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Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, I decided to try to post more non-dakka painting challenge stuff and WIP things in an effort to make myself finish some of the partially started pile of shame stuff I've got sitting around, and maybe figure out how to improve what I'm doing. Mostly this is going to be a lot of random Reaper Miniatures and Oathsworn Miniatures stuff, with the odd bit of GW, Crocodile Games, and random stuff thrown in.

So, to start off, spoilered for possible size issues:

Deep Cuts ancient green dragon, for the dakka challenge and a freind's D&D game:

As far as I got on the chariot I was going to do last month, with background Oathsworn animal adventurers from the month before, patiently awaiting bases:

My main issue with the chariot, beyond me starting far too late in the month and frustration making my paint jobs sloppier than normal, was just how plain the basket ended up looking--not quite sure how to break that up without some seriously heavy modeling work.

Some chunky Oathsworn fox bow-women, still untouched from year before last:

Half my Chaos Khornate Kill Team/4E CSM terminator squad, waiting their turn around for color scheme experiments, want a cold white fur and skin, with bone armor:

And a mess of interleaved catfolk: Pikes are Crocodile games Basti (an attempt at mass/speed painting that didn't really turn out where I wanted, and are waiting on bases), then a reaper catfolk (waiting on final highlights, and base), a bones sphinx (another failed attempt at two months ago's painting challenge), some Crocodile games cat-centaurs (Harbringers of Heru), and some misc bits.

Lets see if I can keep this updated once a week with some forward motion.

This message was edited 70 times. Last update was at 2024/08/02 01:21:11

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, the weekend when I'll try to post updates to this thing, so time for another picture dump.

First off, got the Oathsworn stuff off their corks and onto bases, ready for the cabinet:
hedgie and racoon:

Wildcat. You can kinda see where I messed up and got some paint splatter on him from working on other things nearby, and I'm annoyed, but well, only so much I can do...:

Reaper Tabaxi, really needs more work but I'm just tired of seeing it for the moment:

Those done, for some reason I decided I was going to try to do a skin color test for very pale blueish skin, for my CSMs Terminator kill team, two different ways because I was skeptical on how the lady was looking before I started layering:

Which kinda turned into trying to actually make some progress on them because hey, I guess I've started...

Did VMA UK Azure base, then a thin AP red wash, followed by MSP ghost white and VMC cold while layers on the necromancer, and PP Carnal pink with MSP ghost white layered over on the beastman. Thinking I should try a third version, with ghost white as the base, and then carnal pink or a pale violet wash, might end up a bit more like what I want. I do like the Necromancer, but really not digging the chalkiness--not sure what thats from, used watered paint, not drybrushing, and need to work on smoother layers.

finally, made a little progress on the dragon--began the first layer on the scales with PP gnarls green. We'll see if maybe it works better once the whole model is done, and possibly with some more layers. Not sure AP or VMC's greens are going to be darker than the Russian Green primer on it, so thinking a black wash on the scales, and then try to figure out how to get some more yellow and shading on the beige bits.

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice work.

The beastman looks a little too pink, IMHO. I like the blues on the lady. Maybe a thin glaze to help smooth out the layers?

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

I agree the beastman is a bit pink--was thinking either another layer of ghostl white or a purple wash. Glaze wise, I've got some medium I can try. Probably use the midtone ghost white again so it all ties together?
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Another week, another update, though not a whole lot to report.
The gang of stuff from last week as a group shot:

Did some minor cleanup to the skulls and a wash layer of army painter red mixed with vallejo vehicle black on the necromancer's robe, starting to come together.

Dragon was pretty stalled because I wasn't sure the scale scheme was working or how I'd do the wings and etc, so found some of the bones 4 Rocky chibi dragons as test models. Coming along well.

Current state:

Good enough to go ahead with the dragon, but only thing so far there is mostly finishing the gnarls green layer, and I forgot a picture, so next week for that one. Lets see if I can maybe put some of these to bed by then.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, a little late, was tired and forgot to post before work.
Did put the beastman and necromancer to finished, at least for the moment--beastman may come off his cauliflower base and into a chariot later.

So, first up, necromancer:

A bit flattened by the camera, sadly. I think I should have pushed the reds and skulls a bit more, but wanted the contrast with the light color skin.

Next, an actual fuzzy thing for the void:

Really a bit quick and dirty, at least "quick" by my standards.

Also made some progress on the dragon, but that'll be a post in a few hours, as I'm outta lunch hour.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Nice work on the necromancer. The skin came out really well. Not something we often see from you, as you mostly paint fuzzy things.

The beastman could probably use a little more shading on his skin. Just a little something subtle would probably go a long way.

Keep up the good work!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Nevelon. Yeah, the pink base layer just isn't contrasting enough. If I do another, I'll probably use a darker pink wash over ghost white.

Also, promised WIP pics of the dragon. Thinking on it, put the soft tone layering on the wrong end of the wing membrane, and let it get a bit messy, but ah well, commited now. May try to do a lighter glaze at the other end, before going with the planned yellow inking.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Well, time for the weekly update. Dragon is done, or at least done ish, given some of the messy bits I can see now in the pics:

Also got some shapeways stuff, fennec mechanic and rabbit hippie:
Pre paint:

With some initial paint:

Seem to take paint ok, if with a bit of surface roughness and a bit of filler needed, but nothing too bad.
Also a bit of paint more on the ork:

Not much to tell there. On to next week.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

That some assortment of stuff on the same bench!

Dragon looks pretty good. I hate the camera pointing out all the stuff I missed when I thought I was done...

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So weirdly, not a lot of WIP pics this week, but a good thing because I basically rushed down a model to completion, so balances out I think?
Started this months challenge models, and a loose lamia:

Got some fur and such down, but really got caught by the dwarf wereshark, at least partially because the name scans with that kids song, and so he got done:

Think I needed to sharpen the highlights on either the jacket or the skin, and possibly drag the skin a bit more green-- they kinda blend when next to each other. I also think I should have used more water and less glazing medium on the skin. Its army painter blue ink over privateer turquoise ink, and then vallejo glazing and matte mediums mixed with color for highlight, but it really still came out quite gloss. Ah well.

Until next week.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/10/06 06:06:59

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

A little gloss is fine for something aquatic. Makes it seem a little wet. I do agree that the jacket and skin are too close. I noticed you have what looks like a fellow crew-member with the same coat. You want them to match the same uniform? In which case you might want to tint the skin. Although another layer might be good on the coat to help dull the gloss down a bit.

You could look up some shark pics for color schemes, but I’d go with a grey/green as a knee-jerk suggestion. When I think of sharks, I think grey, and a green tint helps with the aquatic mood.

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Well, the rat is definitely a fellow sailor with a similar coat, but not the same uniform. One is more intended as british-ish, possibly even british-esque, while the shark is based on the continental navy. Skin wise, was working from a google image search of "blue shark", but yeah, if I did more, it would probably swing more towards green, possibly verdigris, though matte and dark prussian blue as a wash on the coat, so the highlights aren't so close might also be a solution.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Not a lot of work done this week, but still some motion.
Only one guy got finished, a tre manor sculpt of a werewolf he did for reaper. May go back and do some more with the roughed areas of the base, but good enough for now:

Also got the three rats down to just needing to greenstuff and paint bases, though been slacking on that:

Also added a bit of base coat to the lamia:

And finally, started a batch of basti spears for war gods of aegyptus. Trying to finally build up the army of them I've wanted for a good few years now. These ones are a bit of bending and a weapon swap away from being skirmishers to carring some nice long northstar wire pikes. Spoilered because bare boobs:

So, that was the week that was, and we'll see what I get done next week.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Quick update on the basti, mostly done the base colors, just need a little work on the eyes, and then a lot of cleanup before shading. Small steps...
Spoiler for bare breasts:

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, a little progess on the cats, but they more or less look the same, so skipping showing them. Did get the lamia done, so have some pics of that:

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, finally sat down, did the shields, and started to base up the basti spearwomen. Shown here after layering on spackle mixed with some sculforous brown paint:
Very distant low detail boob spoiler:

Let that partially dry, layer on some army painter soft tone, and finally finished. The five I just painted, again with boobspoiler:

And the whole just finished unit:

Technically not entirely done, as there are some repairs needing done from knocking about my desk for two years, but good enough for now. Hopefully can turn around that wildcat rifle lady in the background over the next few weeks, but we'll see.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Always nice to see a unit finished and all ranked up. How many times you stab yourself on those pikes?

Good job!

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Nevelon. Oddly, stabbing only happened once, which is good because they're the shaped steel wire ones! Now, catching on the pikes and knocking them off the desk, often from several inches away from the edge...far, far too many times.
Made in us
Druid Warder

This brings out a lot of old vibes, from Reaper to Rackham. Overly bright but eerily fitting together. That shrew captain is almost painful... I haven't risked with mine half as much. The unit is very good looking together, enough variety to force a closer look, just enough sameness to produce a uniform feeling. The only thing I would pick up in particular would be shields, far too plain. But congratulations are in order here - good job on these cats!

Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Thanks Wirecat. Partly the shields being plain was to try to keep them uniform, partly it was so I can separate it from the other unit I intend to build with red shields, but honestly a lot of it was just burnout--was just trying to get them to done.
Made in au
Alluring Mounted Daemonette


I am a big fan of reaper minis - I use a lot of them for dnd - great to see so many of them painted well here! I have that same dwarf wereshark mini, just waiting for the right time to paint him up and drop him in a campaign.

The basti look great all together. Love the contrasting spear colours - I was going to mention maybe throwing some red shields in there but now I see you’re saving them for the next unit.

Sometimes painting feels like a chore (nearly all the time for me) but seeing the finished unit is always worth the work! Keep it up mate!

t z you are k 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, mostly just starting things this week.
Quick "everything I worked at least a little on" pic:

Started a few different bones minis for the monthly challenge. Avatar of Ra is my third, but hopefully first finished. Hulky guy sculpted a butt on poorly with brush on putty, then started painting up as some kinda weird nudist cyborg, to be opposed by the punky tiefling opposite him--little worried about that one, as I'm not quite sure what to do with the belt and pouches. Also put a bit more color on the wildcat sniper.

And finally, just sculpted some bases on the rats before leaving for work.

Hopefully get those done in the coming week and maybe some of the cleanup and shading on the other stuff.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/03 05:53:32

Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Saw you post the figs in the monthly challenge , I haven’t painted bones yet but looked at a couple of those models in particular. Do you use GW paints, if so do they work on the bones plastic without a problem?

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Sadly, I have older GW, but I'm mostly using vallejo with a little P3 and reaper these days. After you drop on primer (I use vallejo brush on polyurethane), the vallejo works fine, though I tend to avoid thinning my base layer because water thinned paints kinda bead off the bare pvc if I miss a spot priming. Out the bottle works ok though, doubt GW would be much different.
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Thanks . Maybe get grab a few bones today/this week. Even though I have plenty to work on right now .

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

So, got the enthusiasms, mid week update.
Got the rats all done:

Little bit of progress on the avatar and cat, apparently we're trying to burn stone and eyeballs:

And of course the real reason I'm posting early: I am easily distractable.

Skaven plague monk bodies with skitarii guns. Feel like they're missing something, especially if I try to use them as stormtroops.
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Well, trying to saturday update early this week, instead of early sunday morning. Sadly, not much to report.

Did a good bit on the aborted Harbinger of Bast from the chariot project a few months back. Getting close to done, mostly needs cleanup on the dark blue and hands, and doing...something...with the spear and torques. Did some pinwashing with vallejo grey on the skin/fur, and glazed up to cold white, but not really showing up well in photos, or even at arms length really. Tempted to glaze the low points again with something like French Mirage Blue, but not sure that would still read pale bluish white.

Avatar got a bit more work, but mostly just bright gold on the appropriate bits. Think I'll have to pick another color though and re-coat, the bright yellow peeks through the gold too much, and is too bright to look like shade. Also still have no clue what I'll do with the mace. Maybe black for obsidian with some blue accents?

Other challenge entry option I only really covered the coat with a second layer, but hey, pics anyways:

Hangover from last month wildcat sniper mostly got metallics, now just need to clean up the fur and blues and can start figuring out shading. Of course, I would also start another unit project before I got all this done, in this case a bunch of croc games harpies. Debating colors, possibly pink fleshy skin and black wings for an easy ink/speed paint, or something with blue so they go well with the older bluejay harpies in my gallery as an 8 model unit for KoW or the like?

Spoilered for birb lady boobs.

Guess I'll figure it out next week.
Made in us
Druid Warder

Very good start on that old Avatar from Reaper. I like Your choice of base colours, they break the figure much less than the most common (off-)white skirt.

Yep, these harpies ask for fleshy colors, but You may go with less vultureish colors for their feathers, or at least plumage. First guess would be sandy/dusty (light sand gradually adding some earthly colour as You go from the rear feathers to the front edge ones, then wash with sepia/mud), and something extra bright, like ara /macaw) parrots, they have plenty of green and blues.


Painting progress tracker:
2017: 50 of 50 planned; 2018: 80 of 60 planned; 2019: 75 of 75 planned

Pledge 2020:
6 to sculpt, 75 to paint (2/57 done) 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Probably will try that feather method on the owl you can see sitting around in a lot of these pictures Wirecat, sounds interesting. Really with the harpies its "do I match the old models like it, even though I'm iffy now on the scheme, or do I make new and interesting color mistakes?"

Also, yay! While his chariot is unfinished, I'm 'done enough' with the Harbinger of Bast I was doing, so combined with the spear-cats and an older finished skirmisher unit, I now have a valid WarGods of Aegyptus army! Granted, its tiny, makes no use of the strengths of Basti armies, and the only time I could actually use it is if I somehow sneak saturday night off during Historicon which is probably not going to happen for at least 3 years, but hey, small victories.

Tried some blending/glazing on the skin and did go in with the Mirage Blue, but really didn't come off. Clear base is because the idea is he spends most of his time getting charioted around once I finish that, and I figured a sand base would look weird in there. Also may build and retrofit him a sheild later, but for now, yay! Bare minimum army!

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