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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thought I'd share some shots of some of my completed Space Hulk Interiors:


I bought lots of Kill Team: Into the Dark corridors from ebay and painted them all up. Obligatory Hazard Stripes on door stripes and lots of skulls and monitors have been painted. The Imperials are from Redmakers Solar Guard range which I think are amazing. I stupidly hollowed out all of them and ended up having to throw 40 painted models

Anyway, I have printed off around 100 Solar Guard and have started to paint them and I'll show them off in the future.

I also wanted to add a few things, for example, ladders, airlocks and first aid room. This got me looking on myminifactory and came across Nurgle, Khorne and a Prison Space Hulk alternatives. Here's my take on a Nurgle infested Space Hulk:


I think these pieces are amazingly ugly. I used lots of GW Contrast paints for these:

I'll show my Khorne and Prison Space Hulks in the near future.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Made in fi
Posts with Authority


I always thought one could kitbash mean looking chaos & tyranid infested Space Hulks from the ITTD terrain with greenstuff and lots of talent/time, yours are a great example!

The result strangely reminds me of Advanced Space Crusade.. but in glorious 3D

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/08 19:50:37

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 tauist wrote:

I always thought one could kitbash mean looking chaos & tyranid infested Space Hulks from the ITTD terrain with greenstuff and lots of talent/time, yours are a great example!

The result strangely reminds me of Advanced Space Crusade.. but in glorious 3D

I want to have an Ork version, as well as a Tyranid, Tau, Squat and I’m in the process of getting parts to put together a Night Lords torture room (lots of bodies, torture victims, skulls etc). I just need to save up to get the stl files and resin but I’ve been distracted and am currently making a Squat army diorama from the famous White Dwarf 111 front cover

I can’t take credit for modelling the nurgle parts mind, Warlock3dmodels on Cults3d made them - I only printed and painted them.

I get the Advanced Space Crusade vibe. Let’s see what Tyranid files I can download in the future

Made in fr
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Clermont De L'Oise

Looks great. Now show me an entire board 😜
I would love to play a game of Space Crusade through those corridors .

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Derbyshire, UK

I love the void suits hanging by the airlock door. Are they an STL?
Made in nl
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

The Netherlands

Man, that stuff is beautiful!

Bits Blitz Designs - 3D printing a dark futuristic universe 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

vim_the_good wrote:Looks great. Now show me an entire board 😜
I would love to play a game of Space Crusade through those corridors .

pgmason wrote:I love the void suits hanging by the airlock door. Are they an STL?

Yes, they are an STL but I can't remember if it was from Cults3D or myminifactory sorry.

Malika2 wrote:Man, that stuff is beautiful!

Khorne Skull Throne Room WIP

"Blood for the blood God. Skulls for the skull throne!"

Let me introduce you to my Khorne Throne Room. I got this and the Nurgle infested spaceship interiors from Warlock3Dmodels on Cults3D. Just to make sure everyone knows this is Warhammer 40K, I added a few more skulls from other kits!

This room took ages to paint as the kit was so detailed and I added a lot of things as well.

Here's what you would see if you opened the hatch. I bought a skull floor roller but haven't got around yet to cover the floors with even more skulls. Once that's done, this room will be finished.

Here are some close ups of the front of the room.

This shows the rear of the front of the room. I added skulls on chains and torsos from Redmakers Renegade set for the Legendary Battle Tank from myminifactory . It has tonnes of cool pieces and gives lots of added Chaos flavour.

This shows a Skull Throne and a mound of skulls. I plan on adding a floor of skulls with the roller and have lots of individual skulls to then blend the Throne and the mounds into one piece. The Skull Throne didn't print perfectly but I think I will be able to make it work.

This shows the left side exterior.

This is the rear exterior. You can just about make out the Khorne Bloodbowl tokens I added to the top of each pillar to ram home who owns this room.

I have also completed a Prison Cell/Jail which I'll show off soon and have also printed off a few Necron Walls, pillars and entrances which will be my next Space Hulk project. I still have plans for a Night Lord room, Tau, Orks and Space Dwarves as well.

As usual, feel free to ask any questions.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Thought I'd share a WIP for my skull floor for my Khorne Space Hulk room.

I've been printing off lots of skulls, skull piles and a skull throne on my 3d printer and after measuring and cutting a piece of plasticard to fit the floor area, have been slowly getting high sticking them down with super glue!!! I think I've printed off around 2000 individual skulls and have finally run out of resin!

Till next time, Phil.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

More skulls................................................

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


I see the Berzerkers have achieved a good harvest in the last week...

Looking good!

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 Haighus wrote:
I see the Berzerkers have achieved a good harvest in the last week...

Looking good!

Thanks Haighus

After lots of printing, cleaning and sticking on lots of skulls with tweezers and superglue, I managed to finish this. Onto painting it now .......

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

That's excellent work.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

SamusDrake wrote:
That's excellent work.

Thanks SamusDrake

Skulls all painted

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I finished my Khorne inspired Space Hulk room:

Here's what you would see if you opened the door.....

Rear view:

And here's a peek at my Space Hulk Prison Brig as well:

More to follow soon

Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


That looks amazing. I'm seriously impressed.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


How did you do the racks of imperial weapons?
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

ShadowsAndDust wrote:That looks amazing. I'm seriously impressed.

The_Real_Chris wrote:How did you do the racks of imperial weapons?

It was about a year ago so I’m not 100% sure if I got the stl for free on either yeggi or cults3d. I’ve had to throw both of the arms locker as I stupidly hollowed them and they have subsequently leaked resin

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Prison Cell/Brig

Here's my Space Hulk Prison/Brig entrance. To differentiate from the rest of the hulk, I painted the walls in a Space Wolves like colour scheme.

This shows a plan view from the front. As usual, I painted hazard stripes around and above the doorway.

This shows the 2 cell doors in a locked position ....

........... and with the sliding doors opened.

I'm juggling lots of painting projects at the moment and have put the Necron Hulk to the back burner as I'm not happy getting the glowing green light effects in the resin printed walls and I also think I will have to use my mothballed airbrush to give the orbs a glowing look.

I have painted a large number of piles of corpses and tortured prisoners and have printed off a lot of Nightlord-esque pieces to convert a room into a torture/pleasure chamber. I just need to print off some new resin walls, pillars and pillar caps to really get the project started. Till next time

Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation


 philmorgan75 wrote:
I finished my Khorne inspired Space Hulk room:

That's a lot of skulls!

Please check out my Facebook page. Like it if you would.
Made in us
Calculating Commissar


The brigs look great. Very roomy! But then I suppose they are probably not single occupant.

Perhaps some disquieting and ominous stains on the cell walls would make them look a bit more inviting to any future occupants? And/or a bit of graffiti carved into the paint would give them more of a used look.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
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