flex it out in the sun later in the year, but I could scream when I see the thing bowed ~1/2" on each end. I wanted to make some more tiles like this, but until I get the damned warping thing taken care of I can't bring myself to. Apparently getting good wood, even plywood, these days is damned near impossible.

Secret bonus, downstairs here is my office and spare bedroom. Turns out you can store terrain boards under a queen sized bed very nicely! I am going to try and make a rolling rack system with that in mind for the future...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/14 17:02:05

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Houston, TX

Really cool river. I love your water effects.

Xhorik 87th Drop Troops P&M blog https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/775655.page

Project log and campaign featuring Orks, Imperial Guard, Marines, Tyranids: http://www.xhorikwar.blogspot.com/
Currently focused on our Horus Heresy campaign with White Scars, Death Guard and Imperial Militia.  
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Great terrain with the river there!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Thanks guys I am really happy with the look of the river, and even more so if I can get the bloody thing back to flat. The boat epoxy is a little pricey (I think there is probably ~25-40$ worth of it on there) but the effect really is cool. My girls wanted me to put little scale gold fish in there, and actually... I am kind of disappointed I didn't. I have about an equal amount still around, and my dad uses it for making barn wood table tops*, so I am thinking I will make a matching piece that is a shore edge with little estuary. Make a nice little region for a fishing village or coastal city/castle for aquatic raids. I have the village sets from Time of Legends: Joan of Arc demanding to made into a cool little aquatic scene. I will try and make some WIP pictures or videos of the process if I do later this summer.

I have some more Bones wips up in the gallery, and I will bring them over today or tomorrow when I get burned out from work and need a break.

*(It took a lot of time on the phone to explain to him what I meant when I said I was making a "river table"... No, not that kind, like for models... no seriously, I don't need any live edge boards dad, thanks... I know, the cherry you just got cut at the mill is lovely, but not for this...)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/17 13:48:08

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Lancaster PA

Well... yesterday I had a solid 7 hours of back to back meetings. So I painted an ettin and a grub.

Now that I can torture myself with hi-res magnified images, I can see the mold lines I missed on the grub (which are entirely invisible otherwise...) as well as some touch up on the ettin. Already though I knew I wanted to do something with his skin and its... plasticy?... look, as well as some washes to bring down the inside of his little off the shoulder fur number there. Still, not bad for a days work while ostensibly working. He was grey in the morning.

The grub had been in process for a few years, mostly being a target for air brushing layers of color practice, seen here along with a naughty puppy:

Here is more of a queue sitting on the base of my monitor for a year:

You can juuuust see the grey ettin photobombing the back. (Took this pic a few days ago) This lot constitutes models I find kind of interesting (Oni warrior and minotaur) my 7 year old daughter's favorite (Sophie the succubus) and the armored girl that reminds me a bit of my 5 year old but that she is deeply indifferent to. Sophie in particular is annoying, partially because she is Bones v1 so has very soft detail, and partially because she is rather... lightly armored. I vacillated between painting the skin as a body suit or just tights, or skin a few different times. Unfortunately, despite having the observational skills of a lamb with fetal alcohol syndrome, Thing 1 has really sharp eyes for details and right away noticed that the skin tight body suit didn't look right and complained. So, stripper armor (or bathing suit armor?) I guess it has to be. I think this summer I am going to try and work with her to develop brush skills, because she is arguably a better artist at 7 than I was at 10, and I might be able to get her to paint the Bones portion of the pile of shame for me. She will already clip and clean tiny spaceship parts from Ban Dai kits like a pro; the only thing holding her back from making tiny space ships herself is that the glue gives her a head ache. I must have killed those brain cells a long time ago, because I don't even notice glue anymore.

Other crap!

ELEPHANT MAN with scale courtesan (he's another air brushing guinea pig)


I really like these guys, and they are the models that really sold me on Bones long term. So I am being more careful with them and taking longer. Plus they are neither female or mostly naked, so the girls don't care about them much.

And that's all the pictures for now. I have some Secret Weapon/Bones cave and mine tiles I am finishing up and will post some pics of that soonish.

Woad to WAR... on Celts blog, which is mostly Circle Orboros
"I'm sick of auto-penetrating attacks against my behind!" - Kungfuhustler 
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