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MN (Currently in WY)

This year, to honor the Super Bowl my daughter and I sat down and played a game of Blood Bowl. She prefers to play using the video game version as it does most of the work for you! However, this time I insisted on using the miniatures I had painted up. She relented since it was for the Super Bowl and because it had been over a year since we played with the Minis. It had been so long, this was the first time the Lustria Revenge (Lizardmen) actually touched the pitch! In addition, I used one of the alternate game boards, this time the "winter" themed board.

Enough prelude, let's get to the Blood Bowl action. I did not document every part of the game, so this might be a bit different than other match reports I have written.

You can read all about it here: https://bloodandspectacles.blogspot.com/2021/02/match-report-blood-bowl-lizardmen-vs.html

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