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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Auburndale FL

This calculator is still fairly crude, but I think it can give us something to work with and also we can fiddle around with it as we see fit.

To use this basically start at the top and add or subtract as you go, if ever you end with a unit that costs 0 or less that unit instead costs 2.

Warscroll + Point + Machine

Start with 0 and proceed to add and deduct points as you read each bulletin point.
+ -1 Points if it has 1 Wound
+ (+ 10 Points for each Wound beyond 1) So Wounds 2 would add 10 to cost, 3 would add 20 and so on.
+ -2 Points if it has Move 4
+ -1 Points if it has Move 5
+ (+1 Points for each Move beyond 5) So Move 10 would add 5 to the cost.
+ -1 Points if it has a 6+ Save
+ (+2 Point for each point better than a 6+ Save)
+ Add Bravery to Cost as points (Bravery 6 would be +6 Points)
Weapons + Melee
+ -1 point if the range is 1” or less
+ (+1 Point for each inch of range beyond 1)
+ -1 point if the weapon has 1 Attack.
+ (+2 points for each Attack beyond 1) so Attacks 3 would cost 4 points.
+ To Hit and To Wound, both start at +15 points, than subtract both scores and times by Attacks
EXAMPLE: Unit with +5 to Hit and +4 to Wound would be 15-9 so +6 points multiplied by its Attacks
+ (+ 15 points for each point in Rend)
+ (-1 Point for Damage 1)
+ If the Damage is greater than 1 (+15 points for each point of Damage, D6=60, D3=30)
Weapons + Ranged
+ (+1 point if the range is 10” or less)
+ (+1 Point for every 5” inches of range beyond 10”)
Abilities + Costs
+ For any Units that are 15 points each ability adds +1 point
+ For any Units that are 16-30 each ability adds +2 points, and so on with every 15 points.
Standard Bearers, Musicians, and other Unit Upgrades
+ Standards are a flat +10 points
+ Musicians are a flat +10 points
+ All other upgrades are +5 points in addition to if they change your statline you must recalculate the cost based on the new statline.

Heroes, Monsters and Warmachines
+ (+25 points for these Keywords)
+ Any Unit with a * stat, use the highest amount for the calculation.
+ (+35 points for having Magic)
+ (+50 points for each spell it can cast beyond 1) So if it can cast 3 spells +100 points
+ (+150 points if it has access to Summoning Spells)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/07/04 15:56:16

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Looks pretty pointless to do so much work to calculate statlines and then just make all the myriad special powers cost the same.

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40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Auburndale FL

Well as a community we can assign abilities point costs individually. I am just getting the ball rolling.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

We are going to try the following for point calculation:

(Total wounds + total attacks (range and melee)) X ( 7- save value)

Double this score for monstrous, war machines, and heroes. Heroic monsters get a 4x multiplier.

d3 and 2d6 etc attacks we just halve them and round up. So add 2 if it shows d3, 6 for 2d6 etc.

This works out to 2-3 pts for 6+ save grunts to 4pts for 5+ saves. Be sure to adjust points if adding shields to units.

Feedback and formula tweaking is most welcome.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/07/07 17:39:08

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