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Very mid Cloak Tutorial.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation



Here is my attempt to make a tutorial.

There is nothing fancy about it, simple colors on simple element and it was done more as an excercise for myself than anything else. But still I am a little curious, if there is some learning value in it and if you like it.

I posted it here and there and some issues popped up. I wanted to put all information on the pics without any text, but I need to rethink it for the future.

Big dots on the pics are final color mixes, small dots are paints used in specific ratios.

VMC 70.951 White
SFG-17 Moonray Flesh
SC-00 Black
VMC 70.966 Turquoise

base color: Black
mix 1: Moonray Flesh + Black (1:3)
mix 2: Moonray Flesh + Black (1:1)
mix 3: White + Moonray Flesh + Black (1:2:1)
scratches painted with mix 3 or white
glaze mix: Turquoise+Black (3:1) heavily diluted with water

Some time ago I made tutorial how I paint NMM.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/08/01 15:57:27

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Esteemed Veteran Space Marine

Sheppey, England

I like the approach you've taken here - intuitive and clearly laid out. Nice work and thanks for taking the time to share.

Click for a Relictors short story: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/412814.page

And the sequels HERE and HERE

Final part's up HERE

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