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The 'Ultimate Starter Set' "Handbook" not included in Leviathan?!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

This book is in the 40K 10th Edition, 'Ultimate Starter Set':

This is missing from the bigger, even more definitive, even more expensive, £150 Leviathan box. Other people have complained about this on Reddit. It apparently contains specific beginner tutorials, ideal for the new player I'm planning to introduce to the game, just as they were planning to walkthough it with their young children. Why is this not simply a free download?

What makes me quite angry, is that buying Leviathan last year, you would think I have the most complete edition, with absolutely nothing missing, in terms of content. Except now I come to belatedly play Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition, and find Leviathan is missing a bunch of basic tutorial missions that would be ideal for a new player to learn with a couple of small units.

  • Can anyone help with this? What does the handbook contain?

  • How is it different to the Core Rule Book included in Levaithan?

  • What do people do without the Tutorial, if they need to introduce?

  • Is the content available anywhere else? Is there an official GW link?
    Made in us
    Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

    Gathering the Informations.

    1x 72-page softcover Warhammer 40,000 Ultimate Starter Set Handbook – Includes construction guides, rules tutorials, and training missions to get you up to speed without hassles and headaches

    It says right on the product page.

    Leviathan wasn't a starter set. It was a launch box.

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/13 13:29:33

    Made in gb
    Fresh-Faced New User

    Leviathan was the only version of 10th Edition on sale when I bought it, there were no such things as Starter Sets, and no product pages.

    The phrases "starter set" and "launch box" are almostly completely synonymous terms in the English language. I have no idea what the distinction is, nor would anyone who isn't familiar with the hobby. Considering the Core Rulebook is free, I don't know why a tutorial campaign wouldn't be.

    Anyway, thanks for your reply, and many thanks in advance to anyone who can provide another source for these missions.
    Made in us
    Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

    Gathering the Informations.

    There isn't one. It's for Combat Patrol.

    For future reference though, maybe just y'know...check the Warhammer Community page instead if Reddit starts blabbering about a product?

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/13 14:11:09

    Made in us
    Fixture of Dakka

    NE Ohio, USA

    RomulanCommander wrote:
    This book is in the 40K 10th Edition, 'Ultimate Starter Set':

    This is missing from the bigger, even more definitive, even more expensive, £150 Leviathan box. Other people have complained about this on Reddit. It apparently contains specific beginner tutorials, ideal for the new player I'm planning to introduce to the game, just as they were planning to walkthough it with their young children. Why is this not simply a free download?

    What makes me quite angry, is that buying Leviathan last year, you would think I have the most complete edition, with absolutely nothing missing, in terms of content. Except now I come to belatedly play Warhammer 40,000 10th Edition, and find Leviathan is missing a bunch of basic tutorial missions that would be ideal for a new player to learn with a couple of small units.

  • Can anyone help with this? What does the handbook contain?

  • How is it different to the Core Rule Book included in Levaithan?

  • What do people do without the Tutorial, if they need to introduce?

  • Is the content available anywhere else? Is there an official GW link?

  • They read the dirt simple 10e rules (this is NOT a complex game), play that 1 into mission in the back where you really just try & kill units a few times to get practice moving/shooting/fighting, then (if they don't buy the Leviathan card deck - you'll probably want that btw) they start getting creative.
    Missions, objectives, & victory conditions can be pretty much anything you and your opponent decide upon in minis wargaming. It doesn't have to be limited to wipe-the-other-guy-out or stand-on-these-spots-of-the-table.

    Made in us
    Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

    Leviathan doesn't need a starter rulebook because it comes with its own rulebook, as well as the mission cards mentioned earlier in the thread. and as others have said, the rules for the edition are freely available on GW's website. this just comes across as ragebaiting over a non-issue (Leviathan was a limited edition box, too, so what it did and did not include isn't a concern anymore)

    i have played games of the current edition 
    Made in pl
    Fixture of Dakka

    10th ed is not complex game to someone who played 9th ed or played a lot of 3ed AoS.
    You go try to explain someone the need for deployment, primary and secondary splits per turn, which when arrent achive end the game turn 1 or 2, or the interactions between stuff like orders and IG units, hyper crypt and c'tan, GK and their teleportations, and math mechanics of miracle dice and on proc abilities of armies like Eldar or SoB.

    And even if you limits yourself to first game being "wipe outs" the new player, if he picked wrong, can often run in to the wall of "you picked the wrong army and no matter what you do you will be wiped out everytime".

    And this is just generic stuff a new player has to look for if he picks some easy and safe army to start with like marines(assuming they piced the right type of marines, and didn't pick something like White Scars or Fists of any kind).

    If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
    Made in de
    Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot


    Karol wrote:
    10th ed is not complex game to someone who played 9th ed or played a lot of 3ed AoS.
    You go try to explain someone the need for deployment, primary and secondary splits per turn, which when arrent achive end the game turn 1 or 2, or the interactions between stuff like orders and IG units, hyper crypt and c'tan, GK and their teleportations, and math mechanics of miracle dice and on proc abilities of armies like Eldar or SoB.

    And even if you limits yourself to first game being "wipe outs" the new player, if he picked wrong, can often run in to the wall of "you picked the wrong army and no matter what you do you will be wiped out everytime".

    And this is just generic stuff a new player has to look for if he picks some easy and safe army to start with like marines(assuming they piced the right type of marines, and didn't pick something like White Scars or Fists of any kind).

    Nah, you leave out everything that's not in the basic stat line so the new player gets a feel for how moving and rolling some dice feels like. Core rules is more than sufficient for this.
    Made in pl
    Fixture of Dakka

    Aha, let them pick and army. buy 2000pts AND then tell them how the game really is played, for that extra burn and NPE. Brutal. Like taking someone to a sports camp without telling them what really goes down after day 1. I am not vicious enough to think of it as an option.

    If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
    Made in de
    Perfect Shot Dark Angels Predator Pilot


    I can guarantee you that no one buys a 2000 points army without knowing if they like the basics. I used to play some teaching games where I just handed them some of my stuff to see how it works out. Literally a squad and a character. If they like the basic concepts of how the game flows, they can find all further resources online to powergame if they line that kind of play.

    You must really have a weird community to think that starting out involves everything from the get go. Assembly and painting alone would take way too long to reach 2000 points for an intro game, anyway.
    Made in gb
    Preparing the Invasion of Terra

    Karol lives in the Thunderdome where you either buy 2000pts or buy nothing.
    Made in pl
    Fixture of Dakka

    When you feed the a version of the game that didn't exist and they never played the game before, they do have a rude awakning at some point.

    Lets say they start marines, and you "teach" them the basic and they invest in to intercessors and other wierd things. Because they do not know that marines consists of must take packages of units, then separated by a few builds. Someone could go in to patrols, leviathans etc and then find out that what they really need for the army to work is multiple of tanks. And that is with the codex having good builds for some detachments. What do you tell a new player who wants to buy in to ad mecha, custodes or saw the new DA terminators and wants a DW army? Without having the knowladge that GW is fully willing to create trap units, detachments or entire factions.

    Automatically Appended Next Post:
     Gert wrote:
    Karol lives in the Thunderdome where you either buy 2000pts or buy nothing.

    I have seen enough reddit and german and english forums, sites etc to know that the problems with starting and traps in GW games is not limited to eastern europe. But be my guest. Go tell an new ad mecha player he can pick what he want. watch him "learn" aka buy cool robots, and then tell him he has to spend around (here with 23% vat) 1200$ to have a functioning army. I actualy seen guys write "what am I suppose to do with X" after something like that done to them by their nice enviroment.

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/13 17:23:59

    If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
    Made in gb
    Villanous Scum

    Let's not do this crap yet again. You dont need a competitive army to run a tutorial game, or even any game unless playing with a crowd like that.

    On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
    Made in us
    Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

    San Jose, CA


    The fact that your play environment is horrid and also exists elsewhere....DOES NOT MAKE IT OK let alone "normal".

    Made in us
    Hardened Veteran Guardsman


    Brickfix wrote:
    I can guarantee you that no one buys a 2000 points army without knowing if they like the basics.

    I do. I bought 2 armies of about 3k points for tenth and haven't tried them yet. One is painted and the other is about 60% painted. Not everyone cares about the actual game play. Some of us just like collecting usable armies even if we never use them.
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