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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Hartford, Connecticut


I recently downloaded the latest version of the rules. It's all fairly straightforward but I do have a couple of non-rules related questions.

1) Does the rulebook that is for sale have anything in it that is not on the PDF? IE is it worth buying the book?

2) Is there a QRS?

3) Are there rules for civilians?

Made in us
Airborne Infiltrating Tomcat

Central Ohio

I always consider the rulebooks worth purchasing' I always prefer the tactile sensation of paper in my hands. There is the philosophy of try before you buy, though. Tou might want to invest in a couple of gangs and give it a go. The system can be played historical and/or Horror/fantasy.

This is a system where I have decided toinvest in scenery, which will likely be your largest investment. there are several manufacturers of wonderful laser-cut buildings that are enjoyable to assemble.

I assume QRS are Quick-Start Rules... The gang sets should include them, I recall a video that expalined the mechanics as well.

Wilde's Rangers is the only Military set out of the gangs and that's more of a "Kelly's Heroes " style of Military. There don't appear to be rules for bystanders... the style of play is fast enough where you'd assume that they're hunkering down.

We should silence anyone who opposes the right to freedom of speech.

Sir Boyle Roche 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Hartford, Connecticut

QRS = Quick Reference Sheet

Basically an outline of the main parts of the rules to help the player remember (i.e. a cheat sheet).
Made in us
The Last Chancer Who Survived

Norristown, PA

Like Frizzenspark said the PDF has all of the rules, the printed book is there for folks that want a printed book.

I don't currently have a quick reference sheet, but it should be pretty easy to put one together so I'll add that to my list.

And there aren't rules for civilians per-se, once the bullets start flying they clear out pretty quick. However, the low level henchmen types are basically regular townsfolk. So if you wanted to have someone like a shopkeeper with a shotgun defending his general store, then he could be a henchmen level character in your gang.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Hartford, Connecticut

I don't currently have a quick reference sheet, but it should be pretty easy to put one together so I'll add that to my list.

Made up a quick QRS in WORD. Let me know if you want to see it (and how to get it to you).

And there aren't rules for civilians per-se, once the bullets start flying they clear out pretty quick. However, the low level henchmen types are basically regular townsfolk. So if you wanted to have someone like a shopkeeper with a shotgun defending his general store, then he could be a henchmen level character in your gang.

Pretty much what I thought of doing. Was thinking of making, for example, a town marshal type as either a Hero or a Professional.
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