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Made in ru
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Hello guys,

Getting back into Warhammer after 4 years. I came up with this list of Orks:

Patrol Detachment

Evil Sunz Kultur

Kult of Speed specialist detachment

Deffkilla Wartrike (Skargrim's Snazztrike upgrade) - 120 pts

19 Slugga Boyz + Nob with Slugga and Power Klaw - 153 pts

Heavy Support:
Battlewagon ('Ard Case, Grot Riggers, 4 Big Shootas, Zzap Gun, Deff Rolla) - 182 pts
Traktor Kannon - 45 pts

Total: 500 pts

Explaining my choices:

Wartrike makes for a tough and mobile Warlord, who can both deal and take a lot of punishment. Should theoretically be able to deal with any enemy thanks to a versatile arsenal of weapons. Can ride around the battlefield, falling back and charging on the same turn thanks to the Evil Sunz Kultur.

Battlewagon is pretty shooty with 4 BS and a Zzap Gun, and can also dish out some damage in CC with its Deff Rolla. 19 Boyz with PK Nob inside are the real hitting power here, however, and will wipe the floor with any non-dedicated CC unit.

Traktor Kannon will deal with flyers and provide some long range support.

So the idea is to get a turn 2 charge (turn 1 if lucky), and overwhelm the opponent in CC. I don't think that at this point level anyone will have enough firepower to bring down a Battlewagon and Deffkilla Wartrike (who is T7 with 5++, thanks to the upgrade). I will have enough ways to deal with almost any kind of opponent, be it hordes or armor. When the Wagon delivers the Boyz into the melee, it can then ride around and charge stuff as well.

What do you guys think?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/09/26 20:43:11

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I'll preface this by mentioning that I don't play at 500pts often, but:
There's not much point in 20 boy squads. You get a nice benefit from 30 boys, but 20 boys is just asking to be blasted to bits - I would suggest changing it to two squads of ten.

Traktor Kannons rock, but one by itself is asking to get sniped and killed. I'd cut it.
And, while you're at it, ditch the Zzap gun and Grot Roggers on the battlewagon, and take a vanguard for your Wartrike - The spare points will give you enough for some warbikers, deffkoptas, or stormboyz. Wartrikes are tough, but with only a single other model charging forward, it'll be trivial to snipe it. Add an infantry squad and it'll be a lot easier to protect him.
Made in ru
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Thanks for the insight, I'll keep it in mind!
Made in be
Waaagh! Warbiker

Lier, Belgium

I don't know if you've got the models but:
dump the battlewagon and the kanon.save 227 pts
add moar boyz! at least one squad of 30 (-70 pts, 157 left)
also one or 2 squads of 10 gretchin are a winner. they cost nothing and keep objectives, are easy to hide, deny deepstrike, and can sometimes wound a marine!!! (-30 or 60 points, 97 points left in case of 2 squads.
add a warphead with warpath and da jump, (62 points, 35 points left).
another idea: change PK with BS and dump 2 boys, and you can add one deffkopta. koptas with rockits are absolutely worth it IMO in MSU if you play under the deathskulls kultur.

So now you have more cp, because 2 hq and 3 troops. more mobility for a bigger blob of more dangerous boys because "da jump", and buff them before jump with warpath.
also important, if you're playing objectives, you have more troops to controll the board. It's faster than the battlewagon but is not fitting your "kult of speed" theme that well.

8000 points fully painted
hive fleet belphegor 3500 points
1k sons killteam

Dakka is the ork word for shooting, but the ork concept of shooting is saturation fire. Just as there is no such thing as a "miss" in a target-rich environment, there is no such thing as a "dodge" in a bullet rich one

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