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Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


ClassicistORG is a wonderful Youtube channel to follow on the topic of classical architecture. This particular lecture goes through the principles of classical architecture all across the world, regardless of culture or continent. A couple of highlights on universal human traits:

"Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief. "

"Human eyes crave two things: Order and variety, in delicate balance. If it is too orderly, then it is boring and oppressive. If it is too varied, it is chaotic and unpleasant. Beauty."

Warmly recommended. Inspiring stuff, and hopefully an antidote to anyone who thinks unornamented minimalism is a sound thing most of the time.

Made in ca
Pustulating Plague Priest

Sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

Been on a bit of a Persia history binge lately. Don’t suppose this channel covers Persian architecture too?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/07 14:58:09

Faithful... Enlightened... Ambitious... Brethren... WE NEED A NEW DRIVER! THIS ONE IS DEAD!  
Made in us
Stubborn Hammerer


Sadly not, but it might come in the future.

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