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2014/07/09 05:36:52
Subject: [H] $$$ [W] Adepta Sororitas/ Sisters of Battle [AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Pretty much anything SOB related - models NIB or assembled/ painted or bits!
All transactions will be through PayPal.
This message was edited 22 times. Last update was at 2024/06/18 00:35:18
2014/07/23 09:26:54
Subject: Re:[H] Vostroyans [W] PayPal [AUS] [eBay]
Roarin' Runtherd
Relisted the item as the previous buyer made no effort to pay for the item or get in contact with me.
2014/07/30 07:30:01
Subject: Re:[H] Vostroyans [W] PayPal [AUS] [eBay]
Roarin' Runtherd
Bump- it's going in an hour, don't miss out!
2014/08/11 09:12:49
Subject: Re:[H] Tyranids, LoTR, Tomb Kings, SM, $$$ [W] Orks[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Changed the wants and haves- updated with a lot of stuff!
2014/08/15 10:01:20
Subject: Re:[H] SM, GK, Tyranids, CD, LoTR, Tomb Kings,$$$ [W] Orks[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Updated with new nids, GK's, SM and CD's
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/08/19 06:15:19
2014/08/19 13:17:05
Subject: Re:[H] SM, GK, Tyranids, CD, Tomb Kings,$$$ [W] Orks, PayPal[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Updated haves.
2014/08/19 13:34:58
Subject: [H] SM, GK, Tyranids, CD, Tomb Kings,$$$ [W] Orks, PayPal[AUS]
Terrifying Wraith
Fantasy: 4000 - WoC, 1500 - VC, 1500 - Beastmen
40k: 2000 - White Scars
Hordes: 5/100 - Circle of Orboros
2014/08/25 14:31:40
Subject: Re:[H] SM, GK, Tyranids, Tomb Kings,$$$ [W] Orks, PayPal[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Updated haves.
2017/06/12 07:44:30
Subject: [H] $$$ [W] Orks[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Updated haves and wants.
2017/06/12 15:57:10
Subject: Re:[H] $$$ [W] Orks[AUS]
Longtime Dakkanaut
On a surly Warboar, leading the Waaagh!
PM sent.
2017/06/21 15:13:21
Subject: [H] $$$ [W] Orks[AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Updated haves/ wants
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/06/21 15:23:29
2023/04/24 10:40:29
Subject: [H] $$$ [W] Adepta Sororitas/ Sisters of Battle [AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Getting back into 40k with 10th. Have updated haves/ wants.
2024/06/18 00:36:00
Subject: [H] $$$ [W] Adepta Sororitas/ Sisters of Battle [AUS]
Roarin' Runtherd
Bump! With new sisters dex coming out still keen for any models/ bits