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Youth wracked by nightmarish visions

Im looking to get a DE Army built based on some of the boxes i’ve collected over the years, probably last played 10 years ago, i got the new 10th edition book for 40k but no codex yet (assuming its pending an update).

looking for guidance in terms of how to build out my kits, not terribly concerned with being optimal for competition but don’t want to be completely useless.

Any DE vets that can point me in the right direction, in terms of a decent list, would be much appreciated.

Here is what i have:

Dark Eldar

1x Drazhar
1x Solitaire
1x Succubus
2x Archon
3x Reavers
5x Scourges
15x Incubi
20x Wytches
20x Kabalite Warriors
5x Harlequin Troupe
2x Raider
2x Ravenger

Made in us
Sinewy Scourge


Venoms would help

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AesSedai's guide to building a custom glass display case for your figures

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