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2022/08/13 08:00:24
Subject: Reddit thread on cheep chinese made warjack
Someone on reddit found a bootleg, cheap China made warjack. Thought people would find this interesting as it's clearly a modified Khador model. Few more pics in the link including other models from the line that don't look like warjacks
Very old news. Privateer Press had their molds more or less stolen by their chinese manufacturing partner years ago. Within a few months of that a handful of their designs started popping up in 99 cent stores and what I call "cheap imported junk" stores as a pre-assembled and poorly pre-painted kids toys.
CoALabaer wrote: Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
2022/08/16 05:13:47
Subject: Reddit thread on cheep chinese made warjack