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Made in us
Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

Custom wych cult patrol; slashing impact, test of skill

Succubus; Warlord, +2", +1 A
-archite glaive
-blast pistol
-helm of spite
-stimm addict

Wyches x5; +1S

Wyches x5; +2LD

Wyches x5; +1WS

Reavers x12
-blasters x4
-grav talons x4

Reavers x12
-blasters x4
-grav talons x4

Void raven
-void lance x2
-void missiles

Void raven
-void lance x2
-void missiles

Battalion of obsidian rose

-blast pistol

-blast pistol

-dissies x3

-dissies x3

-dissies x3

Warriors x10
-Dark lance x1
-blasters x2
-Dark lance x1

Warriors x10
-Dark lance x1
-blasters x2
-Dark lance x1

Warriors x10
-Dark lance x1
-blasters x2
-Dark lance x1

2464 pts, 15 CP

Lately my dark eldar have been facing lots of vehicles and some long ranged anti tank. Where possible I need to keep the enemy away from me and with 24" blasters and 42" dissies and dark lance that should work out. Anyway hopefully this counters some of the frustration I've had with fast transports taking MEQ armies all over and either needing to close with pitiful anti tank or just never being able to shoot at vehicles without going into super short range and losing units. I have few dissies and poison isn't great but I'm still hoping this list works.

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Made in es
Wicked Wych With a Whip

I don't think Darklight is that reliable, your list may work really good one day and the next game roll all 1s on the dmg rolls... it's quite frustrating.
I rely on Haywire from my Talos and the accidental Blast Pistol / Blaster from my Kabalites. Reapers are quite good if run with ToS Cult or DT Coven.
I really hope Darklight gets reworked somehow or at least gets a minimum dmg treatment, like Damage 3+D3 instead of D6

The Bloody Sails
Made in us
Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

Sadly the only other options we have are disintegrators for multiple damage. You could maybe count hellions but nobody really uses them. Clawed Fiends also exist but i don't know if i want to use them. Part of the reason is i'd have to buy a lot of finecast minis and partly because they don't get obsession traits.

People have been running disintegrator raiders with DT Coven but sadly with price increasing i don't know how effective that still is. 3 damage base is something dark eldar don't get often.

Perhaps i could use heat lances on my reavers but usually it's one round of shooting before they're all dead. Against toughness 7 and esp. if i advance with reavers i really don't like the outlook of heat lances even with Test of Skill. An average of 1 of 4 heat lances wounding toughness 7 and maybe doing 4-5 wounds average is not good.

So i think i'll try this list when i can and see what happens. My biggest concerns are not having a unit to really hold objectives once things become a slog and i don't know if i can shift the enemy off objectives too well. If they're elite i'll try to move around the board to various objectives. If they're slow or a gun-line i'll try to grab objectives everywhere to force them to move.

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http://the-under-empire.proboards.com/ (my skaven forum) 
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Maybe try flipping the script and bringing some PoF Coven units. They are very good at sitting on objectives, and can do surprising damage with Torturers Craft 2CP
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Los Angeles

 flamingkillamajig wrote:
Succubus; Warlord, +2", +1 A
-archite glaive
-blast pistol
-helm of spite
-stimm addict
Wyches x5; +1S
Wyches x5; +2LD
Wyches x5; +1WS
I have played wyches since 5e, all through 8e and, covid19 permitting, I'll bring them back. Here's your rethink:
+1S, +1Attack, +1Ws and then +2 inches to a succubus. She screens or assaults out of OverWatch, which used to be important, but not so much in 9e. +1 Toughness would go tot a 2nd succubus and, heh, LD to a 3rd HQ if that panned out.

The +1Attack on 5 girls means 5 more attacks, not 1 more on a Succubus. Each pack of girls ought to have a Shardnet and Impaler, including the Succubus. Since you only have 5 girls per unit, they're only there for tarpitting, so make it worth-while and have a 'Net. Full packs of 10+ girls could wipe out some units. When Primaris hit the meta, girls needed to be benched, not being able to deal out enough wounds.

 flamingkillamajig wrote:

Lately my dark eldar have been facing lots of vehicles and some long ranged anti tank. Where possible I need to keep the enemy away from me and with 24" blasters and 42" dissies and dark lance that should work out. Anyway hopefully this counters some of the frustration I've had with fast transports taking MEQ armies all over and either needing to close with pitiful anti tank or just never being able to shoot at vehicles without going into super short range and losing units. I have few dissies and poison isn't great but I'm still hoping this list works.

If the meta shifts toward vehicles, with the SM and Necron Codicies are just dropping, Dark Lances may well re-overtake DisCans as the better gun. As of now, I dunno.

The other option is to spend money on Scourges with haywire. I bought 3 boxes, painted all the long nosed guns blue ( shredder silver/gun metal). Not a single opponent, in many GTs has fussed at me for all of them (well, 4 outta 5) being haywire, when the short nosed dude was the shredder. They used to be one of the cheapest Drukhari boxes, but it mighta gone up by now.

But, they're a reasonable answer to a vehicle heavy meta. And over all, a really good unit. 4+/6+, with Deep Strike, plus great range or simply mobile AF. Since the tables got smaller, I dunno as I'd Deep Strike 'em at all.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/09/17 04:33:12

"You can bring any cheesy unit you want. If you lose. Casey taught me that." -Tim S.

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