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Lay of the Danish Bailif, by Ola Aurell  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


Here is a translation of a Swedish song from 2016, on the topic of the national speech defect known as the Danish language.

40k version can be found here.

Woodcut by Olaus Magnus.

Lay of the Danish Bailif
By Ola Aurell

Ack! Let me record the horror that happened,
due to a foreign master's accent,
't was during Yuletide and the snow it lay new,
when the bailif from Denmark rode into our village.

And the knees trembled like rattles on everyone,
for woe unto those who bothers when the bailif commands,
and the backs became wet by fright when he said:
(Garbled Danish)
For no one understood,
what he wanted to have.

One dares not to ask what the bailif just said,
when the bailif wears sword and rules our clime,
but however it was, was the beer barrel put forward,
as well as herring-sausage and dill-fat and new-roasted lamb,
we gathered rings and coins in a box,
and gave all of what treasures here was to summon,
yet the bailif but shook his head and said:
(Garbled Danish)
And God alone knew,
what he wanted to have.

So Trash-Tyko's daughter with her behind bared,
was carried to the bailif and then a fellow,
we flogged Little-Grim in the hope that it,
was black and blue dwarf that he came here to see.

But the bailif looked sour, and now spread the panic,
what demanded his mercy to not become disappointed?
we ran and we razed, while he shouted as before:
(Garbled Danish)
And no one understood,
a word of his howl.

We painted the sheep, and hanged our priest,
we raised up a cross with a nailed-on horse,
we forced down grandmother into the badger nest,
and Gorm gave to the bailif his cut foot.

And the bairns became ground to flour in the mill,
and the village burned, and soon it was only me left, but,
I coped not care more about the bailif who shouted:
(Garbled Danish)
Amid corpse piles, horse-cross and flames aroaring.

I said: Fly to Satan with the power and tax,
and sat down feebly by well and drank water,
then I stretched out the ladle to the bailif who said:
(Danish Thank You)
For it was a gulp water,
that he had wanted to have.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/20 08:31:57

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Nice. Reminds me of the Moth joke for some reason.

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