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[WU] Played my first games on Saturday, now I want to buy more.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Well, title says it all, played my first games of Warhammer Underworlds last Saturday with the Direchasm starter box... and I love it.

The Slaanesh half of the box was great fun, my buddy picked up Khagra's Ravagers (since neither of us liked the way the Lumineth looked) and we learned with that.

We got some stuff wrong, but pretty quickly got going by ourselves for the most part. The rulebook is pretty well laid out for a GW game, I kid, the rulebook was honestly pretty great even in comparison to other games my buddy and I have played.

And well, looks like both he and I are going to pick up four to half a dozen warbands each. I bought Morgwaeth's Blade Coven, found a brand new Godsworn Hunt for $30 online, and plan on picking up the simplified starter as well for both warbands plus everything else in the box.

Can decent decks be made using just the faction deck plus The Essential Card Pack? Don't plan on buying other warbands just for cards, or buying singles online... just wondering if that will be enough to keep the game interesting even against somebody who has a slightly more expansive collection.

Also, are the Storm of Celestus and Draper's Wraith Creepers (plus their and The Essential Card Pack's cards) valid for all tournament formats? I also heard that those cards are immune to rotation?

Made in us
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

Underworlds is certainly my favorite gw game.

With the 3rd and 4 season, the faction cards can be used to make pretty decent decks. Combined with the core set and an expansion or two (essential cards included) you have a lot of room for customization.

No warbands will ever rotate, just universal cards. I'm not sure if the Essential pack will be permanent or not. Usually there is a pack of universal cards which comes out each season which rotates with that season. But the essential pack and the 2 player starter are 100% tournament legal.

I've not been getting any of the season 4 stuff yet myself (mostly as covid has completely killed my local scene) but I look forward to getting back into it when I can.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/05/04 10:20:05

Wolfspear's 2k
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Made in gb
Hungry Little Ripper


Hi can some one help me with a couple of rule queries. I have posted in another thread but no one responded

These cards are from the new deathgorge set.

Qu1, eager for the fight card. Can you score it if your warband has 4 fighters and you have only 2 fighters with charge tokens and only two fighters within 2 hexes of other fighters?

Qu2, Need for speed card. Can you score this card if two fighters have movement tokens and two that have charge tokens?

:Tyranids rule:  
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