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Fresh-Faced New User

I'm trying to introduce my girlfriend to tabletop and although I myself haven't played, I do own several different units that are in various stages of painting... because painting was my main interest. Since I also have never played, I figured letting her pick whichever universe was of more interest to her would give the greatest odds she'd enjoy playing, painting, etc. I think both universes are awesome so I'm good either way.

Since neither of us have played 40k or AoS, I thought it best to start at either Kill Team or Warcry level to learn, and then if we both like it, either get more warbands or upgrade to full armies. We've watched a couple battle reports on YouTube for the full games, but there are still mechanics we don't understand (and from what I hear 9th edition is one of the most convoluted)

My issue comes in where we stopped at the local gaming store and I asked the manager if they ever have game nights anymore for warhammer and he said they don't schedule them since Covid (but they still do for Magic). I then asked if Kill Team or Warcry was more popular and the manager said Kill Team because in general 40k is more popular. That's kind of a bummer for me, because if we do find we like Warcry, sounds like it'll be just us to play together unless I teach family members to or something. She chose Warcry because it seemed simpler in the videos we watched and I think she likes fantasy more than space anyhow.

Is this lack of interest across the board for Warcry? From what I've seen online it looks like there's lots of warband build options, every AoS faction is viable (at least non-tournament level), and the models and boards look great.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/16 23:09:05

Made in us
Sureshot Kroot Hunter

My wife and I play Warcry. I went through the same thing with finding a table top game to play together. Warcry easy to learn and I would argue more interactive. Alternating activations means you're both active during the game vs AoS or 40k where you could sit for 30-45 minutes waiting for the other person to go.

Results may vary by location for what is more popular. The Warhammer store I go to has a dedicated league for Warcry and more people seem interested in Warcry than Killteam.

If either of you is interested in Star Wars- X-Wing is a good beginner game as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/09/21 00:56:56

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Warcry is a fantastic game, and less complex than Kill Team. Everyone I've shown it to, including a partner, had a good time. You can't go wrong with warcry, don't worry about what one employee said.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Honestly, sometimes the best way to attract more people to your chosen game is to just play it at a store that has compatible models.

If a store carries AoS minis, just have fun at your local store, and people will likely start drifting over to see what all the fun is about.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm happy to hear that other people have traveled this path with a positive outcome. I had thought that maybe once we got our first warband, painted them, and knew the basics of playing we might try making a night of it and going to play at the game store, maybe spark up some interest. I'm sure there's probably some discussion out there in a Facebook group but I don't have FB.

I think she's going to go Gloomspite Gitz, it was that, Skaven, or Daughters of Khaine. For me, I have some Bonesplitterz already and was considering Ironjawz but apparently they are so slow (I know they have Waaghh) they get stomped in anything that's not a fight me game mode. So, I think I'll go Beasts of Chaos, though I'm going third party with the models, the GW ones just don't compare to some smaller artists or companies out there, even ignoring price.

I thought swapping back and forth was nice too. Almost seems necessary because you'd possibly severely gimp someone if you did your entire warband's turn before they got to move.
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

Oh? I am building a Beasts Of Chaos warband and a Daughters Of Khaine one as well, I would love to see the third party stuff you are talking about.

Was thinking about doing Beasts of Chaos using Frostgrave Gnolls and Kobolds from somewhere else, but just went with the GW offerings since I couldn't find anything else I really enjoyed.
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Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 NH Gunsmith wrote:
Oh? I am building a Beasts Of Chaos warband and a Daughters Of Khaine one as well, I would love to see the third party stuff you are talking about.

Was thinking about doing Beasts of Chaos using Frostgrave Gnolls and Kobolds from somewhere else, but just went with the GW offerings since I couldn't find anything else I really enjoyed.
Don't know about alternate beastmen, but here's some alternate DoK: https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/dark-elves-de-f/products/ophidian-invasion-de-f

I do own the harpies, and they are 28mm figures, not whatever the new GW DoK flyers are. So they'd both be smaller and use a smaller base than what the official Warcry DoK do.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Warcry is a legit game. There's a little bit of a balance issue, but if you both play a chaos cultist faction, or if you both play a non chaos-cultist faction, then it works just fine.

In terms of interest, it doesn't really matter. If you just want to play with your SO, then do that. If you want to play with other people, generally if you bring the game, people will play.
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
 NH Gunsmith wrote:
Oh? I am building a Beasts Of Chaos warband and a Daughters Of Khaine one as well, I would love to see the third party stuff you are talking about.

Was thinking about doing Beasts of Chaos using Frostgrave Gnolls and Kobolds from somewhere else, but just went with the GW offerings since I couldn't find anything else I really enjoyed.
Don't know about alternate beastmen, but here's some alternate DoK: https://www.ragingheroes.com/collections/dark-elves-de-f/products/ophidian-invasion-de-f

I do own the harpies, and they are 28mm figures, not whatever the new GW DoK flyers are. So they'd both be smaller and use a smaller base than what the official Warcry DoK do.

Ohhh gotcha. Yeah, I know about the Raging Heroes stuff. Just not a fan of resin, and the original metal Witch Elves they do would look out of place mixed with the other GW plastics.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I dont have DoK alternates, only for beastmen, but I found printed models on Etsy as well as the 3d models for printing, except the minotaur on the latter.

They are all resin though so if you don't want resin you won't want them.

For ungors, gors, bestigors, harpies, centigrade, and bray shaman check out Raven Twin Miniatures. For the minotaur models I was planning to use, check out Zealot Miniatures under their fantasy creatures.
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