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2015/08/15 04:14:14
Subject: Video log of my 4k Nurgle army painting and converting progress
I wasn't sure exactly what subforum to post this in, but I think this is the best match. Apologies if this is out of place here.
Today I had the idea to start a video series revolving around the Nurgle army I have been building up for a bit now. I love Nurgle! I do some basic conversion work and am learning how to use Green Stuff to do some basic effects. I am still an amateur hobbyist, but I love learning and also love sharing what I learn with people like you! These videos will help me to document my progress and growth but also could be a good source of inspiration for other people undertaking similar large projects.
The plan: I will shoot a video every 2-3 weeks that covers everything in my Nurgle collection and what changes I have made since the previous installment in the series. These videos will include things like what models I may have decided to add to my collection and why, what new conversions I have started working on, and what painting progress I have made. In this span of time I usually get 1 or 2 games of 40k in with some friends. If I field a Nurgle list which consists out of models from this collection, I might also touch on how it performed. The main focus however, will be the development of the army cosmetically.
In between these longer videos, I will be posting shorter detailed videos on the specific models or units that I have been working on. A good example would be if I finish doing some Green Stuff work on a unit of chaos bikes I will make a quick video detailing exactly how I did it. My goal is to make 2-3 of these videos per week, depending on how much free time I have. These videos will be tutorial-esque in feel and will aim to inspire and guide others who may be doing similar projects. It is my hope that seasoned hobbyists might also take an interest in my project and provide some invaluable tips or insight along the way!
This whole process will be taking place on my Youtube channel. I have just recorded the first video in the series where I go over my whole collection and what my goals are. I have already begun some work on the army but it has a lonnnnng way to go!
If this sparks any interest for you as you read this, please consider subscribing to my Youtube channel to follow my progress. Each subscriber means a lot to smaller channels like mine and we really appreciate the support! I will also update this thread with a link each time I release one of the major update videos.
Hey guys! Decided to start converting some terminators I had to Obliterators. I recently had the chance to try some in my army and now I HAVE to have some of my own! Thought I would add an update to this thread in case any of you are interested!
They are still in the very early stages, but here's what I have so far. Just looked through my bits box to see what I had and this is what I came up with!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/08/20 06:20:23
Falling a little behind on the video series. My girlfriend broke 3 ribs this past week :(
I have been working on some Helbrutes and just finished up this Nurgle themed one a couple days ago. I wanted to share it here with you guys for some feedback!
Hey guys! I haven't updated this thread for a while. I have been working on a website for my content and my girlfriend has been recovering from an injury so things have been busy!
I wanted to at least post something this month, so here's a Nurgle themed Soul Grinder I just finished up. This model wasn't for my collection, but it was a practice run for my own personal soul grinder in my army. I would love any suggestions or criticism. I plan on adding my usual green stuff modifications and some nurglings riding around on my personal Soul Grinder.
If you guys are interested, the link to my website can be found in my signature. It's a blog and landing pad for all things I do related to wargames!
Doing a practice run on a test rhino for eBay, thought I would share some pics with you guys!
My goal with this rhino was to get a old weathered and battle damaged Nurgle themed rhino done with a fairly low amount of time put in to it. As I get busier and busier I am working hard to speed up my painting techniques any way I can.
If any of you are familiar with my first Nurgle themed rhino, you might recognize a lot of the same techniques on this project.
My main concern and focus of the piece was to accentuate the Green Stuff work I did. This saved me a lot of time on the main body of the Rhino. I was able to fill the body with bullet holes to even out the look and spend less time on the actual paint job of the chassis.
Hey guys! Some awesome changes going on for my collection.
I have added a large 30k death guard assortment to my collection (which I can barely contain my excitement about)!! I plan to use some of these models for both 30k and 40k since there is a reasonable carryover for proxies.
I also have done some work on a few other custom nurgle conversions which I think you guys will like!
I haven't had time to take "real" pictures of these models, but I snapped a few screenshots from my video update on this subject.
Here is the video update with a more in depth look. Cheers!
Hey guys! A quick update today includes my new forgeworld death guard esque additions to my army. I got a pretty good deal on this lot and couldn't pass it up.
I will be converting each marine with green stuff work and repainting. The goal is to have 10 marines converted and at least partially painted (hopefully done or close) in the next month.
Here's a picture of the collection along with the quick video I shot going over the models and my plans:
As a side note, I also finished up another practice rhino similar to my more recent one. Working on some fast painting techniques to cut down on my total time spent.
Just finished up my last helbrute for my personal collection. Tried a few new things here, mainly basing techniques. I wanted to make a gross looking pool of slime and also test out how autumn/winter flock looked on a Nurgle themed base. As far as the actual model, the biggest trick was getting the underslung flamer to look right. I had to chop up the brute's left hand pretty badly but I think it turned out. I also added a plasma cannon to the right arm for the primary weapon.
Now to get to work on my maulerfiend conversion for the monthly contest
LeCacty wrote: Quick criticism on the metal, it just looks kinda orange. A leadbelcher (or equivalent) drybrush would fix that. He still looks super awesome though!
Thanks LeCacty! I'm glad you like it!
Crap. I totally forgot to touch up the rust.. I usually drybrush some darker metallics over it to break up that orange. Do you think a wash over it also would be wise or dull it down too much? I am also really curious about a way to get a "wet" rust effect in some areas with some kind of weathering liquid. I've seen that work really well on buildings.
Sort of, something like this. I want the effect to look very fresh and wet still with the stained effect underneath it if possible. The effect would have to be subtle I think and on something like my helbrute it would probably look out of place.
My idea is to have it running down the sides of rhinos, buildings, other vehicles, etc. I am not sure of a relatively fast way to do this effectively, maybe there are some products out (ie "weathering liquids?") there that do the job?
Ah. I totally get it. But it would also need to be on a metal because guns and stuff (unless you dont want to, whatever you wanna do!) so maybe do some tests with perhaps doing metal and pigment?
2015/12/24 05:45:32
Subject: Re:Video log of my 4k Nurgle army painting and converting progress
Ended up overdoing the blood a bit I think.. but hey, he's seen some things....
I had a lot of fun working on this guy for my collection! They work great on the table as well and fit alright into the theme of a Nurgle army. I am thinking about making another one and running two in most of my armies, but I'm not sure how effective that will be.