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Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

In a small tournament without leveling between matches, what handicapping skills would you recommend for an Ogre team.
Since it s tire 3, they gets 3 normal and 3 double.

Thanks for reply
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Block and Pro can be helpful.

Block is... well, great on Ogres or any big guy to make them more reliable. Pro can be great to burn on Bonehead failures to try and save Team Rerolls for other situations.

Grab can also be good to surf an enemy into fouling range of your Gnoblars while keeping a screen of Ogres between the opposing team and your squishy Gnoblars.

Dirty Player or Sneaky Git on a fouling Gnoblar can have use, however you will likely have enough extra gold for Bribes due to Low Cost Linemen... that I think you may be able to get away without these skills.

Edit: Keep forgetting about Brawler as well since that is a Primary Skill for Ogres. Brawler and Pro could be interesting on three Ogres.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/11 00:43:07

Made in gb
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

Leader for an extra ‘free’ re-roll is universally good and it’s a primary skill for runt punters.

Block is great for anyone whose main job is hitting things. No matter which team.

Tackle is doubly good for Ogres since one of their worst matchups is dodgy teams so shutting that down is great.

Similarly, Grab is great for putting the opposition into fouling range as well as shutting down sidestep.

If you want to surprise the opposition, Multiple Block is always a laugh, especially if you can get a bunch of gnoblars into positions to assist.

Guard is also surprisingly useful; especially with Multiple Block as above, or with just regular blocking strats.

Diving Tackle on a gnoblar is also an interesting alternative defence against dodging. Though if you’re willing to go all-in on wacky, Diving Tackle and Arm Bar on an ogre is great and no-one will see it coming.

Jump Up is also a nasty surprise if you want to spend a double on an Ogre, though it’s not as good as on, say, a Treeman because of Bonehead.

Another wacky but actually good combo is Block, Dodge, Break Tackle, though I’m not sure if your tournament allows for spending many skills on one player like that.

Just don’t try to take Strong Arm on a Runt Punter; technically they can’t use it and I’m pretty sure it’s not a legit pick in the first place.

I’d also like to put in an honourable mention for Kick; putting the ball in a corner far away from the enemy at kickoff is surprisingly useful for an ogre team, especially against their natural enemies, Dwarfs. Just hope none of them thought about On The Ball + Diving Catch as a combo…

"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran
Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks for answer
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

The more I think about it, the more I rethink skills like Pro and Leader for a Blood Bowl 2020 Ogre team.

Maybe my thinking is totally wrong, but with the changes from Blood Bowl 2016 to 2020.... Ogres gain Low Cost Linemen. In a tournament format is it really worth taking reroll skills now, when you can get rerolls from Inducements due to having your Team Value so discounted before games? Same with Dirty Player/Sneaky Git. Why waste a skill when you can just choose a bribe before a match against teams with players that are prime fouling targets.

Maybe it is worth just focusing on bashing skills for the Ogres to make the real meat of the team more reliable, and work on getting the numbers advantage against the other team, before they end up with the numbers advantage against you when they start targeting your Gnoblars.
Made in gb
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

Think about it this way; Leader is worth 100k in inducements. That’s two extra bribes or five cheerleaders/asst. coaches, or an Apothecary. Or you can treat it as part of your TRR and use that extra 70k to buy a permanent Apo and some staff or Fans or whatever.

"Three months? I'm going to go crazy …and I'm taking you with me!"
— Vala Mal Doran
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