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The Laughing God tricking slaanesh prophecy  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

So in the harlequin book there was a prophecy or something about the Laughing God tricking Slaanesh into saving the eldar. How do you guys think this will happen?

There's a few ways i think this could work.

It turns out that since the eldar's excess created slaanesh that she needs their emotions to survive. This probably makes the dark eldar really, really good for slaanesh due to all the sensations they have and the peoples they have suffer in their place. Eldar also experience sensation to degrees other races can't. Basically if the eldar die then slaanesh can't have that sweet, sweet eldar extreme emotions to feed off of and since it created slaanesh their extinction may mean slaanesh's death (maybe).

The other possibility is that Ynnead will be birthed by their extinction. That of course has been changed a bit thanks to the Ynnari (and may make this theory not legit). Slaanesh feeds off emotion like all the Chaos Gods but without groups like the Dark Eldar giving them sweet emotions and all eldar being dead and therefore not able to give Slaanesh more power it hurts Slaanesh and Ynnead would get much stronger.

Regardless i think Slaanesh would prefer the eldar to in some sense have numbers but to suffer in the extreme or feel emotions like the dark eldar. If they all die combined it gives slaanesh nothing to feed off of and would at the very least make slaanesh weaker. If nothing else it'd probably cause other chaos gods to try to destroy it due to being so weak.

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Fixture of Dakka

Slaanesh doesn't need Eldar they're just her/his/whatevers favourite. It's like a favourite food but replace eating with torture.

Slaanesh doesn't need Eldar at all. Just lots of mortal followers.

I'm not really sure if even GW knows what to do. They seem to have dropped all the non Ynnari prophecies. All three of them.
Personally I'd guess it would tricking Slaanesh into killing their next biggest threat and kicking it when it's down.

tremere47-fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate, leads to triple riptide spam  
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Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

San Jose, CA

pm713 wrote:
Slaanesh doesn't need Eldar they're just her/his/whatevers favourite. It's like a favourite food but replace eating with torture.

Slaanesh doesn't need Eldar at all. Just lots of mortal followers.

I'm not really sure if even GW knows what to do. They seem to have dropped all the non Ynnari prophecies. All three of them.
Personally I'd guess it would tricking Slaanesh into killing their next biggest threat and kicking it when it's down.

well said.
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