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Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

So people ive Finally picked up legion after finding it online for 50 quid, good times.

So does anyone have any tips or pointers to help start out with . Am also thinking a theme with the imperial side to tie it in with terrain, maybe a worn gritty theme with colour markings on the troopers. Just need to make my mind up whether to go desert or woodland.

One things for sure I know I can’t wait for the box to turn up.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Please take the following with a grain of salt; I haven't had as many chances to play Legion as most Legion players focus on the Destiny dice game.

If you're going Imperials, you'll definitely want to pickup another 1-2 Stormtrooper squads; you'll likely be using a fair amount of them.

General Vers is another good starting choice, as he's a relatively cheap Commander that has decent abilities for being cheap.

Most Batreps I've seen, the Imperials brought Scout troopers as well.

Snow troopers are good if you can get them close enough; most opponents know this though and will do their best to either stay away or to shoot them off the table first.

AT-ST is a powerful juggernaut that requires the opponent to have brought something specific to deal with it. It is, however, expensive; you'll likely only need one.

E-Webs are great if positioned well.

Palpatine and Honor Guard can be pretty good if used right.

Boba Fett I don't see very often; he's an aggressive Commander that doesn't mesh well with other Commanders (although that might change with Bossk)

No idea on the newer stuff like Krennic, Death Troopers, the Grav-Tank, or the Specialists.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/04/20 18:28:16

Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Cheers for the reply chap, that’s some handy info right there. Yeah il probably look to pick up some more stormtroopers, thinking I’m might even bulk up on two squads of scouts too.

Was thinking veers as the commander but damn il pick boba up as well you know it’s boba.
Made in us
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

Schaumburg, IL

I've played Legion for a bit and keep in mind the following.

If you want to play competitively, you want to maximize the number of troop unit on the board (Not sure if the new vehicles are going to change that yet)

The AT-ST is expensive and powerful, but I'd suggest skipping it for the time being. Your opponent can pretty much ignore it and beat you on scenario. It takes up at least a quarter of your points by itself (it almost makes taking vader and palp impossible because they also take up a quarter of your points - your don't want half your army in two models)

Don't get snowtroopers for the time being (there is a possibility of them becoming relevant with the tank since it can transport the squad), but they are inferior to regular stormtroopers with the exception at range one and your opponent will have shot them off the board by then.

Palpatine and Imp guard are very good (probably two units of imp guard) as they can guard some hits to your other squishy units and have two wounds each.

bikers are good if you are using at least 2-3 squads of them and you learn to time them correctly with your other units.

E-web is OK, but for a few more points, I'd rather have another troop squad.

Scout Troopers are a sold squad

Death troopers are good - They work better with multiple units and if you tailor your force to shoot at extreme range (3-4)

Your beast commanders are Veers, Palp and Krennic and your troops that you should bring with depend greatly of which of these your take. Veers and Krennic together isn't bad, but I'd refrain from using palp with another commander becuase of the point cost.

I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally 
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Thanks for even more info bud, are vehicles in general much of a game changer, or can they be easily swamped by troop heavy lists. Either way an At-St will be having a place in my shelf for sure.
Made in us
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

Schaumburg, IL

The problem is that the large vehicles take up so many points in your list that your opponent just doesn't have to deal with them at all. Your opponent doesn't need to destroy them or even attack them. You can run three Stormtrooper squads with the DLC heavy weapon for nearly the same number of points of 1 basic AT-ST (204 pts vs 195). The basic AT-ST can only roll 6 dice at range (2 red, 2 black, 2 white) vs three stormtroopers squads that have 18 dice (6 red and 12 white). Those stormtrooper squads can pick up objectives or hold objectives, the AT-ST can't. The model is very nice, but it really doesn't have a place on the table at least competitively.

I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally 
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Ha yeah I thought something like that would be the case. I wonder how the new imperial tank will work out when it’s released.
To be fair I’d probably have the walker as a terrain piece maybe next to a crew platform. I’ve got the old wizard of the coast At-At Walker that’s lined up for the same use too.
Made in us
Terminator with Assault Cannon

The AT-ST is playable competitively, but as Azeroth points out it can often be ignored since it can't do many objectives. If you do want to run an AT-ST, the best way to do so is with the grenade launcher hardpoint upgrade, as that lets it play more aggressive and ignore cover.

Right now, competitive armies are usually fielding between 9 and 11 activations. Usually, that looks like 1-2 characters, 4-6 core units (usually basic Rebel Troopers or Stormtroopers, sometimes with a squad or two of Fleet Troopers or Snowtroopers for close assault), 2-3 special forces units (the sniper strike teams are especially popular and effective), and perhaps a few vehicles.

That said, it's definitely a trooper-focused game at the moment, though the upcoming Occupier Tank and Land Speeder will likely make vehicles a good deal more common when they come out - and I think they come out tomorrow!
Made in us
Sure Space Wolves Land Raider Pilot

Schaumburg, IL

The tank should be interesting because of its ability to transport a squad of troops. So those snowtroopers that want to use their special weapon up close or maybe a squad of Imp guard can be brought right up the field protected.

I'm not prejudiced, I hate everyone equally 
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Well guys I finally have the box set in my hands and looks fantastic, can’t believe i waited so long until picking it up. But then it cost me 50 quid instead of 80 odd.

Hmm and the clone wars is on the horizon too, a good time for a Star Wars fan this year for sure.
Made in qa
Fresh-Faced New User

Azeroth wrote:
I've played Legion for a bit and keep in mind the following.

If you want to play competitively, you want to maximize the number of troop unit on the board (Not sure if the new vehicles are going to change that yet)

The AT-ST is expensive and powerful, but I'd suggest skipping it for the time being. Your opponent can pretty much ignore it and beat you on scenario. It takes up at least a quarter of your points by itself (it almost makes taking vader and palp impossible because they also take up a quarter of your points - your don't want half your army in two models)

Don't get snowtroopers for the time being (there is a possibility of them becoming relevant with the tank since it can transport the squad), but they are inferior to regular stormtroopers with the exception at range one and your opponent will have shot them off the board by then.

Palpatine and Imp guard are very good (probably two units of imp guard) as they can guard some hits to your other squishy units and have two wounds each.

bikers are good if you are using at least 2-3 squads of them and you learn to time them correctly with your other units.

E-web is OK, but for a few more points, I'd rather have another troop squad.

Scout Troopers are a sold squad

Death troopers are good - They work better with multiple units and if you tailor your force to shoot at extreme range (3-4)

Your beast commanders are Veers, Palp and Krennic and your troops that you should bring with depend greatly of which of these your take. Veers and Krennic together isn't bad, but I'd refrain from using palp with another commander becuase of the point cost.

I agree with everything you’ve said except snowtroopers. If used right they are amazing and can delete troops. If they are getting shot at and destroyed without getting into range then either they’re being used wrong or the table hasn’t got enough terrain (which i have moticed to be a problem amongst most players). I would run them with flamethrower and extra trooper always, the ion gun isn’t worth it, and if you have points then impact grenades as well

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 xKillGorex wrote:
Thanks for even more info bud, are vehicles in general much of a game changer, or can they be easily swamped by troop heavy lists. Either way an At-St will be having a place in my shelf for sure.

The at-rt is a very good unit and can do lots of damage. The speeders are used widely but I only have one unit while some people run three

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/04/30 13:21:55

Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

Think I might grab the new land speeder when I start on the Rebs. The guys just sat there rocking their weapons hit the improvised look right on the head.

Still thinking of what to add to my imperials outside of the starter box. At the moment am thinking just scouts and maybe boba fett.

The theme /story for the force is that boba has a hvt to track down and has been given support from the imperials as back up.
His sources say the targets been sighted at blackspire outpost on Batuu, awaiting pick up by a rebel Twilight Company extraction force. Or along those lines lol.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Arcanis161 wrote:
Please take the following with a grain of salt; I haven't had as many chances to play Legion as most Legion players focus on the Destiny dice game.

If you're going Imperials, you'll definitely want to pickup another 1-2 Stormtrooper squads; you'll likely be using a fair amount of them.

General Vers is another good starting choice, as he's a relatively cheap Commander that has decent abilities for being cheap.

Most Batreps I've seen, the Imperials brought Scout troopers as well.

Snow troopers are good if you can get them close enough; most opponents know this though and will do their best to either stay away or to shoot them off the table first.

AT-ST is a powerful juggernaut that requires the opponent to have brought something specific to deal with it. It is, however, expensive; you'll likely only need one.

E-Webs are great if positioned well.

Palpatine and Honor Guard can be pretty good if used right.

Boba Fett I don't see very often; he's an aggressive Commander that doesn't mesh well with other Commanders (although that might change with Bossk)

No idea on the newer stuff like Krennic, Death Troopers, the Grav-Tank, or the Specialists.

I appreciate this advice as well Arcanis, and the rest of you.

As an emerging imperial players with only 2 units of Stormtroopers and one Snow Trooper squad, should I get the separate stormtrooper box or the Shore Troopers for my 4th Corps unit?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/10/09 17:09:27

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Terminator with Assault Cannon

I would recommend Shore Troopers, they are probably the strongest Imperial Corps unit right now (and the box comes with a mortar trooper that acts as a separate unit, so it's kind of "two for one").
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Definitely Shore Troopers. They're very powerful, but too pricey to replace Storms outright. 1 unit adds some solid punch to your army, but I'd still plan to back them up with a couple normal squads.
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


Since this was posted, the point cost of a lot of things have changed.

For you, the AT-ST and its upgrades have gone way down in price, making it an affordable way to drop a lot of firepower.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

 Vertrucio wrote:
Since this was posted, the point cost of a lot of things have changed.

For you, the AT-ST and its upgrades have gone way down in price, making it an affordable way to drop a lot of firepower.

Yes I'm torn between the AT-ST and the Tank. How is the tank being appreciated by experienced players?

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Lodi CA

 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
 Vertrucio wrote:
Since this was posted, the point cost of a lot of things have changed.

For you, the AT-ST and its upgrades have gone way down in price, making it an affordable way to drop a lot of firepower.

Yes I'm torn between the AT-ST and the Tank. How is the tank being appreciated by experienced players?

I still like the AT-ST with the hammer pilot from the tank kit. Especially now with the points reduction on the AT-ST.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I think the AT-ST is probably a little better than the tank now that the cost on the former has dropped. Both need a pilot from the tank set though. The main disadvantage of the tank is that it has huge side arcs that its weak in that make it very easy to outflank. Both also really benefit from the upcoming targeting rely upgrade, which will improve their output quite a bit.
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Just getting into the game myself doing a trade of labour for minis, have the CIS half of the CW set, 2 more B1 units and another destroyer unit. I am yet to play the game at all but wonder if this is a viable force? It seems that commonly held wisdom is to spam as many B1 as possible with a 2/1 spread of the blaster special weapon to rocket launcher (forget the names...).
Any advice, tips, tricks or thoughts on where to go from here?

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CIS doesn't have a lot of options at the moment, but well worth picking up Dooku.
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

While I still haven’t done much to the 1st release legion box set because of well playing cod and real life taking away other free time.
My 7 year old boy wants me to pick up the clone wars set as he loves Rex and all things clones but have said I need to get the rebels built from the other core set 1st, so with two wks off over Xmas i may be able to get some time to work on it again.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Westbury, Wiltshire, UK

Myself and a colleague each bought the original Legion starter set about a year ago and swapped the models, so that gave me a good start to my Imperial legion. Ironically we didn't actually start playing the game until the Clonewars starter was announced and we got excited about playing the game. Now we have one or two of most units for our chosen armies and are enjoying the game. Shame the releases move as fast as a glacier.

https://www.triplehelixwargames.co.uk 20% or more off RRP Games Workshop and 20% all other ranges 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Triple Helix Wargames wrote:
Shame the releases move as fast as a glacier.

A lot of this is just a result of how far out FFG announces things. It works for them, but I find it kills most of the excitement I have for things by the time I can actually get my hands on it.
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

 Triple Helix Wargames wrote:
Myself and a colleague each bought the original Legion starter set about a year ago and swapped the models, so that gave me a good start to my Imperial legion. Ironically we didn't actually start playing the game until the Clonewars starter was announced and we got excited about playing the game. Now we have one or two of most units for our chosen armies and are enjoying the game. Shame the releases move as fast as a glacier.

Well the plan to do any legion over Christmas or since has gone out of the window as the wife bought me the lord of the rings battle set for Xmas. Funnily enough she actually ordered it from your online store. Lol.
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

Hey friends, me and my brother are about to get into this game (looks really cool) and we’ll be starting with the Empire vs Rebel starter.
But I was just curious how likely you guys think the new era will be? I think I’m possibly the only human to really like the New Order Troopers, Kylo and Phasma, but is it likely they’ll bring this era in? I wouldn’t really know what they would be able to do for the opposing faction though. Just... Rebels again?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/02/13 13:28:44

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Tiberius501 wrote:
Hey friends, me and my brother are about to get into this game (looks really cool) and we’ll be starting with the Empire vs Rebel starter.
But I was just curious how likely you guys think the new era will be? I think I’m possibly the only human to really like the New Order Troopers, Kylo and Phasma, but is it likely they’ll bring this era in? I wouldn’t really know what they would be able to do for the opposing faction though. Just... Rebels again?

I think it'll happen. Probably not for another year or two at the absolute earliest. They may wait and let the era get populated with some cartoon material or something first.
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Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

 Tiberius501 wrote:
Hey friends, me and my brother are about to get into this game (looks really cool) and we’ll be starting with the Empire vs Rebel starter.
But I was just curious how likely you guys think the new era will be? I think I’m possibly the only human to really like the New Order Troopers, Kylo and Phasma, but is it likely they’ll bring this era in? I wouldn’t really know what they would be able to do for the opposing faction though. Just... Rebels again?

Clone Wars hasn't even really had a chance to fill out, and it was far more large battle oriented than the Resistance/First Order conflict. While I'm all for more factions to fill out a wargame, FFG isn't really good at pushing out a strong release for the eras outside of the original trilogy. They have favored trickle releases, for some reason (probably design team capacity).

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
Made in au
Hissing Hybrid Metamorph

Alright good to know, thanks guys. I really hope FFG get the money to really let loose on this game.
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Instead of starting a new thread, figured I might as well just piggy back off of this one. Been looking to start up Legion as Imperials myself after a few demo games with the starter... and while I can cobble together some lists, they are likely bad haha.

How have releases like the Stormtrooper Captain changed up the basic squads? What Training cards are you running with them, and how do you vary what you pick based off of the Commander?

Thinking of starting with Veers, and maybe a generic Imperial Officer.

Veers seems to lean towards a healthy amount of bodies, so is it worth taking a Stormtrooper Captain, or just adding in a other Stormtrooper plus heavy weapon and taking a large amount of them?

Really interested to see what you all think about the game almost a year in from when this thread was started.
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