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Asgardians - lost cards - help!!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

Recently I purchased the Asgardians starter pack, assembled all the miniatures and now can't seem to find the plastic bag with the cards anywhere! I obviously don't want to have to buy the whole pack again just for the cards. I'm wondering if anybody might have any ideas how I could get hold of some. Is there any way of contacting Atomic Mass Games? Or is there perhaps somebody out there who collects the miniatures just for painting, doesn't want the cards and would be happy to let me have them for a reasonable price? Grateful for any assistance...
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Asmodee is terrible about this kind of stuff. There's a good collection of scans on mcpdb.com that's probably the best solution.
Made in us
Dangerous Branchwraith


Sometimes people sell the cards and tokens from the kits separately on ebay. It'll be cheaper than buying a whole new box but probably not as cheap as you'd like.

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

Thanks both for replying. In the end I found them!! So I panicked for nothing.

But I did also look on Ebay it it was crazy to see that people are selling the loose cards for almost the same price as the new boxes with minis in them. Who would pay that?
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