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Is anti-tank spam and mortal wounds spam pretty valid now?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Calculating Commissar

pontiac, michigan; usa

So with the table seeing custodes, eldar, nids and factions like tau i'm finding as dark eldar my lance weapons are super useful.

Most of the rest of my weapons are 1 or 2 damage and against a carnifex spam list where they have 0+ saves at range with carnifex spam and -1 to incoming damage (which these days seems pretty common for some armies) i'm pretty much forced to use anti-tank weapons that do a minimum of 3 to 4 damage and up to 8 or 6 damage per weapon where a simple -1 modifier to damage and so much armor isn't as big a deal.

Same goes for facing custodes with like 3-4 wounds minimum. My melee as dark eldar is also fairly limited with ap value and generally doesn't go above 2 damage each. Talos might be the exception here.

I haven't faced eldar or harlequins yet but anti-tank also seemed to work vs tau quite well with minimum 3-4 damage per shot being good vs crisis suits or big suits.

Anyway i'm not sure what other factions have been doing vs the current meta but this has been working out for me. That and mortal wound spam from void ravens but that's iffy sometimes.

What do you guys think about all this and what have you tried?

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Made in it
Waaagh! Ork Warboss


Mortal wound spam is probably the best list for orks now. For orks it seems to work since they'd lack reliable sources of anti tank or anti elite otherwise. It's not an easy list archetype to play though, it requires lots of experience.

Made in se
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

I think your assessment is correct. GW has made fools out of themselves with the incessant multi layering of offense and defense. This design space is smaller than they understand. Hence we´re into AT and mw chasing since small arms is so feeble.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Scactha wrote:
I think your assessment is correct. GW has made fools out of themselves with the incessant multi layering of offense and defense. This design space is smaller than they understand. Hence we´re into AT and mw chasing since small arms is so feeble.

I'm pretty sure people have been asking for vehicles and monsters to be durable and to require anti-tank to take it down efficiently.

Spamming anti-tank will lose you games unless it's grossly undercosted ( Voidweavers ). Spamming MW less so since it's more versatile.
Made in ca
Sagitarius with a Big F'in Gun


Anecdotally I recently made a Drukhari Poison Tongue list for a League that had 8 Venoms with 2 splinter cannons and Chainsnares plus another 8 Splinter Cannons elsewhere. Before the League started I tested it a handful of times and it was effective and fun. Then 6 days after I submitted the list GW pinched off the Armour of Contempt rule and the 2 games I've had since then (Space Marine meta) My list is neutered to the point of getting 1/3 my normal score at the end of games. I've had to change Kabal and replace every instance of generalist weapons with the highest caliber Anti-Tank weapons. So I've now got 25 AT guns and that may do. Every month we fall closer to the worst parts of 7th ed.

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1000pt Skitari Legion 
Made in ca
Waaagh! Warbiker

Any accounting for power creep? It seems like they last 4 codex's have had very little issue with remove tanks. CWE, Nids, Quins and Tau. Likely due to thier stuff just being undervalued.

Like whats up with Exocrines pumping out 8ish las cannon shots a turn and harpys 6 for sub 200 points each.
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