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Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

This is a Genestealer Cult army that shows off the factions unique strengths & abilities while attempting to stay semi competitive
It's a fairly straight forward GSC army
C&C wanted

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [37 PL, -1CP, 664pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot [] +

Cult Creed: Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor

Detachment CP [1CP]

Specialist Detachment: Anointed Throng [-1CP]

+ HQ [6 PL, -1CP, 105pts] +

Abominant [6 PL, -1CP, 105pts]: Stratagem: Field Commander [-1CP], Warlord Trait: Insidious Mindwyrm

+ Elites [31 PL, 559pts] +

Aberrants [14 PL, 252pts]
. 8x Aberrant (Pick) [200pts]: 8x Power Pick [72pts]
. 2x Aberrant Hypermorph (Improvised) [52pts]: 2x Heavy Improvised Weapon [20pts]

Aberrants [14 PL, 252pts]
. 8x Aberrant (Pick) [200pts]: 8x Power Pick [72pts]
. 2x Aberrant Hypermorph (Improvised) [52pts]: 2x Heavy Improvised Weapon [20pts]

Clamavus [3 PL, 55pts]

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [29 PL, 7CP, 547pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot [7CP] +

Battle-forged CP [3CP]

Cult Creed: The Twisted Helix

Detachment CP [5CP]

Stratagem: Broodcoven [-1CP]

+ HQ [11 PL, 205pts] +

Magus [4 PL, 80pts]: Broodcoven Magus, Power: Mass Hypnosis, Power: Mind Control, Warlord Trait: Alien Majesty

Patriarch [7 PL, 125pts]: Power: Mental Onslaught, Power: Might From Beyond, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Bio-alchemist

+ Troops [16 PL, 302pts] +

Acolyte Hybrids [6 PL, 111pts]: Cult Icon [10pts]
. 6x Acolyte Hybrid [42pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Leader [8pts]: Cultist Knife, Hand Flamer [1pts]

Acolyte Hybrids [6 PL, 111pts]: Cult Icon [10pts]
. 6x Acolyte Hybrid [42pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Hybrid (Heavy Weapon) [17pts]: Autopistol, Heavy Rock Saw [10pts]
. Acolyte Leader [8pts]: Cultist Knife, Hand Flamer [1pts]

Neophyte Hybrids [4 PL, 80pts]
. 5x Neophyte Hybrid [25pts]
. 2x Neophyte Hybrid (Grenade) [16pts]: 2x Grenade Launcher [6pts]
. 2x Neophyte Hybrid (Mining) [34pts]: 2x Mining Laser [24pts]
. Neophyte Leader [5pts]: Autogun, Autopistol

+ Elites [2 PL, 40pts] +

Locus [2 PL, 40pts]

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) [43 PL, 5CP, 789pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot [5CP] +

Cult Creed: The Rusted Claw

Detachment CP [5CP]

+ HQ [7 PL, 123pts] +

Acolyte Iconward [3 PL, 53pts]

Jackal Alphus [4 PL, 70pts]: The Gift from Beyond

+ Troops [14 PL, 274pts] +

Brood Brothers Infantry Squad [5 PL, 97pts]: Brood Brothers Leader [4pts]
. 16x Brood Brother [64pts]
. 2x Brood Brother (Flamer) [20pts]: 2x Flamer [12pts]
. Brood Brother (Vox-caster) [9pts]: Cult Vox-caster [5pts]

Brood Brothers Infantry Squad [5 PL, 97pts]: Brood Brothers Leader [4pts]
. 16x Brood Brother [64pts]
. 2x Brood Brother (Flamer) [20pts]: 2x Flamer [12pts]
. Brood Brother (Vox-caster) [9pts]: Cult Vox-caster [5pts]

Neophyte Hybrids [4 PL, 80pts]
. 5x Neophyte Hybrid [25pts]
. 2x Neophyte Hybrid (Grenade) [16pts]: 2x Grenade Launcher [6pts]
. 2x Neophyte Hybrid (Mining) [34pts]: 2x Mining Laser [24pts]
. Neophyte Leader [5pts]: Autogun, Autopistol

+ Elites [9 PL, 170pts] +

Kelermorph [3 PL, 60pts]

Nexos [3 PL, 50pts]

Sanctus [3 PL, 60pts]: Silencer Sniper Rifle [5pts]

+ Fast Attack [10 PL, 154pts] +

Atalan Jackals [5 PL, 77pts]
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Leader [15pts]: Autogun, Demolition Charge [5pts]
. Atalan Wolfquad [2 PL, 17pts]: Heavy Stubber [2pts], Shotgun

Atalan Jackals [5 PL, 77pts]
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Jackal [15pts]: Demolition Charge [5pts], Shotgun
. Atalan Leader [15pts]: Autogun, Demolition Charge [5pts]
. Atalan Wolfquad [2 PL, 17pts]: Heavy Stubber [2pts], Shotgun

+ Heavy Support [3 PL, 68pts] +

Brood Brothers Heavy Weapons Squad [3 PL, 68pts]
. 3x Brood Brothers Weapons Team [68pts]: Autocannon [10pts], 2x Lascannon [40pts]

++ Total: [109 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++
Made in se
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Uppsala, Sweden

Looks good and like it would be fun to play!

A few constructive thoughts: Could you move the Twisted Helix neophytes into the rusted claw detachment? Swap them with one of the brood brothers units. The rusted claw gives them a better creed and they will benefit from the Jackal Alphus.

Heavy weapon squads with direct fire weapons hardly ever survive for long and are expensive. I say give them mortars and hide them.

Both wolfquads can be swapped for a Jackal with demo charge. The wolfquad is such a good looking model though, so I totally understand if you want to keep it.

You can put the Iconward into the Twisted Helix detachment and make them Brood surge, that means rerollable charges for your acolytes.
Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks friend, I took all your advice into the army. I ended up getting rid of the HWT entirely because I'd forgotten to add Primus (derp). I don't mind losing the Quadbikes but I don't want to buy a third box of bikers just to keep the squad at 5. But at 4 I save enough points to give the all the Acolytes Hand Flamers and a couple Rock Drills for extra shenanigans.
Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated!
Made in se
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Uppsala, Sweden

Glad I could help a bit :-)
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