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Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

Looking for help with list building! What would you change from this to make it more competitive?


Brigand x 6

Karnivore x 2

Nurglings x 2

Pink Horrors x 10

The Changeling

Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

I would actually invest a little more in Karnivores. You got to force the enemy to shoot at the rampager or Karnivores so that the brigands go free. The speed and 'move tru terrain stratagem' makes the Karnivores dangerous in turn 2.

So maybe drop the pink horrors and 1 brigand for 2 Karnivores.

Normally I would not even pick a rampager because Karnivores are better point wise.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

shogun wrote:
I would actually invest a little more in Karnivores. You got to force the enemy to shoot at the rampager or Karnivores so that the brigands go free. The speed and 'move tru terrain stratagem' makes the Karnivores dangerous in turn 2.

So maybe drop the pink horrors and 1 brigand for 2 Karnivores.

Normally I would not even pick a rampager because Karnivores are better point wise.

You are very likely correct in your analysis. I should drop the rampager, and the Daemons for the most part.
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Top5King wrote:
shogun wrote:
I would actually invest a little more in Karnivores. You got to force the enemy to shoot at the rampager or Karnivores so that the brigands go free. The speed and 'move tru terrain stratagem' makes the Karnivores dangerous in turn 2.

So maybe drop the pink horrors and 1 brigand for 2 Karnivores.

Normally I would not even pick a rampager because Karnivores are better point wise.

You are very likely correct in your analysis. I should drop the rampager, and the Daemons for the most part.

I also like the infiltrating nurglings.

My list:

- War dog Stalker + Diabolus heavy stubber + Daemonbreath spear + Reaper chaintalon (150 pts) [Warlord]

- War dog Huntsman + Daemonbreath meltagun + Daemonbreath spear + Reaper chaintalon (150 pts)

- War dog Brigand + Avenger chaincannon + Daemonbreath spear + Havoc multi launcher + Armoured feet (170 pts)
- War dog Brigand + Avenger chaincannon + Daemonbreath spear + Havoc multi launcher + Armoured feet (170 pts)
- War dog Brigand + Avenger chaincannon + Daemonbreath spear + Havoc multi launcher + Armoured feet (170 pts)
- War dog Brigand + Avenger chaincannon + Daemonbreath spear + Havoc multi launcher + Armoured feet (170 pts)
- War dog Brigand + Avenger chaincannon + Daemonbreath spear + Havoc multi launcher + Armoured feet (170 pts)

- War dog Karnivore + Diabolus heavy stubber + Reaper chaintalon + Slaughterclaw (140 pts)
- War dog Karnivore + Diabolus heavy stubber + Reaper chaintalon + Slaughterclaw (140 pts)
- War dog Karnivore + Diabolus heavy stubber + Reaper chaintalon + Slaughterclaw (140 pts)
- War dog Karnivore + Diabolus heavy stubber + Reaper chaintalon + Slaughterclaw (140 pts)
- War dog Karnivore + Diabolus heavy stubber + Reaper chaintalon + Slaughterclaw (140 pts)

Daemonic pact

- 3 Nurglings (40 pts)
- 3 Nurglings (40 pts)
- 1 Beasts of Nurgle (70 pts)

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