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28mm Alexandrians in action  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Osprey Reader


In these four all-new YouTube battle reports a brand spanking new Alexandrian Macedonian army in glorious 28mm takes to the field for the very first time, following possibly the most extensive period of pre-game trailing of their assembly and paint schemes ever seen even on this relentlessly self-promoting and self-referential website.

Alexander and his band of merry Victrix men take on an array of opponents from across the world, with the Warring States Chinese, Syracusans, Lysimachids and finally Ptolemy all squaring off against the tarmac-laying Irish navvy and his crew in these 4 widescreen battle-reporting videos.

All of the videos can be viewed on a single page, or can be watched in fullscreen glory in HD on YouTube, allowing you to admire the front of figures that other people have painted far better than I have painted the backs of mine !
And, lets face it, where else will you get to see a video of Archimedes Death Lazers in action, interspersed with animated Cornish pasties, and all arrayed on a 28mm wargames table this week?

Website: https://www.madaxeman.com/reports/PAW_2024.php

YouTube: https://youtu.be/yrErUZlGF_M?si=jKU8xlOzGg3936id

See more of this rubbish there 
Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut


Lovely models there, looking great all together.

'The whole art of war consists in getting at what is on the other side of the hill.' -- The Duke of Wellington

My hobby log: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/770007.page

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Always nice to see a good Phalanx.

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