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What's the most rotten maneuver/action/attack decision you've made yet?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

So, I'm sure we've all done something that feels terribly evil that we've done to an opponent. I thought I'd ask what the nastiest thing you've done is. I will, as always, start:

Playing this weekend, we ran an 8 player game, 4 players to a side with one ship each. The rebels were getting systematically pulled apart, and soon one of the only experienced players on the team was left (only 3 of us played regularly, 2 of them were rebels). On the last player, I ended my movement in front of the last player. I still had an action with an intercepter, but a boost wouldn't get me out of his fire arc, and a focus and evade would both give him a shot at me. With an evil grin, I barrel rolled and the roll was just enough for the bases to touch. Not overlap, mind you, as that's not allowed. But they just touched. Every other TIE was behind him, I would have been the only one targetable. He got a good laugh out of it, but it was fairly evil to me. Had it been a new player, I'd have given him the chance at a shot. I wasn't going to hand it to an experienced player though. What about you guys?

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in us


It's not clever by half but I sure feel evil bulldozing a YT1300 through a TIE swarm with Dutch flying in cover passing target locks to the freighter.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

IIRC you can't barrel roll (or boost) into base contact. It's either in the rules or the latest FAQ.

edit: it says overlap and not base contact. That said, the chances of you actually moving in base contact without being short or overlapping even 1/1000th of an inch are probably worse than the chances to win the lottery and you likely did one or the other in reality. To be fair, it shouldn't have been allowed.. but then again, the title of the thread is "rotten maneuvers"...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/13 04:28:08

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Chino Hills, CA

Running Arvel is probably up there. I'll run squad leader on someone else and give him some focus/target locks, deliberately blocking TIEs or Interceptors so that when they bump Arvel gets some free target practice for his trouble.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/08/13 09:00:04

Some people play to win, some people play for fun. Me? I play to kill toy soldiers.

WHFB, AoS, 40k, WM/H, Starship Troopers Miniatures, FoW

Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

 warboss wrote:
IIRC you can't barrel roll (or boost) into base contact. It's either in the rules or the latest FAQ.

edit: it says overlap and not base contact. That said, the chances of you actually moving in base contact without being short or overlapping even 1/1000th of an inch are probably worse than the chances to win the lottery and you likely did one or the other in reality. To be fair, it shouldn't have been allowed.. but then again, the title of the thread is "rotten maneuvers"...

Actually, with how much leeway you have with placing the straight one along your side, it's not as rough as you think. Still tough, but it worked, and it's doable. I did check the rules, overlapping=bad, touching isn't mentioned. And, since they specifically tell you what isn't allowed, this wasn't mentioned...it's ok unless it's FAQ'd. Still dirty, but I'd do it again against an experienced player.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in us
2nd Lieutenant

San Jose, California

The worst maneuver I've done to an opponent happened in the first Kessel Run Tourney that FFG had. It was 2 TIE swarms facing off. I ended up sending a lone Obsidian Squad pilot off on his own due to me doing a hard right turn instead of hard left in error. My opponent, seeing this lone TIE, went after him with everything he had with his Vader in the lead. This allowed me to get in behind his force with the other 5 TIEs in my force. After the smoke had cleared he was down 3 fighters, including Vader who had his shields stripped by Howlrunner and then killed by the Obsidian pilot who rolled 3 crits at range 1 and Vader rolling all blanks on his defense dice....oh and the Obsidian pilot didn't take a single point of damage in the exchange of fire that turn due to some very hot defense dice on my part.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/13 13:52:06

Solve a man's problem with violence and help him for a day. Teach a man how to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime - Belkar Bitterleaf 
Made in us
Drone without a Controller


(The FAQ says that ships don't count as touching unless they overlapped first...)

My story isn't really "evil", but one time I was flying a souped-up Tycho with some cheap X-wings and Y-wings. Through bad tactics I was eventually left with just Tycho vs. like five TIEs, but instead of forfeiting we kept playing, and somehow Tycho managed to out-position all the TIEs with very careful boosting and Expert Handling and slowly took out all the TIEs one by one to win.
Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

Hmmm, I'll have to look into that. I may owe the guy an apology. We've/I've only played casually and haven't even really looked at the FAQ.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Sunny SoCal

That moment when you realize you flew your falcon too far from the swarm and left your 2 poor rookies at the mercy of 7 ties.

Made in gb
Wrathful Warlord Titan Commander

Ramsden Heath, Essex

 Zathras wrote:
.......... I ended up sending a lone Obsidian Squad pilot off on his own due to me doing a hard right turn instead of hard left in error..........

I only played the game for the first time last night and contrived to do this in each of my two intro games. The second time was best as rather than coasting nicely away from a pair of TIEs, an Advanced and an Interceptor for a next turn attempt at getting on their tails, I swept Dodo like into the firing lines of all four!

On the plus side I learned something...I guess?

How do you promote your Hobby? - Legoburner "I run some crappy wargaming website " 
Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

You learned that rebel ships make for glorious fireworks?

Ugh, last night I couldn't fly to save my life. I swear, a dead chicken would have flown better than me. Insert Family Guy Chicken-Fett here.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
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