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[WU] Warbands for the next Season of Underworlds  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


Couldn't find if a similar thread exists so apologies in advance - -

What do you think the upcoming new warbands will be? On the the WHC site they teased another bird and the first of the new warbands has some kind of piratey iconography. The other standalone new warband tease has lightning...so I'm reallllly hoping it's a new Tzeentch band (please don't let it be another batch of Stormcast, I like them but it's getting to Primaris Lieutenant level of releases). My wishlist is to have a Free Peoples/What's left of the Empire and an all Hunters warband. What say you folks?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/16 23:06:34

Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

Rumours at the TGA:Forums mention two warbands, that I hope really are legit.

One is an Ogre Pirate/Maneater with a parrot (the bird already teased) and a monkey for pets.

The Second is a Necromancer with zombie thralls (also mentioning an "electric theme")

Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

 Segersgia wrote:
Rumours at the TGA:Forums mention two warbands, that I hope really are legit.

One is an Ogre Pirate/Maneater with a parrot (the bird already teased) and a monkey for pets.

The Second is a Necromancer with zombie thralls (also mentioning an "electric theme")

...I had planned to avoid Harrowdeep... but Ogre pirates sounds amazing.
Made in pl
Steady Dwarf Warrior

Wroclaw , Poland

sign me in, to this Thread

i am really interested in this game,

despite i am not a player in Underworlds , yet

but i'm planning,

well, its the game has fascinating story , its really fascinating , i like this game , the warbands are really cool

i must admit,

really take a while, since i saw new range in specialist games in GW

and, this game is impressive

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/10/24 14:16:03

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Twisted Trueborn with Blaster


This is from TGA ages ago, before the pirate ogre was confirmed. Nothing too unexpected, really, although normal humans are rare in WHU.
[Thumb - SmartSelect_20220105-065158_Chrome.jpg]

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Longtime Dakkanaut

I believe witch hunters was a rumour floated by the same that said those before they released.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I hope so. That zombie warband is a triumphant failure. Need something to restore confidence in how amazing underworlds sculpts are.
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