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Restless Sun- Raid on a Drill Rig- Operation: Hemlock  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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MN (Currently in WY)

Submarine insertions were exactly what they had been trained for. Lt. Meyers watched with a diligent eye as his North Ammoriss Naval PDF Commandoes prepared. Unlike most of the North Ammoriss PDF, his men weren't a bunch of conscripts. They had been recruited and chosen from some of the best soldier in the PDF and were considered to be the best native troops on Ammoriss. A raid on a drill rig from a submarine deployment was exactly the type of mission his troops had been trained for.

Taskforce: Thorn under Vice-Admiral Travers had done their job and mostly wiped the Ork forces from the sea lanes, and put in a over-the-horizon blockade of the Deff Islands. However, despite the set back in the Approaches, they didn't know how to quit. They counter-attacked with a series of air assaults that managed to re-take several of the Drill Rigs in the Approaches. Using these stations as staging points they had successfully managed to harass the supply lines the Imperial forces were sending from North Ammoriss to the Warzone. That put the entire campaign in jeopardy.

It was up to Lt. Meyers, and similar troops across the Approaches to put an end to these staging points. Their mission was to re-take the Drill Rig Oscar678-H. It was a simple mission to sweep the target, kill any greenskin that gets in the way, and re-take the control room of the drill rig. From there the commandoes could de-activate the power plant running the Ork defenses and allow follow-on troops to take the rig. Simple, but not easy.


North Ammoriss Naval Commando

Lt. Meyers - Trained Infantry
- Combat Weapons, Commander, Enhanced Senses

1 Specialist - Trained Infantry
- Indirect Fire, Blast, Enhanced Senses

1 Specialist- Trained Infantry
- Squad Support Weapon, Blast, Enhanced Senses

5 Commandoes- Trained Infantry
- Enhanced Senses

Ork Mob

1 Nob- Regular Infantry
-- Combat Weapon, Fierce, Armored, Commander

4 Boyz-- Irregular Infantry
-- Fierce, Combat Weapons

2 Boyz- Irregular Infantry
-- Fierce,

5 Grotz- Irregular Infantry

We are using the Forced Entry scenario from the main rulebook. The objective is a control room for the drill rig. The Commandoes have 8 turns to get a single unshaken model into the control room for the Rig.

As a complication, this battle is taking place at night. However, the North Ammoriss Naval Commandoes came prepared with some Enhanced Senses. They are immune to the darkness, but the Orks are not.

This battle is being played out on a 36x36 MU board to represent the drill rig's main command platform. 1MU with equal 1 inch. The terrain is being placed by the defender, but the attacker gets to choose the board edge to deploy from. Therefore, it is in the defenders best interest to make it work. Once the terrain and sides are picked, the objective is placed and the terrain adjusted as needed.

The Orks are placed within 6 MU of their board edge. The Commandoes are placed anywhere, but must be at least 12 MU away from any defender.

You can see the Orks using their Gretchin to pushback the attackers by deploying as far away from the objective as they can. They are then using the Combat oriented Boyz and Nob as a reserve force behind the objective. Meanwhile, the Imperial Attackers seem like they are stacking up to go down the center, with the Flamer leading the way, and the Grenade Launcher as support on the North edge of the board.

You can read the battle report and learn the results at the Blood and Spectacles Blog here:

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