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Making twin linked feel more twin linked  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

You can apply a rule of thumb, rather than a USR to what a twin-linked weapon should look like.

you can make basic assumptions from other aspects of the weapon profile:

lots of shots - anti infantry
few shots - anti tank

So you then build twin linked weapon profiles:

twin heavy bolters - normal profile +x shots (not just double)

twin lascannon - normal profile +x strength/damage

You thus have a distinction between two of the same weapon mounted and an integrated twinlinked weapon.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

What we do is have twin-linked allow rerolls for failed to-hit rolls, and any rolls of a 6 during the initial rolls (before any rerolls) generate an additional hit. Additional hits do not generate further additional hits nor do they reroll.

I think that represents the weapon system well, you have a slight chance to really sock someone with a TL Lascannon, but the chances of scoring hits with both weapons goes up with something with a high rate of fire like a TL Heavy Bolter.
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Please do not necro year old threads.

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