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Made in ca
Preacher of the Emperor

So I recently entered a Blood Bowl League at my FLGS, and that gave me the impetus I needed to finally finish up my orc team from the boxed set launch a couple of years ago, and I figured it'd be fun to have a nice general thread where we could share what we've built and painted for the glory of Nuffle.

So to kick it off...

I call them the Steelburgh Pitt Fighters (someone I described the colour scheme to pointed out the similarities so I made adjustments to lean into it), presently a 1,000,000gp team currently consisting of four blockers, four blitzers, two linemen and two goblins, who try to run in touchdowns while the rest of the team focusses on smashing stuff.




Thrower, Goblins:

But what about you all? Anybody working on a paint job or kitbashing the perfect star player?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/01/08 15:39:55

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Nice looking orc team! I always love dry-brushed black metal. I like the street bases, too.

I'm finishing up my own orc team and starting in on a human team. I'll be sure to post pics later.

I don't have any star players yet but I have plans to kitbash an Ugroth Bolgrot and Bryce Cambuel.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I'm painting up 24 Orks to be the New Orkland All Blacks. Their jerseys will be dark black, and their armor will be a slightly darker black.

OK, medium gray & black, but whatever.

Waiting on my Forgeworld order of my Human Boosters & Cheerleaders before I paint up my main team.

Wood Elves are on the back burner.
Made in az
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

I finished my Orc team (partially converted) last year - here's my WIP thread on that.


I'm also in the process of painting up a completely converted Norse team.

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Oh boy! Have a ton of stuff from the new version of Blood Bowl painted in 2019....



I am currently working on a Lizard Man team. Just undercoated for now.....

Elf Superiors

Ork Skulsmash Reeverz

More at those blog links including, Dark Elf, Human, Chaos, Skaven, and Dwarves.....

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in gb
Enginseer with a Wrench

Had another game with Chaunterwick Unathletic last week – a surprising 2–0 win for the Tallowland Six Species' Invitational official 'Least Promising Team':

+Death of a Rubricist+
My miniature painting blog.
Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Here's my four teams from way back probably about a decade ago. Something of a flashback Friday post.

The humans

The orcs

The Goblins

And the Undead

I ran a charity tournament at the time. 8 teams I think there were. Everyone had to raise a £20 minimum to enter and every pound raised after that would translate into more in-game money to spend on your team. My goblins only reached the semis and I think were put out by the Dwarf team who went on to win it. I think we raised maybe about £300 in the end. Well worth doing if you have need of a fund raiser and enough players and teams to make it happen.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/01/24 22:20:36

Made in us
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

Some really nice stuff on this thread.
I'm still working (slowly) on my Norse team.

Here's a sneak of my converted Ulf.

[Thumb - IMG_0002.JPG]

Made in us
Wicked Ghast


Some great teams being shown here. Inspiring me to do my first

Nothing to see here, move along mortal.  
Made in ca
Preacher of the Emperor

"You know. If you had a fully painted coach model you could roll to dispute the fouls to keep from getting kicked out of the game."
"That sounds like a massive waste of time and effort for a ridiculously small benefit, I'll start building one when I get home."

*Two weeks later*

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Very nice Captain, in fact your whole team is very nice. Excellent work all round.

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I painted up some Lizard Men.


Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in de
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

I did a team shot of my Norse - still very much WIP.
[Thumb - 20200226_075011.jpg]

Made in us
Speedy Swiftclaw Biker

Glasgow, Scotland

My three teams

Orcs - Turghallz Toofspittaz

Skaven - The Hellpitsburgh Squealers

Humans - The Reikland Reavers (Booster and Griff TBD, just a demo game team really)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/03/04 12:08:31

10,000 30K/40K Space Wolves, 6000pts 30K Iron Warriors, 3200pts Daemons of the Ruinstorm
3500pts AoS Maggotkin of Nurgle, 3000pts AoS Stormcast Eternals, 2000pts AoS Skaven
1800pts Middle-earth Rivendell, 1000pts Grey Company, 600pts Iron Hills
1800pts Middle-earth Angmar, 1100pts Moria, 1000pts Dol Guldur
Blood Bowl Skaven, Blood Bowl Orcs

Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Middle-earth SBG Hero Tracker - now on the Play Store
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Here's my human team:

...and my orc team:

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2020/04/02 12:58:04

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