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[BB] Tourny: Slaughterday!/Darkness Fouls VI@NoVA Open 2019 Aug30/31  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

SlaughterDay!: Sat, Aug 31st(9am checkin)
Darkness Fouls...: Fri, Aug 30th (7pm checkin)

and if that's not enough for ya.. There's a FREE Seven's Tournament event on Friday - this one's experimental and purely for bragging rights...Come git some!

Catch the details here :


... and/or here

Automatically Appended Next Post:
There are two things I've had coaches ask me about so far :

I had a coach ask about including Specialty/Star Sideline staff listed in the DZ1/2 release(s) such as the goblin "Fink da Fixer".

This extra staff are considered inducements and as such are not allowed.
The only inducements allowed are listed in the approved tourny rules packet.

Most of you probably already know that the Halflings team got a significant update via Spike! magazine. The pudgy little kitchen-magnates team roster has a decidedly Goblin v.2 feel to it.

The NoVA Open tournaments are using the official Team Roster lists as they stand updated and are posted since the NAF annual review this November past in the name of fair, open and equal access.

I feel certain this will be addressed(and the new positionals/etc.) by the NAF this year but until that occurs:
No shiney new Halfling-Goblins for the tournament this year.

Thank you!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/07/17 19:59:15

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I just realized I forgot to ask off for the Nova open.
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

 Fajita Fan wrote:
I just realized I forgot to ask off for the Nova open.

I hope it's not too late...

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

It looks like the Saturday tournament (Slaughterday!) is SOLD OUT!
Thank you for everyone who jumped in already!

For anyone who didn't manage to pre-register or were expecting to sign up Day-of: Don't worry!

The NoVA Open has been growing so much that the powers that be are/were having a hard time making certain everyone had the space they needed.
The available tickets for the BloodBowl events were reduced from 40 to 32 at some point.

I am fully prepared to have (at least) 40 coaches rolling dice and takin names at these events AND IT DOES appear that the area we've been alotted will accommodate more than 32.

If you don't already have an event ticket shame on you for waiting so long BUUUUT
GET ON THE wait-list.
(either by clicking the link or emailing customerservice@novaopen.com)

I will move heaven and earth to get you in on all the fun.

I've never turned anyone away and I don't plan to start now.

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

A huge and Heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the undeniable coaches who made this year great.
There were a few notable firsts in the hall. Six years in and we're still ticking off things that have never happened before.
Two of the more memorable being that we've finally stepped up to call out a proper Stunty Cup.
We also had a coach completely tabled before turn 16 and they weren't even a stunty team!

On to the results!

Award - Team(race) - Coach
Champion - Blue Waffles(Chaos Dwarf) - Mike M.
Runner-Up - Treestand Assassins(Wood Elf) - Doug R.
Ya Gotta Have Heart! - Asgard Destroyers(Dark Elf) - Jerry H.
Call-a-Lawyer! - Misty Mtn Marauders(Orc) - Paul V.
Stunty Cup - Da Dirty Rippaz(Goblin) - Truman C.
Rookie of the Year - Washington Greenskins(Chaos) - Sam C.

Darkness Fouls...
Award - Team(race) - Coach
Champion - Da Foxburg Riots(Orc) - Jamie M.
Runner-Up - Chaos Crunchers(Chaos Pact) - Matt H.
Ya Gotta Have Heart! - I Hope This is Right!(Human) - Matt K.
Call-a-Lawyer! - Da Dirty Rippaz(Goblin) - Truman C.
Stunty Cup - Grottown Gobstoppers(Goblin) - Chris M.
Rookie of the Year - Greenstone Packrats(skaven) - Brandon C.

NoVA Open Iron-Man Brawler
Coach : Daniel K.
Slaughterday!: Insert Name Here(Wood Elf)
Darkness Fouls... : Elves Against Violence(Dark Elf)

...and not to be overlooked...
There were eight coaches who took part in the first ever NoVA Open 7's Tournament.
I feel very strongly after this year that there's a place for a 7's event at the NoVA Open and expect it to be back next year.

Rumblin Rookie Showdown
Award - Team(race) - Coach
Champion - Da Dirty Rippaz(Goblin) - Truman C.
Runner-Up - Bard Hunters(Amazon) - Lawrence C.

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
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