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Model basing - how to know which base is right?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nz
Disguised Speculo

Hiya all, got a lot of old models and some have changed base size, some didn't use to have based and do now, and some have no bases at all!

I've seen different comments on different parts of the web and am not sure how to tell what bases to use.

Is there a... compendium or something somewhere about appropriate base sizes for each model? What if the model came with a base and is now on a larger one? What about models such as Daemons that overlap with Age of Sigmar?

Very specifically, can someone help me with flesh hounds of Khorne? I've seen pictures of them on long oval bases, large round bases, and on those old cavalry rectangle bases. Mine have no bases at all so wondering what to put them on!

Cheers and have a great day!
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

For 40k there's nothing 'official' - most things have their base listed on their GW store page, and there's a guide for LVO attendees.

For AoS there is an official Base Sizes doc, which might be helpful for Deamons. All three sources agree on 60mm oval bases for Flesh Hounds.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/04/29 20:35:08

Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

beast_gts wrote:
For AoS there is an official Base Sizes doc, which might be helpful for Deamons. All three sources agree on 60mm oval bases for Flesh Hounds.

And the first sentence of that document clearly shows GW thoughts on the matter...

In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, most distances are measured from one model’s base to another model’s base. In the vast majority of games, the actual size of the base is not terribly important, and you can use bases of whatever size or shape you prefer.

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defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I don't think there's a compendium in general (it would be nice if GW would put out a list). On the GW website, for the listings for the models they're selling they do list the base size they're including with the model.

In general, you can use the model with the base it came with. Some tournaments might want you to use whatever the current base size for the model is now. (I think that the major issues might be people using old metal terminators on 25 mm bases or someone using an old metal Craftworlds avatar that had a 25 mm base(but the model itself is really too small to represent an Avatar now). If you have the models without bases now, you could look up what they use now and just buy those. If you have some models currently on bases but some of the same types not on bases then you should be able to get by with just putting the unbased ones on bases the same size that the other similar models are on.

On GW's site, they show the Flesh Hounds of Khorne mounted on oval bases.
Made in nz
Disguised Speculo

Awesome I will use that doc as much as possible. Not really interested in tournaments but don't want opponents in casual games to think I'm gaming the system (I don't even know the rules any more, let alone how to game them with base size!)
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