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Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

I agree the second beakie looks awesome, he also looks awesome in the first one... so either way it's cool. THe other guy on the other hand, looks better in pic 1, IMO.

It's clear in pic 1 that he is running at something/someone, but it's unclear what he is doing in pic 2

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

And done!
The last two guys:

And the group shot with the Captain:

In hindsight, the sarge is leaning too far forward. But overall I had a blast putting these guys together. Vanguard vets are one of those units that have a lot of space for customization. From a fluff standpoint, they are the best of the best, in an army that is designed to be the best. They truly are the tip of the spear, designed to punch into the heart of the foe. From a mechanics POV, they were massively overpriced in the last codex, but look to be a little more reasonable in the new one. Looking forward to getting these guys on the table and carving a swath through the foes of the Imperium.

To my list of things to do eventually, I need to get some normal backpacks for these guys, and maybe some more weapon options. I might not field them as vanguard vets on foot, but they might see action piecemeal as vet sergeants in tac squads, or as members of a command squad.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Minor update:

Went out to lunch for my birthday with The Wife, and noticed that the weather out was mild and dry. So I after I came home I primed all those fine gents in the last post. Used the last dregs of paint from the can, so while I got a smooth coat, it's a little spotty in places. But that's better then fuzzy. And even better, I'm done with that bad can of primer <cheer> Not sure if I'll get army painter or some other colored primer, or a cheep can of more reliable hardware store stuff. On the down side, the can ran out before I got to the drop pod, so it's still in the to-do pile.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Haha. Well, at least you have something to paint while you wait for more primer

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Seeing that part of the reason for me starting this blog is to keep me on-track and focused, I feel the need to post at least once a week, regardless of progress. Hopefully the shame of saying "nothing new" will keep me painting.

From an excuses stand point, the last two weeks I've either had a cold, my birthday, and my parents visiting. So a lot of time was spent either holding the couch down, or out at dinner/doing family things. Not a whole lot of time and motivation for painting.

From a wargaming standpoint it wasn't a complete loss. On Monday (Veteran's day) I went with my folks and The Boy to Saratoga battlefield. For someone who pushes plastic around the tabletop, it was fun to see how things are set up in the real world. There were posts set up marking out where the fieldworks were, and cannon sprinkled around. Standing on a bluff next to some guns, looking down at the Hudson River, you could see why the british had to move inland. Crossing that under fire would be murder. Little creeks and ridge lines might not look like much on a map, but from a soldier's eye view they make a pretty big difference. While terrain placement might not have a huge impact on 40k, it is still an important part of the game. Even if walking around doesn't help my game, looking at the ground from a military POV helps get a feel of a battlefield, and "forge a narrative" in the GW parlance.

On the paint station these days are the bikers. I figure I'll paint them all up and then get around to the bikes themselves. Nothing on the workbench. I think the next think I'll do there is take the assault marines that are waiting on the paint bench and magnetize their jump packs. This way I'll have one full squad fixed with jets, and one that can swap. Of course, the guys on foot can be stretched out with spare sergeants and flamer marines borrowed from tac squads/extras shelf.

And while I've been posting this, the paint has probably dried, so back to work with me <cracks whip>

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

For those about to experiment with the new paint, we salute you!

So I picked up one of the new technical paints. Blood for the Blood God is the best new paint name ever. I don't want to go slapping it everywhere without testing it first to see how it looks. Thus a trip to the shelf to grab some blood-soaked volunteers.

First is Brother Corbulo. For a 2nd ed mini he's not so bad. The cup will get a fresh coat of blood, and I'm going to try the blood drops to see how the gloss will look. I'm thinking that BftBG might be an easy out for lenses and gems for the lazy amount us.

Next up is Isabella VonCarstien. (Don't tell her she's been replaced with a newer, younger, better looking sculpt over in GW land. She's been known to fly off the handle.) The fact that she's sloshing her blood around should highlight the new paint better (I hope)

Last is my faithful UM apothecary. While not drinking a cup full of blood like the others, he's been doing his job, and is a little splattered. He will test how the paint looks smeared on a chainsword, and I might put a new coat of splatter on him.

So depending on what my weekend looks like, I might get a change to actually hit these guys, but there is some stuff going on. I just wanted to get some "before" pictures up here before I retouch them.

The hard part will not be to fall into Khorne worship while doing this. The strongest lure of chaos I've felt is when the new berzerker box released years ago. And still the call of blood and brass calls when battle looms.

Back later, the chaplain is giving me that look again...

Automatically Appended Next Post:

OK, that went quick. I like the paint. It acts like a thick wash. That looks like it never dried. And if I can use it, anyone can. I'm sure the more skilled painters can do better, but for the average joe, it's east to splash around.

Little more splatter, fresh smears on the sword. Works about the same as the old red, but with a little gloss. Way back when I used high-gloss testor's enamel paints for blood and some reds I really wanted to pop, but that required paint thinner to clean brushes, etc. This is a lot easier.

When uploading I noticed the pics I got of the vampires were not in the best focus. Must be the whole "doesn't show up in mirrors" thing rearing it's ugly head. One thing about the cups of blood is that the base coat mattered. A lot. The Blood Angel's grail was just a flat disk, probably painted blood red back in the day. Adding BFtBG make it darker,richer, and glossier, but still just a flat disk. If I was doing him from scratch, I might paint some white ripples onto the blood pool first, and then hit it with the BFtBG, just to give it some depth.

Isabella's goblet had the benefit of being textured. The blood is running over the edge, and dripping down. And had already been hit with a dark wash, so had some shading built in. The blood look MUCH better on her.

You want quick and easy blood splatters? Get a pot of this stuff. It did well enough on the blood drop icons to warrant a try for gems/lenses on new minis, but I still might stick to my old ways. I'll have to see how it looks going on clean, rather then adding to an existing mini.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/17 05:14:07

Made in us
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Looks pretty cool and thanks for the review. You got the splatter just right on the Ultramarine. And the comment about Isabella--Ha!. Plastic, metal, or real, they all hate the newer version!
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Another week, another tiny bit of progress:

Just a quick iPad shot of the week's work. Sarge and special weapon gunner for the bikes. Sarge has a magnet in his shoulder, special at the wrist. Stock load for them will be a combi-grav and melta gun (they are in different squads) I have two more normal bikers halfway done. Then I need to get their rides painted.

Progress is going to be slow (yes, it gets slower!) due to Thanksgiving. The Boy has either half days, or is off school all next week, which cuts into my painting time. Got to do the whole Daddy thing. That and the Helm's Deep expansion for LotRO just released, so I'm playing that a bit more.

Made in nz
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Wellington, NZ

Nevelon! I didn't know you have a blog! Nice posing on the Vanguard mate! Subbed!

___________________ Check out my Ultramarines P&M Blog!___________________

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Merry Nurglemass everyone! That time of year when Papa Nurgle gives out the gift of plagues to all his favorite children. I've got a cold, and am not happy about it. There is so much stuff that needs to get done in December, I can't afford the time holding the couch down and pounding dayquil. Oh well, I'll manage somehow. I spent most of yesterday making turkey stock, so at least I'll have lots of good soup.

But back to the P&M part of the blog, and less of me whining. Finished the last two bikers. Still need to do the attack bike gunner, but getting there. Got the first layer of blue down on two bikes. Need to keep at it.

The highlighting on the legs is a little accidental. What I do is paint and blue wash the legs first, then do the torso. If I touch parts of the mini that I still need to wash, the oils from my hand make the ink bead. Not good. So I ended up holding the legs while I paint the rest, and wore off some of the paint. So I had to go back and touch up. I could have re-washed, but thought I'd leave it as-is. What I should do is pin/glue/otherwise attach the mini to a temp base while working. Like the rest of the competent painting world. It only really comes up with these guys, as normally I can just hold the base of the mini.

Now I'm going to get some OJ and make sure the couch doesn't run off before those nurglings grow up to be plaugebearers.

Made in gb
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Manchester, UK

Returning the favour. Those bikers are coming along nicely! Those vanguard poses are poses are good, though the Sargeant looks like he's about to do a diving roll!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

smithy12262 wrote:
Returning the favour. Those bikers are coming along nicely! Those vanguard poses are poses are good, though the Sargeant looks like he's about to do a diving roll!

Yah, he's on the edge of getting cut in half and re-done. On the other hand, I just recently picked up the Space Marine video game (Thank you steam sales) so the idea of rolling into combat has a bit of an appeal…

It might be easier to just angle him from the foot then adjust his waist. I'll have to see how much glue I used. And as I use plastic cement, it's not just an easy freeze and pop to fix.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Hey there, it's time for another lack of progress report! I got the first layer of black done on one of the bikes I'm working on. That's it from the painting side. Lame, I know. The VV sarge has been removed from his base, I now need to file his foot to re-angle him.

But I've been baking cookies like a madman.

Candied pecans (4 batches)
Shortbread (3 batches, need to do 2 more)
Pistachio cranberry cookies (double batch)
Brownie roll-out cookies with peppermint royal icing (double batch)
Rougelach (just one batch of these)
Molasses spice cookies (dough is resting ATM, still need to form/bake)

And that will finish the first half of my holiday cookies. The second half will happen around New Year and will be another batch or two of everything on the list. We give out a lot of cookies. If all goes well, I'll be done with all the baking before the weekend. I've finished all my shopping for the season. So I can get back to painting next week. Week after that will be a no-paint week, as I'll be on the road to visit the folks for Christmas.

Hope everyone's month is less hectic then mine!

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Well, I'm back from visiting my folks, clearing frozen slush and a foot of snow off my driveway, holiday baking & gift giving, and all the rest of that crazy December/New Year stuff. School is back in session, so The Boy is gone for the bulk of the day, freeing up my hobby time once more.

As some of you might know from my participation in it's kickstarter thread here, I'm a long time fan of SJG's classic tank game, OGRE. If you haven't figured it out, I'm a wargamer from way back, and 40k is not the only miniatures game I played back in the 80's. Putting these two things together leads us to the conclusion that there is an army of OGRE minis collecting dust somewhere in the basement. The trick is, it wasn't my basement, or even my parents. Back in the day my friend Dave and I pooled our money to buy gaming stuff. Some of the old RT stuff you see in my photo gallery is actually his painting. When I posted a picture of the OGRE DE box on Facebook, he commented "You are part owner of one of the most formidable Ogre Miniatures collections on the planet. I got it last decade. Do you need it for a decade? Because it's sitting in the basement. 96 GEVs in Combine Ironball Stealth, luftpanzern, enough dinochrome to knock the earth off it's axis. What say you?" To which the only possible answer is "Heck Yah!"

If you think you feel an earthquake, don't worry. It's just conventional armor deployed at the regimental level to stop a dozen OGREs.

But back to 40k. It's been an interesting year. To quote myself from this thread on New Year's resolutions:
 Nevelon wrote:
1 Finish painting the odds and ends from my friend's SOB army that I worked on. Just a handfull of arcoflagelents, spare immolater weapons, some IG HQs
2 Paint all my new purchases. Right now this is just finishing an ADL w/quadgun, but my group of friends does our gift exchange this Sunday, so that pile might get bigger.
3 Make a display board for my army. I've had the sheets of foam insulation waiting to be carved for years, never get around to it.
4 Base my army. Someday this will happen.
5 Paint my spare bits. I've magetized a number of things, painted the primary set up, but never get around to doing the other options.
6 Try to get more games in.

There are a bunch of projects I'd like to do, but need to see what the budget looks like. So those arn't on the resoulution list. Make a Lysander counts-as, another squad of sternguard (deathwatch?) or just add a few more items to my army (TFG, some more tanks)

Well, from a resolution standpoint, 2013 was not a successful year. I made some progress on 1 and 5, but still have lots to do. I think all the new purchases that I had for 2 got painted, but overall I've picked up a lot more then I've painted. 3 and 4 never got started. 6 is an ongoing struggle. Not sure if 2013 was better then 2012 for games played.

As for the non- resolution projects, some got work, some dropped. Due to a massive influx of hobby cash I was able to pick up the TFG I wanted, as well as some more sternguard. But due to the new codex, I'm not going to make the Lysander counts-as, and the need for making the combi heavy sternguard went down.

For 2014 I'm going to keep the same resolutions as I used last year. To those six, I'll add:

7 Update my blog more often, and maintain a consistent pace of work.

The second half of 2013 is fairly well documented in this blog. I don't think I painted as whole lot before I started tracking things here.

So, things painted in 2013 (that I can remember):
ADL w/ Quadgun.
Lord Commissar
10 Tac marines (Battle of Macragge push-fits)
Sternguard w/ HF
Devastator w/ LC
2 Bikes (1 grav, 1 reg)
Bike Captain
Battle of Macragge pilot
IG GL trooper
3 Terminators
TFC w/techmarine
Chaos marauder w/flail
4 SM bikers (bikes still WIP)

Wow, summed up like that I feel like I've done nothing. By contrast, I've done a lot of assembly work, and did loose pretty much all the work I did on the Eldar due to the bad primer. I also started the year with just dregs of old stuff on the workbench. Spare parts and odd models. It wasn't until about halfway through the year when I started this blog after getting a windfall of cash did the painting side of the hobby take off. I think 2012 was a total of ~12 models, so it's more then that.

As for what to do in 2014, it's going to be more of the same. Slowly slapping paint on plastic. Mostly the stuff you've seen showcased here. One thing I need to do to make that happen is to get some new brushes. Mine are getting old, split, bent, and ragged. The only two that are still have any life left are a pair of detail brushes. This is one reason why the bikes are killing me. Takes forever to do with tiny brushes. I want to get back to the Eldar, but they really missed their launch window due to the primer incident. If I had gotten them moving, the momentum might have kept them active after the new C:SM codex dropped. But as a non-starter, they are just sitting there while the UM get all the love. It's not like they'll go stale, I'll get to them eventually.

I think that the 4/week goal might be a little too aggressive with everything going on in my life. I think I might try to maintain a 1/week goal. Considering what I did this last year, I should be able to maintain this.

Happy New Year all, We'll see how this one goes.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Got my miniature done for the week. Meltagunner for the bike squad.

And here is a group shot of the bikes so far:

Mad Props to all you White Scars and Ravenwing players out there. I'm doing a half-dozen bikes, and already they are sapping my soul. Not my favorite sculpt. Fun on the table though, so I'll persevere somehow. 2 regular bikes and the attack bike (with gunner) are all that stand between me and two troop choices. While I'm working the squad, I should go back and do the trim on the old attack bike. Seems he didn't get the grey/silver like the rest of the guys way back when I painted him.

My FLGS is having a doubles tournament tomorrow. We'll see how I feel, might try to head up there, grab a random partner and get some games in. I don't think The Wife has anything planned for me, but communication of important details is not her strong suit.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Keep going Nev Only 3 left... Not like you have to paint 20+ lol

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

So my brushes have been getting a little ratty and I thought it was time to go out and get some new ones. A common theme here when people ask about what brushes to use is "stop using crappy ones, using quality brushes will help you improve" One recommendation that stuck in my head was the W&N series 7. So yesterday I went down to my local art supply store (note, not big-box craft store, but a small specialty shop) to pick some up.

Or not as the case may be. I don't know what you guys pay on the other side of the pond, but they started at $25 a pop here for the small ones, going up to hundreds for the larger ones (which admittedly, I didn't need) So between the sticker shock, and the guy at the store pointing out that they were really designed for water colors, and I might actually be better served with a different style, I went with some others. So I picked up a variety of styles and bristle to see what I like, that were a little more reasonable in price.

W&N University 233, size 0
Connoisseur 6671, 12/0 round
Richeson 7777, size 1

The three of them set me back about $25 total. I'll see how they work and maybe go back and get a few more sizes of the brand I like. You know you are an artist when you are shopping for brushes and the thought pops into your head "I want to see the point on this when wet, I wonder if they would mind if I licked it"

So not top of the line, but not dollar store rejects either. Let's see if they help my painting at all.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Wow, thats ridiculous pricing for paint brushes!

They are like £2-£5 each here for the Kolinsky Sable brushes I buy.

I'm sure you know this already, but keep ahold of your old brushes. You never know when you might need a ruined brush for some bristle-destroying work (think applying PVA glue etc)

Made in us
Mounted Kroot Tracker

Nevelon, those brushes are worth it, however try amazon, they are tudge cheaper there. The art stores are a bit over priced but the reason they are so expensive is because they are actual sable hair, not a synthetic, which almost every other brand is. The well of the brush, the fat part of it, retains an amazing amount of paint and will allow you to continue putting paint on the model without having to "refill it" from your palette. Its a worthy investment when you can do it.

if youre interested...
View My Freedom Fighter plog. Say hi, leave some love

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
Wow, thats ridiculous pricing for paint brushes!

They are like £2-£5 each here for the Kolinsky Sable brushes I buy.

I'm sure you know this already, but keep ahold of your old brushes. You never know when you might need a ruined brush for some bristle-destroying work (think applying PVA glue etc)

I wonder how much you are paying for the name with the Winsor and Newton series 7, and how much better they are then other Kolinsky Sable brushes. The Richeson I picked up was is made from the same fuzzy critter, and half the cost (not factoring the 40% off sale price). None of the brushes I picked up are domestic, being made in England, Germany and Japan. No idea if some countries have stronger taxes/tariffs then others, but they are all taking a long boat ride before they hit my workbench.

And don't worry about me throwing stuff out. I'm a certified packrat. Old brushes just drift to the back of the rack.

So I used the W&N University 233 to paint the gold trim on the sarge's bike. Can't say that it was a game-changeing upgrade from what I had been using. Which for reference is either a GW or Citadel fine detail brush (blue and red, not sure how old they each are or any changes in manufacture between them) One thing that stuck in my mind as I was more brush conscious then normal was the warring goals of "Thin your paints" and "Don't let any paint get into the ferrule". As I was painting, I could see the pigment being wicked up the white bristles. I ended up rinsing my brush out more then I normally do in the middle of a color. Normally I just wait till I'm done and switching to the next pot. Hopefully this step (and waste of paint) will keep the brushes from developing spits. But what about washes? Those are going to fill the brush, no matter how careful I am. Should I just worry about getting globs of paint on the base of the brush and not work about stuff seeping up?

<sigh> I want to take good care of my brushes, I really do.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 bebopdrums2424 wrote:
Nevelon, those brushes are worth it, however try amazon, they are tudge cheaper there. The art stores are a bit over priced but the reason they are so expensive is because they are actual sable hair, not a synthetic, which almost every other brand is. The well of the brush, the fat part of it, retains an amazing amount of paint and will allow you to continue putting paint on the model without having to "refill it" from your palette. Its a worthy investment when you can do it.

I could save a few buck via Amazon, true. I'm a firm believer, not just for gaming supplies but for everything, of buying local when possible. Even if you buy from a chain store, the person behind the counter is getting a paycheck and living in the local community. And when I go to downtown Saratoga Springs, on Broadway (the main street in a resort town), I expect to pay a premium. But it's a locally owned store, I bought my art supplies there when in college, and I'd like them to stay in business, so Soave Faire receives my custom.

As for not getting the W&N S7, part of that is fear, in addition to being cheep. I figure I'll get some new mid-range brushes, and see how well I take care of them and if they help before going to the top of the line. Kinda like your parents seeing if you can take care of a goldfish before getting you a puppy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/13 17:52:36

Made in us
Mounted Kroot Tracker

Thats a noble reason to support. I can dig it.

if youre interested...
View My Freedom Fighter plog. Say hi, leave some love

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

It might be reasonable for you to take a look at Masters Brush Cleaner. That stuff cleans and reshapes my brushes perfectly at the end of each painting session. It will definately extend the life of your brushes

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Zambro wrote:
It might be reasonable for you to take a look at Masters Brush Cleaner. That stuff cleans and reshapes my brushes perfectly at the end of each painting session. It will definately extend the life of your brushes

I have some and do use it. Good, stuff, worth mentioning in any discussion about brush care.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Bike sarge is done. Which is the last guy needed for that squad (besides going back and touching up the attack bike). Some of you might be asking "Why does the sarge have gold trim on his bike and the normal bikers have grey/silver? Those are the trims of the 2nd and 8th companies respectively, not your beloved 3rd, and I thought you didn't do trim in the first place” The trim matches their chest eagles, not their company. My basic troopers have silver chest eagles, while sergeants and officers get gold. Not doing the trim on a power armor marine is one thing, bikes is another. While you can skip it, the mini looks unfinished.

And on that note, I’m going to get some trim paint on the attack bike, so I can close the book on this squad (until I get to basing my army)

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Ahh, the sweet, sweet, taste of progress

You're so close to a finished squad... you can do it!

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Looking good man. I know the pain of having a lot to get through

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Thanks for the support guys.

The attack bike trim is done. Well, as done as it’s going to get. I suppose I could tear it apart to get a better angle on some parts, but that’s not going to happen. It’s an old plastic/metal hybrid kit, I’m lucky it’s still in one piece.

On the topic of “things to do” I recently did an inventory of things actively primed and waiting for paint on my workbench. I know there is more WHFB stuff primed hiding away in some boxes, but I’m not counting that. To be honest, some of the fantasy stuff that is out could join them in hiding, but they were on the bench for the census, so here they are:

Marine stuff:
Scout sgt.
3x Honor Guard
RT-era captain
5x Assault marines
Sternguard sgt.
Jump Captain
5x Vanguard Vets
Bike (rider done)
Attack bike
Spare weapon bits/accessoires

Other stuff sitting around waiting:
4x arcoflagelents
6x skeletons
8x chaos marauders
chaos champion
sister of sigmar novice
named rouge chick from the Pathfinder CoT adventure path (forget her name)
dwarf w/hammer
IG pycher.

Some of the marine stuff might take a trip back to the assembly table. The assault marines could use magnetized jump packs, and that scout sarge could stand to have his chainsword removed and replaced with a magnetized arm. He’s old and metal, so that would be a PITA to do. Might happen anyway; that or he keeps sitting in back waiting.

Part of me wants to take a break from the bikes and work on something else (the jump captain mostly) but I recognize my lazy procrastinating nature. If I step off the path now, they are never going to get finished. So I’m going to go slop on a blue basecoat, and then head out and do some of the other errands that I’ve been putting off (like grocery shopping)

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Hahaha, grocery shopping or painting bikes?????? Not too long ago I would have always chosen the bikes but at the moment!!!!!!!!

Take a break from the bikes mate and do the captain else you will not put the effort you want into them. You have enough stuff to do that when you are sick of assault marines the bikes will seem like a blessing.

I have more work to do than could be imagined. You've seen the Scars I have plus whats coming and I have best part of 10k Nurge CSM to paint up. Still got a Nurgle reaver part primed. (procrastination is our friend)

Keep going man, first to 5/6k painted has to fly to the other for an apoc game........

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 McManiak wrote:
Keep going man, first to 5/6k painted has to fly to the other for an apoc game........

Hmm. Let’s see. Do you mean a total painted army of 5-6k? Or who can transform that amount of points from grey plastic to fully painted? Because while I do have a stack of things to work on, it’s not that much (I think)

But you bring to my attention something I’ve been meaning to do since the new codex dropped: get a new point count of what I have painted. If I include my ADL with my Ultramarines, fielded at “shelf deployment” (so WYSWYG, no hidden upgrades, and sometimes silly weapon loads) I total 6,508 points. I have a dozen models that can’t be formed into spare squads, mostly spare plasma/melta gunners, heavy weapons guy, and the odd sarge or two. Field deployment, where some guys get bumped up to veteran sergeants, metla bombs get handed out, tac squads upgrade from ML/F, and the Devs change from one-of-each weapon to something sensible will drive the points up a bit.

So if you mean new paint to 5k, I’ll have to decline the challenge, as I’ll run out of hobby funds long before reaching that. If you mean 5k+ total, then Albany, NY is the closest major airport.to me and I’ll start clearing off my table.

Made in gb
Jovial Plaguebearer of Nurgle


Hahaha, brilliant mate. If it were that simple to hop over I would. Didn't realise you had that much already done. My task force points up to about 6.5k but won't be painted for some time. Maybe a weird sort of virtual game is the future for teams continental gaming (or us that just video gaming?)

8500 White Scars. See my blog, http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571324.page
13000 Nurgle CSM http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/581362.page
3000 Dark Eldar
2000 Eldar
1500 Alien themed Nids. See my thread http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/571308.page 
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