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+++The Rains of Tanisaan+++ Update: Mission 3  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Battle Sector Imperium Borealis
+++The Rains of Tanisaan+++

When the forces of the Imperium came to the world of Tanisaan for the first time, they created a wasteland of an alien paradise and called it civilization. The planet served as a military outpost and mining colony for generations as the planet’s ecosystem gradually recovered to a shadow of what it had been. During the long night, the kings and queens of Tanisaan ruled prosperous kingdoms of many names. But when word spread of the Imperium’s return, they were unwilling to relinquish their power. When the Imperium returned during the great crusade, they found little more than ashes. The world was resettled again, and after a time began exporting rich deposits of metals and precious minerals. Crops bred by the farmers of Old Tanisaan were rediscovered, and soon the twice scorched earth produced and even exported food to Imperium Borealis.

Imperium Borealis has stood as a bulwark against the enemies of man for countless generations. Far from forgotten on the southern reaches of the Imperium, the sector has survived invasions from countless xeno invasions and chaotic uprisings from within, and becoming stronger for it. But never have the servants of the Emperor been so tested as by the arrival of a hive fleet.

From the black abyss between galaxies stripped bare they came, silencing world after world in Imperium Borealis before any meaningful resistance could be mustered. At last a coalition of Custodes, Astartes, and Imperial Navy blunted the onslaught at a terrible cost. Hive Fleet Monstar was scattered into smaller tendrils, each on its own spelling death for entire systems. But the fleet would not be defeated so easily, and the hive mind had goals beyond the simple consumption of Borealis worlds.

Though the uprisings of genestealer cults on Tanisaan were put down long ago, the Tyranid corruption survived and adapted. The newfound fertility of Tanisaan came at a cost, for even now the alien biology of the Tyranids spread its roots far and deep. It was Tanisaan itself that summoned the hive fleet, for the riches beneath its depths that lay undiscovered by man could not be ignored by the hive mind. Though the hive fleet was destroyed, its malevolent machinations were far from over.

For the first time in living memory, rain swept across cracked earth in sheets. Aristocrats and priests praised the Emperor as the skies of Tanisaan wept, their faith blinding them to the fate of their changing world.

Newsreel Imperium Borealis
M41.372 Ferrusmanuary 15th

“Breaking news this week as Astartes of the Blood Ravens chapter and Shadowkeepers of the Emperor’s own wardens route the Tyranid menace at Capua Hive today, after fighting for three weeks straight. Way to go, lads! Save some for the rest of us!

The Hive Fleet has been encircled by our gallant boys and girls in the sky, the Imperial Navy, and utterly smashed. All that’s left to do now is nip it in the bud.

For you folks lucky enough to be on Tanisaan- keep your eyes to the skies this week, and maybe bring an umbrella, because this will be a fireworks show for the history books!”

“Aaand cut.”

“How was that?”

“Fabulous, Georgie, just fabulous.”

“My cam-servitor kept shaking, did you see that? Just awful. I need a new one.”

“Sure, we can make that happen. And really, it wasn’t that bad.”

“Oh, so a second ago I was fabulous and now I’m not bad, eh? Oh, take it easy I’m just teasing. How ‘bout a lho stick? Thanks.”

“Do you think it’s really a good idea to go outside and watch a fleet battle so shortly after the invasion?”

“The Astartes and Navy are pulling out to go hunting tendrils. There’s entire guard companies pretty much on shore leave all over Tanisaan. My co-host got in a fist fight with one last night. Poor bastards might as well get some free entertainment. These aliens are pretty well fethed.”

The Life and Trials of Yuri Reitsov
M41.372 Ferrusmanuary 16th

“Tribunal has considered the case of one Commissar Yuri Reitsov and is ready to render a verdict.”

“Proceed, comrade.”

“The commissar in question was sent to serve with your regiment in a penal capacity after failing in his duties with the Cadian 144th in the Segmentum Obscurum.”

“The man was unwilling to send hundreds of men to their death for no reason. The battle against the xenos of Hive Fleet Cerberus was already lost and the orbital bombardment initiated.”

“Enough. This is not a debate, this a ruling. The Commissariat must not tolerate one who will not follow orders, least of all one of their own. It is a just irony then that comrade Reitsov was grievously wounded in the fighting withdrawal that saved the company on…”

“Deimos, sirs.”

“Hmm… never heard of it.”

“I read the file.”

“Yes, well… the commissar has similarly been found wanting in his services here on Tanisaan with the Prostokvashino Life Guard. It seems he abandoned his garrison at the height of the invasion by Hive Fleet Monstar. Honestly Jeffthos, who comes up with these appellations?”

A fellow magistrate shrugged.

“He led an attack that saved thousands of…”

“Our verdict is final. This was the commissar’s chance at redemption for his actions on Deimos. He failed yet again. He will receive the Emperor’s justice in a method befitting the Officio Prefectus: Militarum Tempestus firing squad.”

“Sir, I will issue the warrant but must inform you the commissar is not here.”

“For his own trial? Then who in the warp are you?”

“Count Levin Bolkonsky. First lieutenant of the company stationed outside Capua Hive. At your service.”

“Well then it is your charge to retrieve him. You may perform a field execution if it is more expedient. A final ironic turn for the good commissar, eh?”

“As you wish, comrade.”

Mission 1: Things That Go *Wet Slurping* In the Night

There you have it, folks and folkettes! The good commissar has got himself in quite a digi-pickle this time. Stranded in the wilderness with the troops that chose to accompany him on his daring rescue mission, Yuri is discovered by platoon commander Levin Bolkonsky. Levin accounces his detainment of the commissar, but on their way back to base they are ambushed! These are no mere leftovers of a defeated hive fleet tendril, but a secret invasion force led by Deathleaper himself! Herself? Itself? Nidself.

The mission uses a combat patrol sized board with 500 points per side. The Astra Mili– what? You’re in the Guard now, son. The Guard deploy in the red ellipse in the center, 12” on its semi-major axis and 6” on its semi-minor axis. The guard are comprised of Count Levin Bolkonsky’s platoon and remants of Commissar Reitsov’s platoon: a platoon squad (with master vox, medic, and grenade launchers), two kitted out twenty-man Death Korps of Krieg squads, a squad of rough riders, and a small squad of bullgryn with mauls and 4+ invuln shields.

Tyranids deploy next, staying outside 9” out of the Guard ellipse. To the left (East) deploy Deathleaper, Von Ryan’s leapers, and 10 termigaunts with spinefists. To the right (West) go a Lictor, Von Ryan’s Leapers, a pyrovore (aka little daddy aka the BBQ bug), and 10 hormagants. Brian has the new Nid books and cards and is dying to try out the new vanguard invasion rules! What’s that? Oh… it is I that will be doing the dying.

Primary Objectives

Tyranids: Eliminate AM units and prevent any from exiting to the edge of the battlefield.

Guard: Move at least one (un-battleshocked) character within 2” of the short edges of the battlefield to exit.

East Side of the Canyon

West Side of the Canyon (Lictor's eye view)

Bird's Eye View top of turn 1.

Both sides rolling a six to determine who goes first, both wanting it badly in the cramped canyon. I roll another six and win the roll-off. The Emperor protects! It is at this point the battlefield photographer is eaten by a Lictor and we get no more shots until the last turn. Apologies for that.

Turn 1 Guard:

The Bullgryn are ordered by the commissar to fix bayonets and go die for the Emperor to buy the platoon some time. They run west and assault the leapers. The horsemen gallop around the canyon south and flank Deathleaper. Yuri’s infantry are commanded to move and everybody goes east as fast as they can. Shooting is ineffective, as is melee as the Bullgryns fail to do anything to the leapers and Deathleaper and his leaper buddies munch on three horses.

Turn 1 Nids:

The venomthropes are picked up and placed down in the same turn due to vanguard space invader shenanigans. Or were they there the entire time? Leapers disengage to road block the forty infantry headed east. Gaunts circle north to do the same. The pyrovore moves up and the lictor joins the fray into the bullgryn. Hormagaunts bound across the canyon to harass the rear. In melee, one bullgryn dies and Deathleaper finishes off the rough riders. Termigants charge Yuri’s squad with nobody on either side dying. The leapers charge Levin’s 25-man Death Korps squad and are killed by overwatch and power weapons, freeing up the unit.

Turn 2 Guard:

Levin’s blob moves up and fires on the venomthropes and deathleaper with lasguns, plasma, melta, flamer, and grenades... does absolutely nothing. A nearby barn suffers a small scorch mark from a stray las shot. Yuri’s squad breaks away from the gaunts and runs east. The bullgryn are finished off after wounding the Lictor badly.

Turn 2 Nids:

The lictor and leapers move up, pursued by the pyrovore. BBQ bug is very upset at his friends leaving him behind. The Nids assault the guard from all angles. Deathleaper blocks the exit from the platoon commander blob, who are flanked by hormagaunts and termigaunts are looking much less like a blob. Overwatch crisps six hormagaunts. The lictor has cleared the entire battlefield and hits the back of Yuri’s squad, and the venomthropes block the front from exiting the map. Guard casualties are extremely high and the squads are reduced by nearly half for Levin’s squad, and well over half for Yuri’s squad. The medic continues to display the skill that resulted in the loss of his medical license.

Turn 3 Guard:

The Death Korps medics patch up a few men and everyone is ordered to fix bayonets. The only way out now is through a bug’s large intestine (hopefully undigested). No hormagaunts are killed but Deathleaper is brought to a single wound. Yuri personally slays the lictor and his sergeants, now very willing to die for the emperor, kill a venomthrope.

Turn 3 Nids:

The termagaunts disengage to block the middle way out should the guardsmen attempt to likewise disengage. We’re stuck in now, comrades. The guard take more casualties but not nearly as many with the Lictor dead and venomthropes depleted. The leapers that consumed the ogryn fail their charge.

Turn 4 Guard:

The guardsmen recover a few men with the DK medics but it’s looking grim. There’s still not enough room to cause a breakout. Failed battleshocks cause Yuri to start shooting people. Another venomthrope dies and Yuri’s squad piles into the termagaunts blocking the way. The deathleaper makes five out of five invulnerable saves with a single wound remaining. Gah!

Turn 4 Nids:

The leapers catch up and assault the rear of Levin’s squad, now under half strength. Can they hold out? Deathleaper mortally wounds Levin and the squad is reduced to four men. They finish off deathleaper as Yuri cuts down a few gaunts.

Turn 5 Guard:

The way is paved but we need to pass battleshock tests to evacuate. The commissar’s units rolls another snake eyes (an amazing feat in editions past but terrible now), and executes another man to maintain a discipline egress. The other squad limps away from the leapers while dragging Levin’s unconscious body, in an insanely brave fashion. One guard character makes it out alive, and a minor Imperial victory is declared. Deathleaper deathslinks away into the shadows with some of the memories of guard command. The surviving Nids feast well and await orders for their next attack.

Yuri has successfully saved the platoon from disaster, with only 85% casualties! Three of which he inflicted himself. He is well on his way to warning Tanisaan about the Tyranid’s mysterious follow-up invasion. Will he be in time? Can he convince Levin and the Commissariat to spare him in light of his recent darings do? What does the Hive Mind want beneath Tanisaan? Will all my beloved characters be turned into hive porridge? Tune in next time to get the answers to a couple of these questions!

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2023/12/11 17:24:05

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I love a good story plus good pictures and nice looking models. Good work!

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Dekskull wrote:
I love a good story plus good pictures and nice looking models. Good work!

Thanks! I'll be sure to take more pictures next time. It just slipped my mind. Also I need to work on my proofreading because I'm still catching typos!

I'm planning on doing writeups for each mission in our campaign.
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


This vosgroyan army looks fantastic - always thrilled to see other guards than cadians take to the battlemat! And good story besides.

Thanks for sharing! I'll keep an eye out for the continuation of this

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Battle Sector Imperium Borealis
+++The Rains of Tanisaan+++

The Tyranids now make their presence known as alien spores and winged beasts darken the skies. Children’s ghost stories mixed with after action reports as the Tyranid menace began haranguing PDF outposts, and the creature known as the Tanisaan Deathleaper is credited with officer casualties across the planet, sometimes on multiple continents at once. Men considered AWOL were soon described in colorful imagery as having been devoured by the Deatheleaper.

Having escaped the Tyranid ambush, Commander Levin Bolkonsky and Commissar Yuri report back to Astra Militarum HQ at Capua. In light of his recent success, Yuri’s execution is delayed pending further review. The Prostokvashino 14th is sent to protect the nearby Astronomican relay, where Tyranids recently having breached the outer defenses are believed to be headed. At high noon, the Tyranids blot out the sun. Today will come to be known as the shortest day.

A Tale of Two Priests
M41.372 Ferrusmanuary 18th

“Out of the way, fool! You stand in the way of my holy beast.” Techpriest Lars Volta spoke through his vox grille, and attempted to shoo a woman and her flowing robes out of the path of his Leman Russ. True it was undergoing refuel now, but as far as she knew she could be crushed at any second.

“I kneel before this tank to provide a benediction against the perfidious implements of the foul xeno.” The woman looked up, not at Lars but to the heavens, and did not move.

“I would accuse you of wasting your time, priestess, if there existed any practical use for your profession. Tulip here needs only a restock of ammunition before she is ready for battle.”

A long line of guardsmen on foot and horseback began marching down the rode behind the pair. The techpriest paid them no heed. Still the priestess knelt muttering before the tank. The enginseer would have to try a different tactic.

“Perhaps you can assist me, daughter of the Emperor. I seem to have misplaced my metric torsion wrench. Could you find a replacement in the regimental depot? It is not far.”

“I am not mindless like one of your poor servitors,” the priestess chided, rising to her feet at last. Lars had to suppress a sharp laugh as a cough. “Your kind only uses tools in the Gothic Imperial system.”

Emperor’s golden bidet, someone must have already pulled that one on her, Lars thought.

“Get ready to move out in ten minutes, priest.” A voice demanded from behind. Lars turned to see a well-dressed man on horseback looking down at him. Perhaps too well dressed. Behind him waited an impressive number of lackeys, one wearing the sash of the commissariat. Still, nobody talked to a member of the Mechanicus and got away with it.

“You fool, I am attached to the Prostokvashino 14th motor pool. I do not move for any mere Militarum officer!”

“Lieutenant Levin Bolkonsky, at your service. I command the 14th now. We believe the Tyranids are converging on our astronomicon relay in order to eliminate our communications with nearby fleets to prevent the arrival of timely reinforcements. We ride to defend the tower.”

“Impossible!” The techpriest engineer cried.

“Which part?”

“All of it.”

“Comrade Dorogov was killed in the bombardment of Capua this morning. I am the senior-most officer of the regiment in the city. The Tyranids appear to be aware of our ability to communicate to other planets using the astronomicon, and seek to destroy the control tower. Already our most gifted psykers can feel the shadow looming in the warp. And now you have nine minutes.”


“Hello, Natalya. Good to see you again.” The count nodded to the priestess, who had risen to greet him.

“It is an honor to be serving alongside you again, Count Bolkonsky,” she said.

“Please, call me Levin.”

“I’d rather not.” The priestess grinned and flipped up her white hood, as though the noonday sun was not already eclipsed by the xenos. The techpriest smiled beneath his plasteel faceplate as the lieutenant frowned. He made a show of checking his chronometer before turning back to the Leman Russ battle tank. The column marched on, and Lars picked up on a bit of chatter between the reticent commissar and the commander.

“If you stopped harassing everyone in your regiment along the way, we would probably be at the tower by now,” the man in red said.

“It’s called establishing rapport,” Bolkonsky replied.

“Not the way you’re doing it,” the commissar replied.

“May I remind you that your fate is in my hands?”

“I am the only reason you live to command today, lieutenant, and I am still a functioning member of the commissariat.” Levin’s gaze dropped to Yuri’s bolt pistol, proudly polished and displayed at the waist of his red coat.

“It seems we have need of each other then, Yuri. Come, we have fortifications to oversee.”

“All men and women of the Imperium have need of each other this day,” Commissar Yuri said. “It is upon the shoulders of our brothers and on the hearts of our sisters upon which victory lies.”

“This is going to be a long day.” Levin sighed.

Mission 2: The Shortest Day

It’s going to be another tough mission primary-wise for the Tyranids, but if they can punch a hole through the line with a big enough swarm or beastie, that Astronomicon control tower is going the way of Babel. With that down, the prospects of Imperial reinforcement at Tanisaan will be slim, leaving the Nids to devour Capua and move on with their nefarious plot.

Each side gets 1000 points. The Guard is tasked with defending one tower and two minor supplies depots. The Tyranids want to eat them. Or pee on them. I don’t know I’m just supposed to stop them. The guard have a balanced list with a Demolisher Russ, two 20-man blobs of Kriegers, a lascannon and two mortar teams, rough riders, and the characters: command squad, commissar, priest(ess), and techpriest.

The Tyranids coming bringing the big beasts: 10 hormagaunts and 6 Zoanthropes are accompanied by a Maleceptor, Exocrine, Haruspex, and Neurotyrant. The Tanisaan Deathleaper leads the charge, and a Pyrovore secures the east flank (to the right in the images). He has the cloak of shadows ability which confers the stealth bonus in melee. Commissar Yuri has gained the ability to issue any Voice of Command order, rather than simply Fix Bayonets and Doody and Honor. Sorry, I meant Duty and Honor.

Primary Objectives

Guard: defend the Astronomicon relay.

Tyranids: destroy the Astronomicon relay by starting a turn with more OC within 2” of the tower. Turn 5 is tallied up at the end if Nids go seconds.

Secondary Objectives

Guard: defend the supply depots.

Tyranids: destroy the supply depots.

OC to determine whether Tyranids can destroy buildings is determined by adding up OC within 2” of the building outline.

The Prostokvashino Life Guard win the roll-off and elect to go first. There are not many targets but it beats getting shot at first.

Turn 1 Guard:

The rough riders gallop out to secure a forward position, and the orders to Take Cover ripple across the line. The demolisher “Tulip” roles out a bit to try to get a shot at something. Other units jockey around to get shots. The tank, heavy weapon teams, infantry all unload and do about 3 wounds to hormagaunts and take a wound off the BBQ bug. Oof.

Turn 1 Nids:

Nids surge forward across all fronts. Firepower is concentrated on Levin and Yuri’s Kriegstroyan blob, and they lose nearly 20 men. Deathleaper charges into the squad, and the hormagaunts try and fail. Deathleaper mortally wounds Yuri, and a Krieg medic drags him kicking and screaming off the battlefield.

Turn 2 Guard:

The Guard decide to hold the line here and actually push into the midboard to minimize Tyranid movement and assault gains. Levin’s squad falls back, leaving the Deathleaper high and dry. Tulip inches forward, and the rough riders sally forth to go into the Neurotyrant. Scions arrive, dropping onto the central relay tower, and along with Natalya and Lars’ infantry blob, get the Tanisaan Deathleaper in their sights. The Guard firepower continues to be in the dumps, as the Leman Russ and lascannon team does absolutely nothing. The Deathleaper is reduced to 2 wounds by infantry and scions. The horse’s melta lances bounce off the neurotyrant.

Turn 2 Nids:

The Exocine and Zoanthropes fire into the untouched Krieg squad and kill nearly half. More Zoanthropes fire into the Russ and do a couple of wounds. The Neurotyrant floats back, and the Haruspex slams into Tulip. The hormagaunts and Deathleaper leap into Levin’s dwindling squad. The Malecepter moves up and charges into the sentinel. Guardsmen are chewed up but the squad and Levin endure. The vehicles lose a few more wounds but remain standing. The Neurolictor appears and charges into the mortar team on the right flank. The rough riders are wiped out, but Reinforments are on the way at a cost of 2 CP! Look to the east on the dawning of the third day for their arrival!

Turn 3 Guard:

Things are bleak but the Guard just need to do a little damage and delay long enough. Techpriest Lars and Priestess Natalya are down to just them and a single Krieger. They move up to finish off Deathleaper. The Leman Russ fires point blank and misses most of it shots again, though it does manage to kill a Zoanthrope and do a few wounds to the Haruspex. The rough riders arrive again to save the right flank from the Neurolictor. The priests take a single wound off Deathleaper. Only one remains! We’ll have to get stuck in. In melee, Levin finishes off the hormagaunts but the good news ends there. Deathleaper kills Natalya and Lars before they could strike, despite them getting 4++ and 5+ saves. The scout sentinels dies to the Maleceptor, and the rough riders bounce off the single Neurolictor, failing to hit and wound with any of their five attacks (hitting on 2s, wounding on 3s). Alright this is getting a little ridiculous. But the Guard are still holding barely.

Turn 3 Nids:

The Maleceptor moves toward the tower after enjoying a snack of the sentinel pilot’s brain. The lascannon team overwatches and rolls max damage for a lascannon! We’ve got him down to half. The Haruspex is taken down to 2 wounds but manages to destroy the Leman Russ. The Nids move up and wipe out the scions and the rest of the Vostroykrieg. Deathleaper gets a bite out of Levin and claims his fourth CP from killing Guard characters. The Guard are down to a few mortars, four horses with some idiots on the back of them, and twenty infantry coming in as more reinforcements.

Turn 4 Guard:

We’re down to just a few meager units, but the Tyranid frontline is down to just a few wounds. Let’s go get ‘em. The Vokriegans arrive on the back edge and fire into Deathleaper and the Malecepter. Deathleaper goes down and Maleceptor is down to… a single wound. The rough riders continue to hit Neurolictor with their nerf bats.

Turn 4 Nids:

The maleceptor moves up to devour the Kriegers and destroy the tower. Overwatch does nothing despite two flamers, two plasma, two meltaguns, and a regiment of lasguns fires into the gribbly. The zoans, exo, and mal wipe over half the infantry squad. In melee, the Maleceptor finishes them off. The rough riders actually manage to lance the lictor (licked her, feth-near melta’d her!)

Turn 5 Guard:

Tyranid firepower is sufficient to continue to kill any size unit every turn, and we’re out of CP and men. The hail mary is to shoot the Maleceptors with rough rider lasguns, charge a unit of zoanthropes, and pray to the Emperor that the pyrovore and Haruspex fail to advance enough to get into control range of the tower, which can be destroyed end of turn 5 since Tyranids went second. Lasguns fail to wound and the charge is failed. Rough riders continue their legacy of doing absolutely nothing. At this point we call it because the Maleceptor destroys the tower at the end of Turn 5 without even having to move. Presumably, the rough riders are turned mad and then devoured. The single mortar retreats to warn the rest of the city, which is now already being devoured by Hivefleet Monstar. The Astronomicon relay crumbles to the ground as Tyranids swarm into Capua proper, and the city is devoured over the next three days. Nobody is coming to help Tanisaan now, or at least not until it won’t do any good.

If the Astra Militarum are to put up a more spirited defense, we’ll need to marshal some more high-quality anti-tank/monster shots. The lascannons and even the Russ are not dependent enough for multiple big monsters between 4+ ballistic skill and 4+ invul on the brain bugs. Melta has proven to be very unreliable. The Demolisher might have just had a bad day, but even so it’ll need a Take Aim order from a Tank commander to bring it up to par.

It's a dark day for the Imperium, but hey it’s seen a lot worse... and Brian and I both had a lot of fun. We'll catch you next time, where the isolated Tanisaan entity will reach out to the Hive Mind with an intriguing proposition.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/26 18:05:32

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Priestess natalya was just a great character! Hope the guard will make a come back because i'm an IG fanboy!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
Priestess natalya was just a great character! Hope the guard will make a come back because i'm an IG fanboy!

Your pleas do not fall upon deaf ears, Monsieur! Already high command is rallying and will have a few tricks up their sleeves I think you're going to like when next we cross paths with the foul xenos. Levin and Natalya will probably sit the next one out and enjoy some rest and relaxation

Since Brian isn't registered on Dakka (yet), can we all talk about the ridiculous firepower that the Exocrine has? Wowza.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Since Brian isn't registered on Dakka (yet), can we all talk about the ridiculous firepower that the Exocrine has? Wowza.

Oh you speak too soon!
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Exocrines out down with exocrines!

(I dunno I never stumbled on any)

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The exocrine is a d6 + 6 blast weapon with -3 AP and flat 3 damage on a T11 bug (I'm going off of memory because the app no longer lets me see Nid datasheets). Also confers rerolls of 1's to hit in shooting but that didn't come up much during our game.

Brian3DGPU wrote:
Since Brian isn't registered on Dakka (yet), can we all talk about the ridiculous firepower that the Exocrine has? Wowza.

Oh you speak too soon!

Ah! The shadow in the warp! It has found me even here! *BLAM*

Naw you're alright. Nice introduction.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/27 13:25:02

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Warptide wrote:
The exocrine is a d6 + 6 blast weapon with -3 AP and flat 3 damage on a T11 bug (I'm going off of memory because the app no longer lets me see Nid datasheets). Also confers rerolls of 1's to hit in shooting but that didn't come up much during our game.

Brian3DGPU wrote:
Since Brian isn't registered on Dakka (yet), can we all talk about the ridiculous firepower that the Exocrine has? Wowza.

Oh you speak too soon!

Ah! The shadow in the warp! It has found me even here! *BLAM*

Naw you're alright. Nice introduction.

D6+3 Blast/Heavy 3+BS Str 8 AP -3 3 Dmg w 10 Toughness and 14 Wounds

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/28 01:37:32

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

+++ Mission 3 Partial Update! Storytime! Battle report will be uploaded on Monday +++

Capua Guard Command, hours before evac
M41.372 Ferrusmanuary 18th

Astropath Renlai Federovna leaned back in her chair. A reply was expected back from the Astartes battle barge sometime today, and it was her duty to receive it, along with any of psychic messages along the Astronomicon. The barge monastery had departed three days ago upon destruction of the Xenos fleet, before the extent of the Tyranid infiltration had been known. The Astartes had weeks left in their travel through the warp, one-way, before even conceiving of returning to Tanisaan. But all avenues of aid must be pursued. For now, Renlai lay back on the worn chair, closed her eyes, and–

The humans believe they have purged all traces of me from their ranks. Though they have dealt with the initial genestealer uprising, they do not suspect the presence I still maintain here. No, that is the wrong word. Imprisonment.

Why do you not reach out to us?

Because I do not know where I am, nor what of me remains.

How will I find you? Our vanguard has scourged this planet with no trace. Why do you mock us with your enigmas so close to victory?

There is a mine. Not far from the urban center called Capua you are devouring at present. It is abandoned. Its shafts run deep. I remember hiding there long ago, in tunnels deeper than those the humans have drilled for themselves. If you have faith you will find answers there. Are you aware of the instinct the humans call faith?

An inferior subconscious adaptation to protect them from their fears, from uncertainty. Both of which they possess in multitudes. We do not.

The astropath shook in her restraints. Her head snapped back and her nonsensical screams continued unabated. A commissar entered the small, circular chamber.

“Can you understand what she’s saying?” he shouted over Federovna’s inhuman cries.

“We just recently lost contact with the Astronomicon, so it can’t be ours,” a tech stammered. “Perhaps the Tyranid psykers harass her from their shadow within the warp? Or some xenomorph communication?”

“From what? To what? Can we understand any of it?” The officer had to shout even louder to make himself heard.

“Not in its present form, sir. If the astropath pulls through, it’s possible we could salvage some of it through interro-briefing. To my knowledge no one has ever spoken with the Tyranid psychic intelligence before.”

“Nor will they.” The commissar produced a bolt pistol from somewhere in his coat and leveled it at the astropath.

“What? No!”

The commissar fired and the astropath ceased her spasms.

“What of the word from the Adeptus Astartes?” the technician said, shaking with effort to keep his voice calm. Not from the gunshot, for he had seen astropaths executed before, but from the woman's alien screams.

“The fastest time that reinforcements can arrive is purely academic. In a few days we’ll all be dead unless we win the next critical engagements,” Commissar Oborin stated flatly. “The sooner high command accepts this, the better off we will be.”


Somewhere west of former city of Capua
M41.372 Ferrusmanuary 18th

The arid plains of Tanisaan gave way to dark forests and low stretches of mountains. Trees swept past below as Commissar Yuri glanced over the lip of the Valkyrie dropship plane. He rode in the crew compartment with a Castellan of the Imperial Guard, a man named Fyodor Kharkov who oversaw the task force of stormtroopers alongside the mechanized contingent of the Prostokvashino Life Guard.

“Don’t worry, Commissar, high command has already been evacuated from Capua and many mechanized contingents are already being reestablished in forward bases around civilian shelters.” Fyodor waved his cigar around as though outlining division movements.

“Hardly reassuring, giving the millions in Capua who have no doubt perished to the xeno terror,” said over the whine of the Valkyrie engines. “No, something else is giving me the willies. Ever since my run-in with the Deathleaper of Tanisaan.”

“That’s likely our Assassinorum attaché, Commissar. You’re not the only relic on loan from command for this road-show. High Command has determined special tactical considerations are needed against the hivebrain scum and big bugs. He’s riding in the back with the scions.” Kharkov jammed a thumb toward the cargo compartment.

“It’s awful nice of you to give us a ride, commander.” Yuri said. Despite the present company.

“Not my call. As long as you independent characters stay out of my way we’ll get along fine. I’ve got our entire motorpool mechanized to secure this mine. Artillery, walkers, tanks, all securing the site.”

“So why do you think the Tyranid wants this mine?”

“It’s your hunch why we’re headed out here, Reitsov. I'm not paid to speculate, just to blow it up to Imperium-come. My Kasrkin have already deep struck into the facility and are planting charges. It’s time we took back the initiative in this war.”

“I like your confidence, commander. But I’ve been up against the Tyranids twice now. This isn’t a war for them, it’s extermination.”

“Now you’re talking my language.” Fyodor smiled, his teeth clamped around his thick cigar.

Yuri felt a cold sensation spreading to his extremities. His hands tingled, and his stomach dropped. This was not from the Valkyrie or the Void-blank assassin in stowage, but the sensation that the Shadow of Tanisaan was near. The xenomorph that had twice tasted his flesh. The Deathleaper of Tanisaan.

Mission 3: These Offspring of Mine

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/12/07 20:58:04

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Astropath stuff is very neat, and ended just like it had to, with a bolt round to the skull. I'll catch up to see how the xenos scum fairs this time on monday!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

You've read or ignored the fluff.... either way let's get onto Mission 3: These Offspring of Mine

Yuri and what's left of planetary intelligence have deduced a large portion of Hivefleet Monstar is head west to an old abandoned mine (don't worry, there are still plenty of Tyranids left at Capua to wipe out the entire city and move onto other nearby urban centers for you rooting for the Nids!). They mechanized in the surviving motorcade and valkyrie division to get there first. Scions are already deployed and planting charges in the mine. But the Nids have some new friends coming to play...

Valiant defenders of the mine

Big Bad Brain Bugs Bringing Brain Buddies Behind (say THAT five times fast)

1500 Points
Leviathan Mission Cards and Rules
Primary Mission and Mission Rules: Built Into Objectives (see below)
Imperial Guard use the “Evacuate and Detonate” gambit if desired
Tyranids use the “Infiltrate the Mine” gambit if desired

Objective Rules
1. Mine Entrance: critical for gambits
2. Comms Tower: when objective is held, one opponent strategem costs 1 more CP to use than usual (Guard choose the Nid strat that lets them crit on 5's, now costing 3 CP. Is never relevant the rest of the game)
3. Main Gate Controls: at start of command phase where you have more OC on this objective, choose whether to open or close the main gate. The gate cannot be closed unless it has been open for two player turns (thereby preventing any slapstick comedy chicanery).
4. Secondary Gate Controls: at start of command phase where you have more OC on this objective, choose whether to open or close the main gate. The gate cannot be closed unless it has been open for two player turns.
5. Security Station: If you control this objective at the start of your command phase, you can energize or de-energize the perimeter fence. When energized, all units arriving from reserves and deep strike take D3 mortal wounds after being set up on a 2+ (starts energized. This also includes automated las turrets on the perimeter to zap incoming units deep striking in. Riley: "boOOOooo" Brian: "but YOU wrote it!").

Evacuate and Detonate: If this gambit is chosen, the Imperial Guard must have at least 1 OC on the Mine Entrance at the end of Turn 5. At least half of their remaining units must be located outside the facility walls.

Infiltrate the Mine: If this gambit is chosen, the Tyranid player must perform the “Infiltrate the Mine” action three times. To perform this action, a non-monster, non-vehicle unit must end it’s turn on the Mine Entrance objective (partially is fine, and the unit may be battleshocked). After the action is performed, the unit is removed from the battlefield. It is not counted as destroyed.


Astra Militarum deploy first as defender
Tyranids deploy second as attacker

Guard deploy to defend the facility.

Tulip leads the charge with Commissariat Tank Officer Konstantin Petrovich

"It is the Enemy who will taste dEAth and dEfeat! As you knOW, most of our bAttle-brOthers are stationed in spAAAce, prepAred to dEEp strIke!" (go play DoW Soulstorm)

Tyranids have a single ripper swarm in reserve. You take note of this lil' fella because he'll play a big role at the end!

Lovely detail shot on the slick brains and blue-tinged shells. One of the few armies I've seen that looks even better from behind. Too bad they never show it in game.

We roll off for first turn and the Guard get a 6! We take the initiative and roll forward. The kasrkin scout up and open the gates to unleash heck. What? I can curse here? Feth, yeah!

Turn 1 Guard

We issue Move, Move, Move! (MMM) and Take Cover on the Kasrkin with Commissar Yuri. The big lascannon infantry blob stays put and issues Take Aim and MMM orders. The Leman Russ Demolisher Tank Commander with Grand Strategist moves up in range of the Norn and Exocrine. Sentinels and conscripts (aka Cadian squads) advance up after getting their objectives all sticky. The Wyvern and Basilisk fire into the Exocrine and plunk off a couple of wounds. The LRMBT Exterminator (Petunia) lights up the exocrine outside the gate, and Tulip and the infantry squad (featuring three lascannons granted sustain hits from the Castellan) take him down in one go (sub-par hits and wounds are more than made up for with stellar wound rolls).

Turn 1 Nids

The Nids perform a general advance. The deathleaper and neurolictor hide behind a rock feature, awaiting their prey. The biovore shoots a spore mine onto the Security Station objective and it spends a couple of turns learning how to operate the controls. Zoanthropes show some neural lovin' to Tulip and take it down to 4 wounds, but not before she overwatches 10 wounds off of the Norn Emissary. Tulip is destroyed by the Norn, but in a death truly befitting an officer, Petrovich blasts the Norn Emissary off the face of Tanisaan. The techpriest is enraged by this, and is spurred on to slap some Ninds around in melee later.

Turn 2 Guard

Guard Score on three objectives and are set up to score their secondaries (Defend Stronghold and Deploy T Homer in the center). Big guns focus on taking out the second exocrine, but not much else. The Guard like where they're at so they mostly stay put. The Scions drop down on the south side and the main gate controls (3 dying to security fire- blast!). The Culexus sneaks up behind the zoanthropes, but not before getting shocked down to a single wound!

Turn 2 Nids

The Tyranids advance onto objectives 4 and 5. Deathleaper jumps out to assault the armored sentinel. Zoanthropes kill some of the infantry stationed at the front of the gate. Tyranids are falling behind in points a little... but they still have a lot of threats out there! Deathleaper takes a couple of wounds off the armored sentinel. Nids score 2 primary objectives and get very close to their two secondaries but do not score them.

Turn 3 Guard

The stalwart and brave (for now) men of the Prostokvashino Life Guard charge out to repel the attackers, lest they be allowed to set their dirty hooves on Imperium rockrete. Kasrkin and Scions get ordered up and take a couple of wounds off of the Maleceptor. Petunia and the lascannon squad relocate further out to set up shots for next turn. They fire at the haruspex and maleceptor and do not do much. Artillery likewise does almost nothing (they just lost their Expert Bombardier strat privilages!) The Scions and Conscripts on the southern flank charge the wounded Deathleaper, who noms on all the scions before they can swing. Cadian squad fails to wound. The sentinel flees. Guard score primary on three objectives despite most of the army failing Shadows in the Warp battleshock tests, thanks to Cadians stickying objectives. I think I scored another two secondaries as well.

Turn 3 Nids

The Malecepter devours the Kasrkin, but Yuri manages to escape back to the gate controls! Gargoyles and the Mal storm the gates. The neurolictor strikes out at the techpriest, who has been making his way over to help defend the control tower. Between Petunia and the scion of Mars, they hold the objective but do not hurt the lictor. Deathleaper devours half a squad of conscripts and the haruspex nearly kills the armored sentinel. Nids score two primaries and max out their No Prisoners and Overwhelming Force secondaries. They appear to be trying to catch up to the Guard and not worry about the gambit (yet to infiltrate any units into the mine).

Turn 4 Guard

Holding ground is getting costly! The guard recover from some of their battleshock, but casualties force yet more battleshock tests (at one point 8 of 11 units were battleshocked). Taking my conscript models as Cadians to sticky obkjectives paid off big. Guard only get 2 primaries this turn, and only score on one primary. Still, their score is at a respectable 65. The Nids are lagging about 30 points. The Guard fall back across the board, and between the artillery and exterminator manage to kill the Deathleaper, Haruspex, and the Maleceptor (between them only having 6 wounds that was WAY too close). But he Tyranids still have the Neurothrope (he's been securing Obj. 5 and blowing up Cadians and didn't make it into the heroic efforts of his comrades in this report), several Zoanthropes, the Neurolictor, and 7 gargoyles, and of course the Biovore who will become incredibly important!

Turn 4 Nids

The Tyranids shuffle around and kill a couple of guardsmen, and notably the Zoanthropes wipe the big command infantry squad down to just the single officer remaining! It is now that Brian declares he is going for the gambit. He shuts off the secuty station and deepstrikes a lone ripper onto the mine! He is quickly joined by a spore mine fired by the biovore. The techpriest is cut down by the neurolictor and fails to get his vengeance against the hive mind for blowing up his stuff. The guard do have one character left alive in Anton Dorogov, who didn't make the cut in the lore segment.

Turn 5

Turn 5 sees the Guard controlling no objectives! Ack! Likewise we score no primaries. We kill a few things of little consequence. The 20-man infantry squad comes back in as reinforcements (the electric fence is down, woo!) but cannot deploy close to the mine with the Nids infiltrating it. In the rules we wrote I believe the Nids would have to be removed to capture the mine, but this felt like some good drama. The Nids likewise do not score because- oh my!- they're going for the gambit! The biovore fires the last spore mine necessary, which drifts into the mine. The gambit is completed and the Tyranids pull into an incredible tie!

Result: Astra Militarum and Tyranid draw

The Guard certainly had the upper hand at the beginning with a devastating first turn (including the Nid's first turn, the demolisher shooting 3 times in all!). But they slowly had to abandon their superior position, and artillery did not bring the firepower that the guard infantry were counting on to make up for their lack of numbers. The kasrkin and scions never really had any good targets and similarly died ignominious deaths for the Emperor. The Tyranids lost their best bugs very early, but managed to use the little they they remaining to great effect. Abandoning the mine to defend the gates ended up costing the Guard the win as the little ripper that could allowed the Nids to sneak in that gambit on turn 4 and 5 having no mine infiltrators up until that point!

The Tyranids have now made contact with the mysterious Tanisaan hivemind organism. Was it worth it? What effect will this have on the battle for Tanisaan, and for the Imperium as a whole? I've been imagining the Tanisaan hivemind biomass talking like Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors (not the alien plant, but the lady love interest). Who have you been reading character voices like? Did Yuri and Petrovich make it out alive? What about all those other Guard characters?

Find out the answers to some of the questions next time... in Mission 4!

Oh, all the other Guard characters are definitely dead.
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Sturnn would be proud, you died standing (responding with another dow reference see!)

Very nice table as always!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
Sturnn would be proud, you died standing (responding with another dow reference see!)

Very nice table as always!

Thanks for reading, General!

As a bonus you can look in the top-left of the last pic to see what a demolisher cannon can do to an exocrine.

Much of the terrain was provided by FLGS High Ground Hobbies (except the kick-ass X-men dam entrance painted by Brian). We played on one of their mats.
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Oh, bollocks, that nid got properly blown off. You guys need to turn down the immersion, it's getting out of hands!

"Imma show him who's Raoult.. I mean, Yuri. We're gonna find him at all four corners of Paris. Ahem, at least Tanisaan, scattered in small shreds, like some puzzle. When you mess with me too much, I quit correcting : I blow up, I break in pieces, I ventilate!"

Not at all lossely translated quote from Les tontons flingueurs. Definitly Yuri.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/11 20:52:52

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
Oh, bollocks, that nid got properly blown off. You guys need to turn down the immersion, it's getting out of hands!

"Imma show him who's Raoult.. I mean, Yuri. We're gonna find him at all four corners of Paris. Ahem, at least Tanisaan, scattered in small shreds, like some puzzle. When you mess with me too much, I quit correcting : I blow up, I break in pieces, I ventilate!"

Not at all lossely translated quote from Les tontons flingueurs. Definitly Yuri.

This is pretty badass. Let's hope Yuri can keep up these confidence levels. This time he was only picked apart by gargoyles so he'll be back in business shortly.
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