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Death-Dealing Devastator

South South South Texas

I got a good deal on some tau models but arent sure what to do with them and need some list advice. The models listed below are what I have and I'm not looking to invest much more money into this army. Basically, is it worth repairing and painting to make this list (or minor vsriances) or is it just a waste of time?

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

T'au Empire Sept Choice: Vior'la Sept

+ HQ +


Commander in XV84 Crisis Battlesuit: Academy Luminary (Vior'la Sept), Missile pod, Puretide engram neurochip, Shield generator, Target lock, Warlord

+ Troops +

Kroot Carnivores: 10x Kroot

Kroot Carnivores: 10x Kroot

Strike Team
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse carbine
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine

Strike Team
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse carbine
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine

Strike Team
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse carbine
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine

+ Elites +

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'ui w/ Burst Cannon: Burst cannon
. Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon

XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
. Crisis Shas'ui: Advanced targeting system, 2x Burst cannon
. Crisis Shas'ui: Advanced targeting system, 2x Burst cannon
. Crisis Shas'ui: Advanced targeting system, 2x Burst cannon
. Crisis Shas'vre: Advanced targeting system, 2x Burst cannon

XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
. Crisis Shas'ui: 2x Plasma rifle
. Crisis Shas'ui: 2x Plasma rifle
. Crisis Shas'ui: 2x Plasma rifle
. Crisis Shas'vre: 2x Fusion blaster, Plasma rifle

XV8 Crisis Battlesuits
. Crisis Shas'ui: 3x Flamer
. Crisis Shas'ui: 3x Flamer
. Crisis Shas'ui: 3x Flamer
. Crisis Shas'vre: 3x Flamer

+ Fast Attack +

Pathfinder Team
. 5x Pathfinder: 5x Markerlight
. Pathfinder w/ Rail Rifle: Rail rifle

Pathfinder Team
. 5x Pathfinder: 5x Markerlight
. Pathfinder w/ Rail Rifle: Rail rifle

+ Heavy Support +

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits: 2x MV4 Shield Drone
. Broadside Shas'vre: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits: 2x MV4 Shield Drone
. Broadside Shas'vre: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile

XV88 Broadside Battlesuits: 2x MV4 Shield Drone
. Broadside Shas'vre: 2x Smart missile system, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

T'au Empire Sept Choice: Bork'an Sept

+ HQ +

Cadre Fireblade: Markerlight

Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit: 4x Missile pod, 2x MV4 Shield Drone

+ Troops +

Strike Team
. DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ SMS: Smart missile system
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

Strike Team
. DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ SMS: Smart missile system
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

Strike Team
. Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle
. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

+ Heavy Support +

TX7 Hammerhead Gunship: 2x MV1 Gun Drone, Railgun, Seeker missile

++ Total: [164 PL, 2500pts] ++

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