I'll definitely read it tonight as I'm obviously interested in the topic; thanks for the link! Just to be clear, I'm not referring to fully different/incompatible mechanics like the 80's style D&D2e/Palladium mishmash of
d20/percentile dice. I'm more referring to the same core mechanic (like a 6 on a
d6 is a success) but having for example opposed rolls be dice pool vs dice pool whereas unopposed rolls being modifiers to your own dice pool. Would it be better to always have modifiers or always have dice pool vs dice pool instead of a mix of the two depending on the broad category of the roll. I don't know if that makes a difference for you but figured I'd clarify as I was intentionally vague in the
OP so as not to influence the poll results unduly.
edit: Read through the article and agree with large parts of it. I do see the contradiction in proposing a second related mechanic in a specifically rules light game but I see it not breaking your own second rule/reason for the Grand Theory in that it's not hard due to the core lightness of the rules. Regardless, I'm obviously biased and my point here was to see what others think.