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Custom40k - Core rules and armies (Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

=== Custom40k ===


1. What is Custom40k?
Custom40k is a complete, ready to play homebrew ruleset for Warhammer 40.000 that has been in development over the past 2+ years and became the default system to play for my local group of about ~15 people. The rules aim to modernise, streamline and rebalance the "classic era" rules (3rd - 7th edition) while supporting all models GW ever made for all armies and bringing back army and model customisation via extensive armories for all factions.

2. What are the key differences to current 40k?
- Alternating activation: Each player only activates one unit at a time, which leads to less downtime and less lethality.
- Backwards compatability: Every model that GW released for Warhammer (and will release in the future) is playable and supported with rules.
- Balance: Since its inception, Custom40k has been finetuned over 100+ games to ensure that all units are playable and have a purpose in the game. Points are calculated using a unified points calculator. Balancing for a game like 40k is an ever ongoing endeavour, but I'm doing my best to keep all armies and units on an even level.
- Huge customisation: Where GW has a strict "No model, no rules" policy, "Customisation" is the name of the game. Each faction features their own, ever expanding armory full of options for character models, units and army composition. Kitbashing and creativity is explicitly desired.
- Old school systems: Armor Values for vehicles and the Force Organisation Chart are back.

3. What do you need to play Custom40k?
Apart from the regular things for a normal game of Warhammer, what you need in addition are so called "Command tokens". Command tokens are used at the beginning of every battle round to determine what actions a unit may be allowed to do during its activation. While we 3d printed our own tokens for this, a suitable replacement would be a simple deck of cards for each player. You need four different cards (hearts, diamonds, spades, clover) as there are a maximum of 4 different commands at any given time.


Core Rules
- Core rules (English) / (Deutsch)
- Missions (English)
- 3D printable tokens and token box (Link)
- Planetary Assault (Campaign system) (English)
- Escalation (Lords of War for all factions) (Englisch)

Army Rules

Disclaimer: Not all armies already have all units available, yet. I usually add units as my local players use them in our games. If you are missing a unit from your army, just let me know in the thread and I'm happy to convert it to Custom40k!

Adeptus Custodes (English)
Adeptus Mechanicus (English)
Adeptus Sororitas (English) / (Deutsch)
Assassins (English)
Chaos Demons (English)
Chaos Space Marines (English) / Deutsch
Dark Eldar (English) / (Deutsch)
Death Guard (English) / (Deutsch)
Eldar (English)
Grey Knights (English) / (Deutsch)
Genestealer Cults (English)
Horus Heresy Codex Supplement (English) / (Deutsch)
Imperial Guard (English) / (Deutsch)
Inquisition (English)
Leagues of Votann (English)
Necrons (English) / (Deutsch)
Orks (English) / (Deutsch)
Space Marines (English) / (Deutsch)
Tau Empire (English)
Thousand Sons (English)
Tyranids (English)
World Eaters (English)

Quick Start / Recommendations for your first game
- Game size: 2500 points per player.
- Table size: 72"x48".
- Mission: Take & Hold (Link to "Missions" under Core Rules)
- Ignore "Features of the ..." entries from the armory for now and instead use the datasheets as is.
- Go easy on vehicles for both players, as the wounding system used for them can be surprising for newer players who never experienced older editions.

This message was edited 40 times. Last update was at 2024/08/06 10:09:50

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in pl
Fixture of Dakka

I have a questions.

Befindet sich ein Psioniker im Nahkampf, kann er zu seiner Initiativephase Psikräfte vom Typ “Einfach” wirken. Er kann nur Einheiten, die sich mit ihm im Nahkampf befinden, als Ziele auswählen.

Does this mean that he can't cast any easy powers on himself and only use offensive ones?

I really like how open toped and apothecary-like healing works in your rule set.

If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen


I changed the wording to make it more clear.

The psyker is supposed to be able to affect himself as well as friendly and enemy units in the same melee combat.

One anecdote battle I like to share, because it pleasantly surpised me last Sunday. I had a low points game of 1500 points with my Space Marines against Imperial Guard.

Imperial Guard had:
- A command squad with an officer (5 models)
- Three heavy weapon teams (6 models)
- A Conscript squad (20 models)
- 3x10 men Infantry squads with various special weapons
- A Basilisk
- A Chimera
- Some sparkling of doctrines. Sharpshooter, Deepstrike and Bionics

I had:
- A Librarian Dreadnought
- A Redemptor Dreadnought
- 5 Infiltrators
- 3 Outriders
- A Drop pod

So all in all 61 infantry models + 2 tanks against 8 Marines and two Cybots. The game was super tactical and fun. It ended in a draw with both sides scoring 9 points. Felt a bit like playing a scene in a novel.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in dk
Loyal Necron Lychguard

The Necrons codex hasn't been translated fully. A lot of the vehicle options should just be included in the base datasheet, Marine vehicles don't have to be upgraded to become BS3+ right? C'tan are also way too susceptible to bolters and poisoned weaponry, reducing damage by 1 is totally missing the point of what made C'tan boring to use in earlier editions. I assume S4 can wound T7 on 6s without further issues.

Capitalizing the first letter in the names of weapons like Hyperphase sword and unit types like Jump pack is a weird choice. Generally, you want to follow GW's way of doing things unless you have a good reason not to.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

 vict0988 wrote:
The Necrons codex hasn't been translated fully. A lot of the vehicle options should just be included in the base datasheet, Marine vehicles don't have to be upgraded to become BS3+ right? C'tan are also way too susceptible to bolters and poisoned weaponry, reducing damage by 1 is totally missing the point of what made C'tan boring to use in earlier editions. I assume S4 can wound T7 on 6s without further issues.

Capitalizing the first letter in the names of weapons like Hyperphase sword and unit types like Jump pack is a weird choice. Generally, you want to follow GW's way of doing things unless you have a good reason not to.

Can you point me towards the datasheets or entries that have not been translated, yet? I skimmed over it again now and couldn't find anything.
What benefit do you see for including the equipment in the base datasheet, instead of having it available for purchase? (Marines don't have to upgrade for BS3+, but they are paying for having the stat)

I ran the numbers for an unnamed C'tan Shard and it would take 68 BS3+ bolter shots to kill one outside of cover. 135 shots in cover with a "Stand & Shoot command" and 180 with a "Move & Shoot" command. I respectfully disagree, that they are too vulnerable to small arms fire. To achieve that amount of bolter shots you have to spend a considerable amount of your points into bolter units and I don't think it would be feasable in a regular game size. It is only slightly better for poison, where you need 60 shots without cover.

C'tan Shards are able to take their armor save alongside their Necrodermis save (like every model who got both saves). So it is a 4+ and 4+, modified by cover, which gives +2 to your save and -1 to hit to the attacker.

In regards to the naming: I see what you mean and will update the names for everything, thanks for pointing it out!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2022/09/16 13:44:56

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in dk
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Necrons should have these upgrades as part of their wargear and be forced to pay for it for the same reason that Space Marines are forced to pay for BS3+ instead of being BS4+ with the option to upgrade to BS3+.

There must be something I don't know about your shooting system because I don't understand the math, sorry I am not going to read the core rules because it doesn't seem like my thing. I'm just a huge Necron fan so I thought I'd look through your codex. Don't bother trying to explain the math, I trust it is not an issue.

Necrodermis for all shards and C'tan splitter "ist" and powers of the C'tan. Scarab "Swawm" and "kampf". Canoptek Wraith "vivious" claws need to be fixed. Control F to search.

I don't remember the best colours for colour-blind friendliness but I think green and yellow could be an issue. It's also just generally harder to read anything other than black or dark blue or dark grey on a white page. Adding * or ** to the cost is an alternative option to colour coding.

In your codex index having each of the relevant rules in the codex listed would be cool in my opinion.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/16 15:27:26

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Fixed most (all?) typos and missing translations in the Necron codex. Incorporated mandatory wargear for vehicles into their profiles and datasheets. Clarified Tomb world ability selection and added an additional marker for Lord and Cryptomant only items.

In addition, here are some pictures from last Sunday, showcasing how much terrain we use on our battlefields.
The first one is missing a big LoS blocking centerpiece, but it was Sisters against Demon hunters, so no biggie for either army. Ideally I would recommend it, though, so the game isn't a shooting gallery for some armies.



The second pair of images shows a smaller board for 1500 points. I suggest this to be used strictly for introduction games, as some armies struggle to bring units to the table.



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/19 11:36:35

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Added the first version of Chaos Demons (Nurgle only for the moment) to the first post.

And some further pictures as suggestions how a battlefield should look like:

Horus Heresy Emperor's Children against melee focused Imperial Guard (including an Inquisitor with Crusaders, Bullgryns and Ogryns). Melee Guard actually prevailed!

Orks against vehicle heavy Guard (a Vendetta and a Manticore are outside of the picture).

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Updated OP:
- Chaos Demons received Khorne and Tzeentch units and wargear.
- English translation for Chaos Space Marines.
- English translation for Thousand Sons.
- Several tweaks and adjustments to more or less every codex and core rules. Outliers in every direction got adjusted, unclear rules interactions got solved.

We currently have an active crusade campaign running with 11 people.

Some more pictures of our games and boards (sorry for the lower quality ^^):
Wasteland and ruins:


Orky wasteland:

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

- First version of the Tau Empire added.
- First bunch of Horus Heresy units and wargear.
- Chaos demons now have units from all four gods.
- Several bigger and smaller profile and rule adjustments across the board, based on game feedback.

A picture of the command tokens that we use. They come in two colors to match each player's paint scheme:

As always, some pictures from our last games

"Green zone, Lost & Damned vs. 30k loyalist Emperor's Children"

"City fight, Death Guard vs. Necrons"

"Barren land"

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

It's been some time, but updates have been flowing!

- Tau roster got expanded after their first premiere. They already feel right at home compared to the remaining power level.
- Updates and expanded roster for Imperial Guard, Necrons, Chaos Demons, Chaos Space Marines and Death Guard.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Added the Inquisition and general psychic disciplines in English to the first post.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Eldar have been properly expanded to nearly their full roster. Link in the first post got updated.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

I added a link to the OP for the 3D printable tokens and token boxes that we use.

It was not made by me and I don't know the original author. If you happen to be the creator, let me know and I will credit you. It was originally taken from an open source database for 3D printing stuff.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

- Massive update to the Chaos Space Marine codex to bring it in line with more recently released armies.
- Updates all psychic disciplines to make them more fun to use.
- Smaller adjustments to Death Guard and Sisters.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in dk
Loyal Necron Lychguard

a_typical_hero wrote:
- Massive update to the Chaos Space Marine codex to bring it in line with more recently released armies.
- Updates all psychic disciplines to make them more fun to use.
- Smaller adjustments to Death Guard and Sisters.

Does S affect saves?

Name: Bleed
Range: 12"
Target: Enemy unit
Cast value: 6
Effect: Roll 1D6 for each model in the target unit. For every 4+ it suffers an automatic wound with S:4 AP:0 D:1; "Seeking".
Duration: Instant
Complexity: Basic
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

No, it does not. The Strength value is given in such instances because some units have invulnerability saves which can not be used against Strength 8 and above.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Added English translation for Dark Eldar to OP, along with smaller profile adjustments to bring them in line with more recent armies.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/17 19:36:02

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Added Obsessions to Dark Eldar. Barring some units, the codex is now complete and up to date.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Added Tyranid rules!

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

- Added English translation for Grey Knights.
- Added German translation for Assassins
- Added German translation for Horus Heresy equipment.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in us
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


Carnifex: 7 wounds
Tyrannofex: 6 wounds.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen


Thanks for your feedback.

The Tyranid rules were made by a fellow player, as I'm not knowledgable enough about the faction to do them justice.

I guess the "bulky" of the Tyrannofex is supposed to be presented by a higher Toughness and Armor save, but I will relay your feedback regardless.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/05 09:00:19

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in mx
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


Vehicle durability seems weird.

You need to pen and then you need to roll 5+ to strip away a HP, and you need to do that 3-4 times.

That seems like ridiculously durable, not even 5th edition vehicles were this durable and that was the parking lot edition.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Anti-vehicle weaponry comes with an ability called "AT(x)".

For example a missile launcher got AT(1), while a Multi-melta in melta range gets AT(3).

The AT value increases your roll on the vehicle damage chart by the numerical value. Once you reach 8 or higher, the vehicle suffers a hull point damage and you roll again.

If you score a penetrating hit, your first roll on the vehicle damage chart gets an additional +2. The sample Multi-melta would cause a hull point for a penetrating hit on a 2+ OR 3+ and rolls another time, still retaining its innate +3 bonus to the roll.

Assuming a fully functional vehicle, another 7 (4+ with the Multi-melta on the second roll) is already sufficient to cause another single hull point damage (but you don't get another roll on the chart). So you already killed a smaller vehicle like a Rhino or Ork buggy.

The amount of hull points a vehicle got depends on their front AV.

10-11 -> 2 Hull points.
12-13 -> 3 Hull points.
14 -> 4 Hull points.

There are other ways to kill a vehicle. Once all weapons are destroyed or it suffered engine damage for three times, every further of these results will cause another hull point loss.

I don't know if this is something I can get across via words, but on the table, vehicles currently feel right in regards to their damage output and durability.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2023/07/08 10:32:27

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in us
Freaky Flayed One

Wilton, CT

Some folks are in love with ability symphonies that kite them up higher and higher. Alternate activation will cause knee-jerk unreasoning objection from these people.
Made in mx
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


a_typical_hero wrote:
Anti-vehicle weaponry comes with an ability called "AT(x)".

For example a missile launcher got AT(1), while a Multi-melta in melta range gets AT(3).

The AT value increases your roll on the vehicle damage chart by the numerical value. Once you reach 8 or higher, the vehicle suffers a hull point damage and you roll again.

If you score a penetrating hit, your first roll on the vehicle damage chart gets an additional +2. The sample Multi-melta would cause a hull point for a penetrating hit on a 2+ OR 3+ and rolls another time, still retaining its innate +3 bonus to the roll.

Assuming a fully functional vehicle, another 7 (4+ with the Multi-melta on the second roll) is already sufficient to cause another single hull point damage (but you don't get another roll on the chart). So you already killed a smaller vehicle like a Rhino or Ork buggy.

The amount of hull points a vehicle got depends on their front AV.

10-11 -> 2 Hull points.
12-13 -> 3 Hull points.
14 -> 4 Hull points.

There are other ways to kill a vehicle. Once all weapons are destroyed or it suffered engine damage for three times, every further of these results will cause another hull point loss.

I don't know if this is something I can get across via words, but on the table, vehicles currently feel right in regards to their damage output and durability.

Ok, but if AT is meant to be such an important part of anti-vehicle play then I suggest you verify that all factions have a decent access to that rule. Otherwise it can lead to some pretty awful matchups.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

TomWilton wrote:
Some folks are in love with ability symphonies that kite them up higher and higher. Alternate activation will cause knee-jerk unreasoning objection from these people.
The alternate activation is actually the single most impactful change that this ruleset offers to the overall feel of the game, in my opinion. If GW wouldn't change anything else but this, I would happily be playing some mainline 40k to see if I like the rest enough to stay. If you have the chance, give it a try. The difference is night and day to play against anything, but especially non interactive gunlines.

 Tyran wrote:
Ok, but if AT is meant to be such an important part of anti-vehicle play then I suggest you verify that all factions have a decent access to that rule. Otherwise it can lead to some pretty awful matchups.
Internal as well as external balancing of factions is a big big focus of the project. If Tyranids (or any other faction) is failing to be a fluffy, fun and viable army, there will be adjustments. That being said, I have rather limited data to work with due to the small playerbase and feedback. Not every army is played equally as often, so some are in a more refined state. With the current rules, Tyranids mainly bring their can openers in melee, where Monstrous Creatures roll 2D6+Strength to overcome armor values.

Most played (and finetuned):
- Adeptus Sororitas
- Chaos Space Marines
- Death Guard
- Imperial Guard
- Necrons
- Space Marines

A few games here and there:
- Orks
- Tau
- Thousand Sons
- Tyranids

Not played at all:
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar
- Grey Knights

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/17 13:58:31

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Last weekend saw our first tournament completed using the Custom40k ruleset. We had 8 participants in total, consisting of:
1x Adeptus Sororitas, 1x Chaos Space Marines, 1x Eldar, 1x Necrons, 1x Orks, 2x Space Marines and 1x Tau.

Impression 1

Impression 2

Impression 3

In the meantime, there were balance and profile updates for:
- Adeptus Sororitas
- Chaos Space Marines
- Eldar
- General psychic disciplines
- Inquisition
- Necrons
- Space Marines
- Tau

The next bigger updates that are currently work in progress are the English translation for Adeptus Sororitas, the first draft for Leagues of Votan as well as a dynamic pick & choose builder tool for all Chaos players to create their own Demon weapon.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bamberg / Erlangen

Leagues of Votann have been added to the first post.

Custom40k Homebrew - Alternate activation, huge customisation, support for all models from 3rd to 10th edition

Designer's Note: Hardened Veterans can be represented by any Imperial Guard models, but we've really included them to allow players to practise their skills at making a really unique and individual unit. Because of this we won't be making models to represent many of the options allowed to a Veteran squad - it's up to you to convert the models. (Imperial Guard, 3rd Edition) 
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