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2016/01/18 15:26:37
Subject: MEdge sample Epirian/Karist force rosters
So for those players who aren't all that familiar with the Maelstrom's Edge rules, I thought I'd throw together a few example lists just to see what force building kind of looks like, and to give you ideas of what you can field with just one or two boxed sets of the Battle of Zycanthus.
LIST #1 - 120 POINTS (a standard 'small' game, using just a single boxed set; ALL models used EXCEPT for the KS bonus Mature Angel)
One hunter is the "angel killer" the other has a focus on infantry removal.
I have ordered (and got) a few extra bits and pieces on top of the basic box.
Any thoughts on this from anyone?
2016/01/20 08:49:04
Subject: Re:MEdge sample Epirian/Karist force rosters
I think your list isn't allowed as it has 10 units, 2 above the 8 allowed. You could make one Scarecrow into a Command Crow and have him lead a second detachment.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/01/20 08:50:10
There are 10 actually, if I read correctly: Journeyman, 2x Contractors, Spider Drones, 2x Scarecrow (well, 3, but counts as 2), 2x Hunter, 2x Fireflies.
The rules say the max number of units per detachment is 8, and then continue to state the first unit for each detachment must be a command unit, so I figure it's included in the 8 (p. 100).
Doesn't the second detachment require another unit of Spider Drones? According to the Scarecrow Sniper card, as a command unit, you need 2-3 Core Droid units.
Greebo had spent an irritating two minutes in that box. Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Orks always ride in single file to hide their strength and numbers.
Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler, and Lord of the Sebouillia
2016/01/22 00:11:05
Subject: MEdge sample Epirian/Karist force rosters
Happyjew wrote: Doesn't the second detachment require another unit of Spider Drones? According to the Scarecrow Sniper card, as a command unit, you need 2-3 Core Droid units.
Curses, right again!
Thanks for the catch, I have updated the list now to take this into account.
If you use a scarecrow as your command option can you use bot handlers in your spider drone units? It would seem to be a bit odd to have humans commanded by robots.
2016/01/24 15:54:57
Subject: MEdge sample Epirian/Karist force rosters
There's nothing in the rules that says you can't have Handlers in there, but from a fluff or visual perspective if you want to field a fully robot army it might be nice to have purely robotic Spider units.
In fact due to the reluctance in the Epirian ranks to give robots full autonomy, the Scarecrow command option is remotely controlled by a Handler, uploading their consciousness into the Scarecrow via the advanced relay upgrade. In theory you could model a Spider drone to act as a Apprentice Handler in a similar fashion (as long as it was still WYSIWG) - that might be a fun little modelling project.
Read the first two novels in the Maelstrom's Edge Universe now:
On the list #3 (max points) for the Epirians you could fit a few points more by assembling one of the intended Firefly drones as a Spider (using the base from the objective and making a proxy base for that), then in a Command Scarecrow detachment making the 2 minimum Spider units, one with the handler and the other with the 3 remaining drones.
Even if it's only 3-4 points more you get 1 extra command point per turn plus more coverage for issuing orders.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/01/24 20:34:20
2016/02/20 18:04:13
Subject: MEdge sample Epirian/Karist force rosters
I'm going to put together my box soon and I was trying to think making sure that I have balanced options for playing with other folks (since I will be the only one with a box), so the 120 pts lists will be perfect for that.