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Runestar D12 - a new mass-fantasy battles game!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Hey folks,

I just released a new mass-battles game! The theme is on the side of low-fantasy, encouraging players to use converted historicals as the basis of their army. It is also compatible with most model collections.

It's not just a ruleset but also packed full of lore and fully illustrated: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/446517/Runestar-D12

What makes Runestar D12 unique?

1) Rune card magic system: combine runes to make your own spells
2) One-roll combat on a D12 for quick resolution
3) Simultaneous strategy - players share a turn
4) Battle lines are stable and units don't get wiped out when they retreat
5) An original setting on the nodeworld of Goragaia - full of myth and lore.
6) Innovative rules for great weapons, crossbows and long reach weapons.
7) All units are made using a mathematical formula

Happy to answer any questions!

Legend of Mythra - fantasy skirmish is now live! It's full of bascinets!

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

I suggest to put it also in News&Rumours (new game is news after all) to get more feedback
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


 Shadow Walker wrote:
I suggest to put it also in News&Rumours (new game is news after all) to get more feedback

Thanks for the tip. Did it work well for you?

For some reason I feel people might baulk at my release being 'news worthy'!

Not to say it isn't good - it's a top notch game - but it doesn't have much of a name (yet!)

Legend of Mythra - fantasy skirmish is now live! It's full of bascinets!

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

From my experience below-average products made by foot-in-the-door people are far more successful than excellent products made by shy people, so...
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Cyel wrote:
From my experience below-average products made by foot-in-the-door people are far more successful than excellent products made by shy people, so...

True, gotta have less shy. Gotta have more social oomph.

Even then it is an uphill struggle, a push against the tide. Now more than ever.

But ain't no one ever said life was gonna be easy...

*holsters flintlock, tips hat, grips reins and rides into the mist...*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/04 11:39:07

Legend of Mythra - fantasy skirmish is now live! It's full of bascinets!

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


The first Runestar expansion is live and totally free to download!

Four new army lists, faction lore and some cool art.


Legend of Mythra - fantasy skirmish is now live! It's full of bascinets!

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