Have been running HQ here, have noted that when a hero dies, short of a whole party kill it doesn't seem to matter very much.
e.g. their kit is dropped, but another in the party can carry it, and if feeling nice give it back later, after various real world threats and promises etc. but otherwise "Wizard #7" is the same as "Wizard #6" except slightly more angry at being the one pushed through doors to check for traps after they have used a chunk of the magic.
Wasn't after anything game breaking but pondering a way to make a more experienced hero slightly better, was thinking keeping it very simple - just count the number of quests completed, nothing about actually doing anything in them so basically no record keeping
then have a few "skills" heros can learn, maybe after every second quest or something, in effect something to lose when they die. thinking stuff like
- "Lucky", once per quest the hero may re-roll any single die or single set of dice they have rolled, e.g. one or both red die for movement, one or more combat die when attacking/defending or called to roll for any other reason
- "Sixth Sense", once per quest when a hero makes a move that triggers a trap they may step back one square and end their turn, the trap has been triggered but the hero has avoided its effects. Pit Traps remain in play, as do rock fall traps, spear traps are removed, wandering monster traps remain but are identified and not triggered
- "This seems strangely familiar", once per quest after drawing a treasure card the hero can elect to discard it and draw another - e.g. can discard a wandering monster card or trap card, or discard a treasure card they feel they can do better than.
- "Well rested", once per quest a character able to use a one time only ability, e.g. cast a spell or similar, may repeat this ability
this sort of thing.