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The new Achtung Panzer! -- is there any info out there?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Using Inks and Washes

San Francisco, CA

I'm getting ads for the interesting sounding Achtung Panzer! WWII tank v tank miniatures battle game from Warlord, but there doesn't seem to be any reviews, game play videos and whatnot. Doesn't help that the name appears to overlap with an old Squad Leader module...

Does anyone know anything about it?

Edit: in case others find this thread, there's a review here now: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3323098/achtung-review

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/28 14:11:38

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Executing Exarch

The game won't be out until April. So even if Warlord sent advance copies to anyone (and I'm not sure that they ordinarily do that), it's still a bit too early to expect any reviews of it. There are some articles on their website to explain how parts of the game work, and why it's not just a rebranded Tank War. That's probably the only information that you're going to find about it at the moment.

The very little that I've glanced at states that this game is a more accurate depiction of WW2 tanks in combat, as opposed to the very hand-waved depiction of the vehicles in Bolt Action.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

The only real info is they want us to order it already without knowing how the game plays. The frustration expressed on the Facebook posts Warlord pays for is significant.

~ Shrap

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Executing Exarch

 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
The only real info is they want us to order it already without knowing how the game plays. The frustration expressed on the Facebook posts Warlord pays for is significant.

Which is understandable. Unfortunately, it appears to be Warlord's standard method of doing things. With that in mind...

1.) Anyone who's played Tank War - and possibly even a "normal" Bolt Action player - likely already has enough models to get started.
2.) Buying the "everything" pack of rules and all nationality cards (but no models) costs less than buying two separate nationality packs of rules and cards. The moral - if you're not getting models, either buy the four pack, or your chosen nationality.
3.) Based on the size of the two-player starter, I'm guessing platoon-sized or smaller formations will be the normal "army" (with a mix of tanks, mind you). This stands in contrast to GF9's upcoming "Clash of Steel", which will probably be more along the lines of BF's "lots of tanks" approach to things.

Bolt Action simplified tanks far too much. The cards indicate that this new game is more detailed. So it would be nice to see how exactly it plays.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Eumerin wrote:
 Shrapnelsmile wrote:
The only real info is they want us to order it already without knowing how the game plays. The frustration expressed on the Facebook posts Warlord pays for is significant.

Which is understandable. Unfortunately, it appears to be Warlord's standard method of doing things. With that in mind...

1.) Anyone who's played Tank War - and possibly even a "normal" Bolt Action player - likely already has enough models to get started.
2.) Buying the "everything" pack of rules and all nationality cards (but no models) costs less than buying two separate nationality packs of rules and cards. The moral - if you're not getting models, either buy the four pack, or your chosen nationality.
3.) Based on the size of the two-player starter, I'm guessing platoon-sized or smaller formations will be the normal "army" (with a mix of tanks, mind you). This stands in contrast to GF9's upcoming "Clash of Steel", which will probably be more along the lines of BF's "lots of tanks" approach to things.

Bolt Action simplified tanks far too much. The cards indicate that this new game is more detailed. So it would be nice to see how exactly it plays.

Agreed. I'm certainly open to where they seem to be going. As long as they don't make the rules too terribly clunky, a low model count, detailed game (especially for conventions) could be quite refreshing.
People left and right are poking fun saying it's just copying What a Tanker! by Two Fat Lardies, but that's probably not true. And personally I am not a fan of that particular system. Wait and see...

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Using Inks and Washes

San Francisco, CA

That's too bad, that there's little info out there. I can't imagine the preorder is going that well.

But I'll be keeping an eye out on this one...

I play...


Who am I kidding? I only paint these days... 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Link here to Warlord's info on how the game works - https://warlord-community.warlordgames.com/category/world-war-two/achtung-panzer/
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Game being played on YouTube -

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Fresh-Faced New User

This is my unboxing video. I will be adding more content to my channel soon. If you are interested I will share it here.

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Decrepit Dakkanaut

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Just got word that my copy is on the way, quite excited for this one.

And GoForItPainting, thanks for the unboxing video!

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I have seen some youtubers play it.

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