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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/02/01 04:30:35
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2025/01/02 16:12:31
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/02/01 17:55:47
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Goliath Truck and Neophyte Hybrids
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Nice! I like the dirtying up of the truck!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/02/01 20:13:17
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Goliath Truck and Neophyte Hybrids
Fresh-Faced New User
The weathering on that truck looks fantastic!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/02/01 21:17:22
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Goliath Truck and Neophyte Hybrids
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Thank you!
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/03/01 19:34:28
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Rogue Traders
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
A couple of rogue traders for today's post:
First up, we have a model that appeared in a photo in the original 40K 1st edition rulebook, but went unreleased for decades until Wargames Foundry finally produced it as part of its Empirical Absolution and Liquidation Squad.
Next, we have Neyam Shai Murad, released in the original Combat Arena game. I've modeled her color scheme off the Magic card illustration of the character.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/03/31 18:07:07
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: 1980s Terminators
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Some 1980s terminators, including some prototype miniatures sculpted by Jes Goodwin and Bob Naismith.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/03/31 20:51:30
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: 1980s Terminators
Basecoated Black
Such lovely models, especially the MK1 in the middle!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/04/30 23:48:40
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Redemptor Kyrinov
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Redemptor Kyrinov:
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/05/01 13:22:31
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Redemptor Kyrinov
Huge Hierodule
Nice Priest
was censored by the ministry of truth |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/05/13 01:42:06
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Death World Fauna
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
A painted up a bunch of 40K animals inspired by the original Rogue Trader rulebook.
Cthellean Cudbear:
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/05/13 08:52:37
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Death World Fauna
Dominating Dominatrix
Ptera-squirrels rock!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/05/21 21:41:02
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Death World Fauna
Bloody Peasant
I love these Ptera-squirrels!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/06/01 03:47:47
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: RT Sentinels and Squat Sky Surfer
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Two of the original Rogue Trader Sentinels from Citadel, and Space Dwarf "Badger" from Satyr Art Studio:
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/07/19 04:31:58
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Genestealers
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Genestealers! These are the 2004 'stealers that released during 40K 4th edition.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/09 21:39:50
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Gaming Table and Hills
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Repainted my gaming table from a sort of asphalt color to something more desert-y. I also painted these Citadel modular hills at the same time.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/11 21:58:00
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: RT and 2nd ed. Terminators
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
More Terminators. These are a mix of 2nd edition metal, 1st edition metal, and an original Space Hulk plastic terminator.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/12 04:08:27
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: RT and 2nd ed. Terminators
Walking Dead Wraithlord
Classic Terminators will always be cool. Nice work!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/30 01:53:57
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Tyranid Hive Node and Infestation Markers
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Tyranid Hive Node and Infestation Markers
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/31 18:13:06
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: VF-1A Valkyries
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
VF-1A Valkyries. These are the plastic minis released for Palladium's ill-fated Robotech RPG Tactics game.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/11 09:48:40
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: VF-1A Valkyries
Longtime Dakkanaut
Pariah Press wrote:VF-1A Valkyries. These are the plastic minis released for Palladium's ill-fated Robotech RPG Tactics game.
Nice work!
--Lord of the Sentinels Eternal-- |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/12 02:26:01
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: VF-1A Valkyries
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/22 18:47:06
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: SFD Giant Robot
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Citadel SFD Giant Robot - Rapier
This was released in 1987.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/10/23 04:14:39
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Minifigs Mythical Earth Goblins
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Minifigs Mythical Earth Goblins:
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/10/27 17:21:57
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Epic Space Marine buildings
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
Epic Space Marine buildings, some from 1989, some from 1991. The roofs are plastic, which I painted. The rest of each building is made of printed cardboard.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/11/23 06:21:31
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Tyranids! Old One Eye, Squigs, Rippers
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
The original Old One Eye from 3rd edition 40K. Some conversion on the little mandible thingees.
Two Citadel plastic Rippers from a Genestealer kit from around 2004 or so. A Citadel Grabber Slasher from around 1990? And a Coffin Crawler represented by a recent "Spider Squig" made by Hybrid Miniatures.
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/02 05:22:38
Subject: Re:Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran
Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/02 16:12:59
"Calgar hates Tyranids."
Your #1 Fan |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2025/01/02 18:29:42
Subject: Pariah Press's painting progress 2024: Cargo-8 Ridgehauler
Stern Iron Priest with Thrall Bodyguard
A thing of beauty!
Really great to see it with all those trailers and painted up that nicely -but curse you for tempting me! I was perfectly fine with not buying a ridgehauler, but now I need to pop by the FLGS tomorrow.