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Balmong7's Hobby Blog: Tau Recovery Project  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

I am going to attempt another hobby blog after my last one kind of died (I finished the project, but kept forgetting to take pictures. So I couldn't update anything.)

Anyway, while I am an essential worker and didn't think I was going to get any extra hobby-ing in despite the coronavirus going. I ended up getting sick and thrown into 2-week quarantine at the end of March (Don't worry I'm better now, and actually back at work while typing this). This mixed with the new Animal Crossing game distracting my wife for enough hours a day that I can escape to the basement and paint without having to stop and do chores means that I have probably gotten more done in the last month that I had in the preceding 6 months. I'm gonna start off this blog by just dumping the photos I took while I was working during quarantine this past month, and then hopefully I can update it weekly with my progress from the prior weekend from there.

The first models I finished during my quarantine were the last few Blackstone Fortress models I had to complete. Here they are in no particular order:

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[Thumb - Espern.jpg]

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[Thumb - Janus.jpg]

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2020/11/16 12:50:20

Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

After I realized just how much time I had to work on my hobby I decided that I should pull out one of the big projects I am constantly putting off. So I decided to get out the old terrain bucket and start painting. I have a ton of sector mechanicus terrain that has been sitting on sprue or primed but not built (and a couple that are built but not painted because I bought them off a friend).

I also went ahead and finished building some plast-craft games terrain I bought awhile to test out and never did anything with. Now I gotta figure out if I want to make it it's own terrain theme or try to match it with my mechanicus stuff.

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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

The mechanicus terrain has been a long process so I am gonna try and break the photos here up so I can explain what happened with each step.

I started out by priming everything black. The goal was that I could then use a heavy drybrush for the actual colors to help keep some easy shadows and depth without needing to use up too much wash at the end. I used Death Guard Green for the platforms and railings, and Leadbelcher on all the supports, wires, and other hanging bits. As well as going into the gaps of the platforms with leadbelcher to really make those details pop.
[Thumb - Platform WIP.jpg]

[Thumb - Drybrush mania.jpg]

Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

The next step was coloring in the panels of the furnace and tank parts, as well as getting the little details picked out. I used Celestria Grey on the panels and Balthasar Gold and Khorne Red for the other details as well as Alaitoc Blue for the computer screens and lenses.

Picking out the details took a good 3-4 days to finish up.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

For the last bit of this early dump of posts are the photos from when I used up a full bottle of Agrax Earthshade getting everything washed. You may notice panels and the green bits don't look like they were washed. That's because I haven't done those yet. I plan on mixing a wash using some Mournfang Brown and some medium for those parts to really give them a rusted look.

The next step is to give everything a light drybrush of Screaming Skull. Hopefully, I can get it all done this weekend.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Last weekend felt pretty productive for me. I did a drybrush of Tyrant Skull on all my terrain, I still have to mix together a wash using mournfang brown to make a rust effect on all the green platforms and railings, as well as on the panels of the furnaces and the like. Then all my terrain will be ready to glue together.

On Sunday I was a weird mood and the thought of any kind of detail painting made me feel sick. So in order to still get something done, I just got out my contrast paints and started slapping base colors onto my Gloomspite Gitz. They are my next project after the terrain anyway so I figured it was a good way to feel like I'm making progress without devoting too much time and effort into it.
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[Thumb - Drybrush supports.jpeg]

[Thumb - Loonking Black.jpeg]

[Thumb - Red Mangler.jpeg]

[Thumb - Zarbag color.jpeg]

[Thumb - Mollag Turqoise.jpeg]

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Sweet terrain, the death guard green works really well. The Blackstone Fortress explorers look like you followed the mid winter minis guide. Great job on them! The turquoise troll looks fantastic! Good luck keeping the plog going!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Some really neat work so far! I think the blackstone guys came out great i think the navigator is my favorite of them

Looking forward to seeing what you do with the big troll guy

realism is a lie
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Thanks! I did, in fact, follow the midwinter minis guide for my Blackstone Fortress. The troll, the loonking, and the mangler squigs gave me a bit of fear when I started painting them and saw just how much detail was on those models. lol. Those are gonna be fun and frustrating I think.
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Well, I managed to cross off another item on my backlog. My Sector Mechanicus terrain is now fully painted. I just need to decide on how to glue it together for modularity vs practicality and then its good to go. This weekend I am going to get back into painting those Gloomspite Gitz models I slapped contrast onto last week, and if I'm lucky they will finish faster than the terrain. lol. Now I just have to readapt myself to painting small models rather than giant terrain...
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

I didn't do too much last weekend. My DnD group started up again now that the lockdown is lifted in my state (4/6 of us all already had coronavirus so we aren't really at risk meeting up) as well as my Necromunda campaign started up again (same players and dnd) so that painting time has returned to the gaming realm.

I glued my terrain together into larger but hopefully still modular sections to make it easier to set up and take down the board. Then I went back to my goblin models and realized that I need to get a new small layer brush because my hands are still too shaky to do any real detail with the medium brush. Thankfully my FLGS opens on Tuesday so I can hopefully pick one up.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Got back into painting my Gloomspite Gitz again last weekend. I probably should have started with smaller models instead of going from Terrain to a Highly detailed large model. But whatever. I "Finished" my Mangler Squig. Will need to go back and paint the rim of the base next time I sit down to paint and then give a once over to make sure I didn't miss any visual spots, then I'm throwing in the towel on the model and marking him done.

I also did some more work on Mollog. He isn't fully finished yet but should be done by the end of the weekend if my paint time stays similar to last weekend.

I also primed the rest of my Necromunda doors and barricades. So I will probably switch over to those after I finish Mollog as I am actively playing Necromunda right now and so moving those up the pipeline seems smart.
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Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

That SecMec terrain turned out really well. I should take a look at painting some of that myself. Love all the weathering on the tanks. The 2-squig rodeo model is also turning out sweet.
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Nice progress all around! The troll guy is looking better each time and i really enjoy how your approaching the mushrooms on his back.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

These gits are really nice. So much character in them especially the double squigs. What did you use for the base? I’ve been trying to get a wet mud effect like that for my Orks and failing thus far

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Thanks for all the kind words everyone!

 gobert wrote:
These gits are really nice. So much character in them especially the double squigs. What did you use for the base? I’ve been trying to get a wet mud effect like that for my Orks and failing thus far

I used the GW texture paint Stirland Mud. I will say part of the reason that it looks SO wet is that I had genuinely just applied the texture to the base. So it was fresh.
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Ah, that explains it! I guess the wetness has all gone now?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

 gobert wrote:
Ah, that explains it! I guess the wetness has all gone now?

Yeah it looks much more dry now.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

So last weekend I only ended up painting one day. But I did get a lot done. I finished off Mollog and then decided to finally start painting up my Necromunda Doors and Barricades from the box set. Hopefully I can finish those off this weekend. But if I only end up with a single paint day again, then it will likely take two more weeks.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

The Necromunda Terrain is finished!!!

I have no idea what to work on next. I guess I should probably try and finish some more of my Gloomspite Gitz models since they are already primed and ready to go. But I also am still actively playing Necromunda, and have some Hired Guns that need painting and if that new Escher book drops soon, I will have lots of Eschers to build and paint.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

So I comissioned a 3D printer to print off some escher models for me. I didn't think about the loss of detail on FDM printers. But I did spend the weekend painting them. So here they are.

After that, I started working on some of my Necromunda Bounty Hunters. I also primed a bunch more terrain that I will probably start working on in the next couple weeks. I want to finish these bounty hunters, and a few more Gitz models before I start those.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

I ended up with a rare day off in the middle of the week this, and after being out of town last weekend and thus unable to work on my backlog. I decided to spend a few hours finishing what I wanted to finish last weekend yesterday. The only thing left is to finish these guys bases (and also while I'm washing the bases, I will go ahead and wash the models). But here is the 99% complete models.
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Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Just caught up on your stuff! Good work! A fun variety of projects!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Just caught up on your stuff! Good work! A fun variety of projects!

Thanks, its been very nice crossing stuff off the list that I have had sitting on the shelf for so long.
Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

I managed to get a lot done this weekend. I was hoping to get more done, however my last day of painting ended up becoming my "play Necromunda campaign games" day. So it was still spent on the hobby. just not painting. lol.

I managed to finish Mollogs Mob and the Loonking, and now I'm powering through Zarbags Gits. After these guys I think I am going to try and finish a squad of Grots I have primed up. Then I have to dig through all my models and see what I have primed but not painted I may be to the point where I have to start priming up gray plastic again, and I'm rapidly approaching the point where I can build some new models.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Last weekend ended up being another weekend with more playtime than hobby time. (Which is good, gives me more reason to finish this stuff since I'm actually playing again.) So I only ended up having 1 day to really buckle down and paint. However, I did manage to cross another squad off my list. The Zarbags Gitz Warhammer Underworlds Warband. I'm not too sure what I'm going to work on next. I'm considering cracking open a box of Goliath Stimmers and Forgeborn so that I can at least have my gang assembled and just be waiting on my Forgeworld order that I plan on placing this month before I can paint everyone up for my next campaign. Alternately I still have some terrain from Rogue Trader and those little Hab buildings that I could try and finish painting. Decisions Decisions.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

So last weekend I ended up painting that Hab buildings that I put together at the start of quarantine. I went ahead and glued some of my mechanicus bits onto them as well to try and tie everything together. I also put together my goliath Stimmers and Forgeborn for necromunda

This weekend I'm either staying in terrain town and painting up the terrain from the Rogue Trader kill team box or going back to AOS and painting up some stabbas, as well as possibly finishing building my Goliath gang if the forgeworld order arrives this week.
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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/07/07 13:09:08

Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

My forgeworld order came in so I finished building my Goliath Gang for Necromunda as well as building some more bounty hunters and then went ahead and painted my Grots. My terrain from Promethium Forge is supposed to arrive today. So I guess that is going to be my next project. My friend got his airbrush booth up and running, so hopefully, this terrain builds faster since we can just spray it all rather than having to drybrush everything.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

Last weekend I slowed down and took stock of everything. I sorted out some old sprues into their respective bitz boxes, and after about a day and a half of that I started working on putting together my promethium forge terrain. Only to immediately run out of superglue. So instead I had my roommate prime my goliaths with his airbrush and then I started working on them only really managing to get the initial contrast coat on their armor.
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Made in us
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

United States

So last weekend I spent the bulk of my time building up my promethium forge terrain. They weren't kidding when they said it was a full table. But man does it pack up nicely.
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