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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

This is my second stab at a shooty ork army list I am building for the 2006 GT season. The first game went well, this time I am going up against my friend's Ulthwe Eldar. The game is Take and Hold.

The Orks
Warboss, mega Armour, cybork body, Big Horns,
5 Nobz , sluggas ,4 x choppas, frags 1 x klaw,
1 Doc, tools, choppa, slugga
Mek KFF, choppa,
Trukk with Rokkit-329

Painboss,Choppa, Slugga
9 Cyborks - Trukk - rokkit - 180

12 shoota boyz 3 x big shootas - 120
12 shoota boyz 3 x big shootas - 120
12 shoota boyz 3 x Rokkits - 111
12 shoota boyz 3 x Rokkits -111
16 Grots, Slaver - Big Shoota, Squighound, tankbusta bomz - 77
16 Grots, Slaver - Big Shoota, Squighound, tank busta bomz -77

Fast Attack
2 Buggies, Twin-linked Rokkits, stikk bom chukka - 86
2 Buggies, Twin-linked Rokkits, stikk bom chukka - 86
2 Buggies, Twin-linked Rokkits, stikk bom chukka - 86

Heavy Support
Looted Demolisher Heavy Bolter, Armor Plates, Grot Riggers - 167
3 Killa Kans with Big Shootas, Armour Plates - 150
3 Killa Kans with Big Shootas, Armour Plates - 150

Again, I am not exactly sure of his list, I looked over it after the battle, but I don't have the best memory so there could be quite a bit that is left out or simply wrong. But it gives a good idea. As far as the warlocks go, I never made it into combat with any of them so I don't know if they had the Witchblades, but my friend usually buys them. They never used any powers, and didn't take any conceal saving throws, and I seem to remember him mentioning destructor because he was planning on an ork horde.

The Eldar
Seer Council - 2 farseers with guide, 3 warlocks 2x augment, 1 enhance all with witchblades

10 Scorpions, exarch biting blade, infiltrate

10 black guardians, star cannon, warlock - (destructor, withblade?)
10 black guardians, star cannon, warlock - (destructor, withblade?)
16 guardians suriken cannon, warlock - (destructor, withblade?)
16 guardians suriken cannon, warlock - (destructor, withblade?)
16 guardians brightlance, warlock - (destructor, withblade?)

5 Jetbikes

Wraitlord with brightlance
3 warwalkers 2 shuriken cannons, 4 star cannons

The board is a good mixture of hills and forests. The objective is dead center in a woods and is a Prism Cannon (obviously I am trying to loot it). We roll for mission level and get Gamma(?), the one with deep strike, infiltrate and dusk and dawn. We roll for dusk and dawn and find out the first turn will be night fight. Deployment is pretty standard. He deploys his wraithlord opposite the objective with guardians pretty much everywhere else. The jetbikes take the right flank and the walkers and seer council are deployed on a hill on the left flank overlooking the objective. The scorpions are deployed in the woods that contains the objective, about 6 inches back, and out of LOS to most of my army.

I deploy the demolisher directly across from the objective and a squad of kans on each side of the demolisher. These are each further flanked by my grots. Deployed behind the grots, the shoota boyz. The buggies are spread out behind the lines. The two HQ in their trukks are deployed behind the demolisher/kans.
I win the roll off and elect to go first.

Orks Turn 1
The movement phase consisted of my entire army surging forward. With night fight in effect, most of my boyz just couldn't see anything in the shooting phase. The demolisher managed to draw a bead on some guardians and blew three of them apart. Big shootas accounted for a couple more across the board, but not a very impressive first turn.

Eldar Turn 1
Expecting similar results on his end, I was sadly disappointed. His rolls for night fight were awesome. He didn't roll less then a 9 for any of his units. His superior eldar eyes picking out targets with ease in the dark. I politely asked if he would be so kind to save some of those high rolls for his LD tests later, I would be grateful. Unfortunately for him, the amazing rolls did not continue and he managed to kill measly 2 grots and an ork, and got a stunned result of on of my kans. The highlight (for me) was when one of his starcannons got a glancing and a penetrating hit on the kans, the penetrating hit was down graded thanks to the KFF and then both were ignored when I roll boxcars for my armour plates.

Ork Turn 2
With the full light of day shining down, the boyz continued forward. One of the big shoota mobs stepped off to the right to put some fire into the jetbikes that had advanced down that flank. The kans and demolisher continued to advance down the middle and blow apart some more guardians. The buggies scoot forward and lay some fire into the warwalkers and manage to destroy one. The shoota boyz open up on the bikes and 18 shoota and 9 big shoota shots later, three bikes tumble from the sky, the survivors turned tail and fled.

Eldar Turn 2
The eldar do their best to fight back. This takes the form of the warwalkers utterly destroying a squadron of buggies. A squad of guardians unleashes bucketfull of shuriken fire at another squad of buggies but only manages a pair of shaken results. I think he killed another couple grots. The Wraithlord shoots at the demolisher and misses, but that is not too worrisome since he is in assault range. When he assaults, he manages a penetrating hit with destroys the demolisher cannon and stuns it.

Ork Turn 3
While the wraithlord did manage to destroy the gun, he is now surrounded by 6 angry killa kans, who all charge him (only 4 can get into BtB). The Warboss and retinue advanced in their trukk and unloaded in front of a very worried looking guardian squad. Else where boyz either sat still and rapid fired or moved forward and rapid fired. One of the rokkit mobz advanced into the woods opposite his hill with the warwalkers and seer council. They rapid fired on a unit of guardians and when combined with a big shoota mob, managed to wipe out enough for a morale check. Elsewhere big shoota boyz and grots accounted for a black guardian squad who also had to make a morale check. He was kind enough to save some of those high rolling night fight dice for his LD tests like I asked as he failed both and the guardians headed for the hills. In the assault phase, his stinking wraithlord managed to kill two kans, however the other two managed an impressive 5 wounds back and slew the undead construct. The warboss mob, despite failing their power of the Waaagh, won the combat easily, and managed to run the remainder of the squad down as they fled. All three units, the two units of kans and the warboss all rolled a 5 or 6 for their massacre result which brought them into fresh units, the kans into the scorpions, and the warboss into more guardians.

Eldar Turn 3

Run Away! Run Away!

At this point he conceded.

He had only two squads of guardians left and one of them was about to be mauled by the warboss and co. The seer council was fine and he had a single vyper, and the two warwalkers left. But the scorpions were dead, and he had no one near the objective. He had also only killed a handful (3) orks and some grots (5-7 who keeps track of grots) and a pair of buggies. It was well in truly over for him.

Well, this game could not haave gone better. The battleline worked like I had hoped, the grots soaking up fire for the boyz when they were shot at and the kans soaking up most of the fire in general. I had to use the demolisher as bait for the wraithlord, but I figured there was not much for it to shoot at anyway. I wasn't too worried about the vypers and he had no other tanks. I also had very little to deal with the wraithlord outside of the kans. He should have charged them instead of the tank, he could probably have taken out a couple more, and possibly both units.

I was real happy with the army and have scheduled a rematch against the Templars for Friday. This time I'll be sure to play something with VPs no stupid meat grinders.


My game is just as good as their game and saner by reason of its size. Here is War, done down to rational proportions, and yet out of the way of mankind...
Made in us
World-Weary Pathfinder

The world is quiet here.


Those mobs look a little small to me. I'd be worried if I only had 12 boyz in a mob with no Nob and I2...if something actually does manage to get into HTH with you, you're pretty much screwed.

The only thing I'd add is, if it were me, I'd swap one squadron of Rokkit Buggies for Skorcha Buggies. I can't tell you how much I love Skorchas. Sure, against Marines, they're not great, but you're bound to draw a Guard or Tau or Eldar army, and then, they REALLY shine.

Congrats on the win!

"If someone brings 9 oblits and four pies to the table he is pretty much ruining my game. One way I could not let him ruin it would involve a large lump hammer rapidly and repeatly contacting his army/face/groin, but that would probably be frowned upon." - Jessica Dejong on TWF  
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I was thinking about that. The Skorchas are slightly cheaper, but I would be mildly concerned about the loss of the 2 TL rokkits. The buggies form a good chunk of my anti-tank firepower, but I guess 2 wouldn't be such a big loss. Plus I think I will have the most trouble with
Tau and IG, basically other shooty armies.

Yeah the mobs are small, but they get grots in front of them which protects them from shooting and helps in HtH by throwing in the weight of numbers. The mobs generally just aren't worth shooting when faced with 6 killa kans and a demolisher. That has been the case so far at least.


My game is just as good as their game and saner by reason of its size. Here is War, done down to rational proportions, and yet out of the way of mankind...
Made in us
Fierce Foe-Render

If I might make a suggestion, if you have all those units, you might as well play a Badmoons army.  You get Flash Gitz as core mobs for troops and you can put a mek in each squad.  That way any squad could repair a vehicle with mektools or have a Kustom force field.  Think about it, all your squads with assault 2 weapons or AP 3 or St 5.  Just my thoughts.....

I like the list though, its always fun to beat someone with an ork shooty list.

happy gaming,


"No soup for you...come back one year!" --Soup Nazi, from Seinfeld 
Made in us
Bonkers Buggy Driver with Rockets

Da Southern New Hampshire!

Flash gits cost more, more means less.

Wow, I never expected the Eldar to die that fast.
Though I could see it went extremely smooth for you. Moving foward like an ork!

Those box cars wont last forever though... though Ive pulled those before.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail. 
Made in us
Fierce Foe-Render

There is a guy in my group that 99% of the time rolls a 6 for his armour plates.  In our game he 5 of 6 attempts, causing me to lose against his speed freaks.

"No soup for you...come back one year!" --Soup Nazi, from Seinfeld 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Yikes,you might want to check those dice. Even gork couldn't do that well.



My game is just as good as their game and saner by reason of its size. Here is War, done down to rational proportions, and yet out of the way of mankind...
Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Dirty Jersey

hey sonofsigmar when is your next batrep? i'm anxious to find out  how playtesting is going!

Follow me on twitter @cerealk195

Add me on league: Cerealkiller195 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I am writing one at the moment, I just played a game last night vs those trice accursed templars.


My game is just as good as their game and saner by reason of its size. Here is War, done down to rational proportions, and yet out of the way of mankind...
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