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Figure Design Question: Why integral hands on Karist weapons?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Considering that the Epirian Foundation and the Broken have open hands and one glues in the desired weapon, it struck me as odd that the Karists do not follow that pattern, making them less kit-bash friendly. So why this difference?

Anyway, this question came to mind while I was converting some Contractors into a Suppression Team, and copying Insaniak's two handed shock maul poses. Since you can cut and repose the wrist, this is possible and not that challenging. With a Karist figure, it could be a hassle.

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The short answer is that the Karists were done first, and later kits evolved from there.

They're still models that we're very proud of, but as our very first kits were a bit of a learning curve. If we were doing the Karists over there are a few things, like the integrated weapons, that we would likely do differently.

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Thanks for the reply. The Karists are not bad figures: at some point I'll get a troopers set so I can make Praetorians. However, while my original choice was Epirians since I like robots, I've become more interested in the Broken. Particularly with the stuff you've posted about SARA. I was thinking of making a SARA force of Browncoats. "You don't get over Serenity Valley, you just learn to live with it."

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