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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Somewhere in Segmentum Pacificus: After the Great Rift and Before the 4th Tyranic War

Story: Welcome to Planet X5L2589. At least that is what the Adepts called it on their star chart. It has never had a human name, but perhaps that will all change now that a proper human presence has been established.

After the Great Rift opened up, you were approached by the Rogue Trader Damian Romero. Although the rift had disrupted many of the normal trade routes, it had also opened up new areas of wilderness space, which led the Rogue Trader to the discovery of a new habitable world. The deal you struck was a simple matter. You would provide the resources to settle the world in exchange for the Rogue Trader’s safe transportation and a share of any future profits. A profitable arrangement indeed!

After an un-eventual two weeks at warp, you have arrived with the first colonists. A few small settlements have been established and are now thriving. A survey from the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorators has confirmed that the planet is rich in natural resources, it is dry but is suitable for grox farming and hydroponic vegetable farms. It has precious minerals, admantium and promethium, and a suitable enough atmosphere and gravity well to support construction of a decent sized space port. Damian prepares to depart, but first grants you and your descendants sovereign rights over this world to govern it as you wish in the name of Holy Terra, and in exchange, the Rogue Trader has the right to harvest up to 20% of the world’s net wealth up to once every ten standard Terran years.

Now, you have arrived at the newly established council chamber. Representatives from the Adeptus Terra (Minister Gallow), Ministorum (Bishop Sagius), and Adeptus Mechanicus (The Tech Priest Known As 01) are also present, though they officially have no vote in any of the official agenda items.

There are two items on the agenda.

1. Each player will pledge a portion of their great personal wealth to the planet’s development.
2. An Imperial Governor will be selected.

First the matter of pledging your wealth. Each of you has three wealth. You must decide how to invest your wealth. It can be invested as follows or saved for the future. I.E. You could pledge 1 wealth to agro, 1 to trade, and 1 to mining.

Agriculture: Grox Herding and Hydroponic vegetables

Resource Extraction: Mining and Promethium extraction

Manufacturing: The Adeptus Mechanicus will own and operate a manufactorum but will gladly repay some of the profits in return for your investment.

Trade: Sub orbital platform on top of a mountain. [Opens up trade opportunities and development within the stellar system]

Communication: Astropathic relay boosters to strengthen communication with other stellar systems.

Internal Security: Enforcer Precinct House

Personal Security [Hire a small retinue of body guards]

Planetary Defenses [Begin construction of orbital defense platforms]

Religion: First Cathedral owned by the Ministorum. Will earn you favor and protect the people from heresy.

Medicae: Construct Medicae facility

Infrastructure: Roads, sanitation, electrical power generation.

Next: Selecting a Governor:

Each player has one vote. And a majority vote is needed to decide who shall be governor. In the event no decision is reached the Adeptus Terra will select the new governor:

One of you can nominate yourself as Governor. Alternatively, you could request the Adeptus Terra to select a candidate from the Imperial Bureaucracy.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/21 01:52:04

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Colonel Loisy is sure of two things: he's got money plenty, and he's got ways to invest plenty.

His priority is to make this place able to take its part of the burden as soon as possible, thus, in his mind, before the neat details or the enhancments of everyday life can begin, this planet will have to feed, arm, and maintain an army and an industry. He nows he kallen stock and has no doubt that even if some hardship is ahead, they'll deal with it, as compared to the hellhole that is Kallen, this is already paradise to them.

Considering the rich ore beds lying, it is only natural to him that it should be extracted and put into good use in earnest.

So that's one in ore invested.

However, he is not sure that, unfortunatly, his retenue, as of now, counts any apt members to actually put it to use... Better safe than sorry, and for now, he'd be happy to collaborate with the mecanicus to grow an industry. As an added bonus, it should help him gain some favours with the clergy of Mars, and he has seen many times over in service to the guard how valuable such favours can get...

So, that's one invested in manufacturing ties with the mecanum.

Thirdly, and that is only the beginning probably, Loisy, as a seasonned and decorated offcier, believes that only he has got the skill and grit to actually oversee the PDF forces, and he will gladly get at it by taking in charge the part of the defensive network's construction, plus the recruiting and training of garrisons.

Lastly then, 1 invested in defenses.

Loisy does not wish to be the governor as of yet: he is afraid of the administratum and other imperial instituation that he never dealt with and needs to evaluate them before... And to see where their drones' loyalty actually lay.

So, colonel Loisy calls on the Adeptus Terra to make a call.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/04/21 11:52:28

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Senior Administrator Friedrich von Gaussenberg had arrived early to the meeting, as he really REALLY hated being late to an appointment. Meanwhile he was also to much set in his ways to just enter, assuming that the time of everyone involved was precious and as their meeting had been scheduled to a specific time, it would be disrespectful to just enter half an hour early, using up more time than was agreed upon before hand. So he just... waited outside, right by the door, his mind and attention sunk deeply into his datapad and a small formated thick little journal he used to keep track of his arrangements. As the other members of the new found government arrived, he greeted each and everyone of them with the respect that protocoll dictated, still biding his time until it was time to join them.

von Gaussenberg was not a big man, barely 5,5 and leaning to the haggard side. His hairline had already receeded quite a bit, but where there was still hair at the side it was thick and bushy and a silvery grey. His skin was rather pale and wrinkled, but his eyes were still clear and vivid, indicating a sharp and attentive mind within. According to his file he had just started into his second century, but rejunivation treatment and discreet augmetics had done their part to keep him in the game for another one if nothing ill befell him in the meantime. His dress was an antiquated looking uniform in matte black, with polished bronze buttons and a brokat vest underneath. Expensive but not pretentious and fitting to his rather stiff body language.

His life had been dedicated to the Adeptus Administratum in all its glory, brooding over files, calculating endless formulas, checking tax returns of whole hiveworlds... and endless string of numbers, dancing up and down in his mind. He loved his numbers. They were like old friends... no, like family. He always prided himself in being able to read the little stories they told about a world, sometimes happy, sometimes sad. And after decades studying them he had at least some ideas how to make the numbers dance in a way that would help a world to prosper. That was what he had also told himself to calm down, after his superiors had informed him he would be send to Planet X5L2589 to handle Administratum affairs on the new founded colony.He had never done such a thing, but if the numbers had told those above him, that he was the right man for the job, so be it. The numbers never lied.
They seemed to put quite some trust into him as a significant amount of ressources had been relegated to him, to use as he seemed fit, without any oversight as long as the expected results were met. Friedrich still felt a bit conflicted about that. On the one hand it was as great of an opportunity to do some things right that had always bothered him reading about other worlds. On the other hand it was a good way to waste precious imperial ressources and find your way into an early grave - if you were lucky.

Be it as it may, now was his time to do his part for the Imperium and humanity. After greeting the other counsil members and hearing their proposals he sends a couple of schematics and graphs from his datapad unto the large holodisplay in the middle of the room. The images show an enormous and highly detailed infrastructure grid including everything one could ever think of. Roads, railsways, ports, water pipes, Electricity lines, schools, medicae facilities... but overall much too oversized for the number of colonists already there. Upon closer inspection it gets clear that a lot of the planed infrastructure is mainly designed to be prepared for later stages of the colonies development... decades, sometimes centuries later. The settlements for the first settlers are to be build for their number but already in a way that the first habblocks are solid enough to build the fundament of hundreds more to be stacked on top of them. The streets are wide enough to later add railways without much hassle, the waterpipes have backups and filters and everything. Friedrich explains "It looks excessive now, but in the long run, it will pay off. It always pays of. Or to put it the other way around: you always pay for not thinking things through, when you start with infrastructure. If you don't build with the next centuries in mind, you have to build several times, always pulling down, what you build before. And every bit of efficiency adds up. If we build the most optimal railway from the hydroponics plants and the ore ressources now instead of having to build them around habblocks later, we can save ...."

His litany might go on fore hours if he isn't stopped, but in essence he seems hellbend in spending a large proportion of his ressources to optimize the infrastructure of the colony and make it futureproof for at least a century, even if that means compromising the immediate progress. His general view seems to be on decades and centuries, struggling to see the point in prioritizing immediate needs. There are some positives though as Colonel Loisy can for example see that the powergrid necessary to one day far away install Macrolasers as planetary defense is already included in the development plan.
"There's but one time to get on top of infrastructure and it is right at the start. All else is just patchwork and dirty compromise"

[If that is possible I want to put all 3 ressource points into infrastructure. As indicated: build everything from the start in a way that the colony can "grow into it".]

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The assembled crowd gasped and awed as they took in the proposals of Gaussenberg and Colonel Loisy.

Minister Gallow, who was seated at the head of the long circular table around which each high representative sat, spoke in response.

"Magos 01, what do you make of these plans for investment?"

The Magos replied in an automated feminine voice, not unlike the sweet sounding early AI assistants of Terra's distant past.

"The Mechanica are pleased with the proposals. Our sacred Standard Template Construct shall be nurtured and loved with these commitments, and shall grow into the centerpiece of this world. Looking to Colonel Loisy she replies: A manufactorum you shall have, and with it, the constructs for a well armed PDF and tithes for the Emperor's armies."

Then she looks to Gaussenberg. "And with this great investment in infrastructure, you shall also have a Hive someday. We will begin digging the foundations immediately."

Gallow nodded his head and then turned to Bishop Sagius. "And what does the Ministorum say?"

The Bishop looked slightly irritated and had a sneering look under his nose as he spoke.

"A sizable investment in a Cathedral would be more fitting. No doubt, many of the faithful flock and their shepherds will be disappointed, but they shall content themselves to their temples while the pressing matters of raising this world up begin in earnest. However I do hope that should more wealth flow into this province, that the benefactors of this world will not forget the sacred duty of the Ministorum. Might I suggest a small consolation then?"

"If we can not yet have a cathedral than I will ask for a name. Name this world after one of our venerated and Holy Saints. There are many to choose from.

Gallows nods his head. "I doubt you will see opposition to that cause your excellency."

"What say you councilmen, do you agree with the Bishops' Proposal. And if so, what Saint will you give name to this world we have brought into the Emperor's light?" [You can pick anything, canon or not]

Once the matter is resolved Gallows looks again to the council.

"I see no one has submitted their candidacy for governsorship? Than I suppose that as High Adept that duty will fall to myself. I am afterall first and foremost committed to the tithes that will be forthcoming. Does any member of this council object?"

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/04/22 02:36:52

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg is satisfied, that someone stepped up to take on the burden of being planetary governor. If it had befell to himself, he would of course have carried the burden, trying his best to earn the trust given to that honorable position, but he was satisfied with just being a cog in the great machine instead of the one in command. Therefore he taps his walking cane in agreement and thumps his approval into the datapad, as Minister Gallows throws his hat into the ring.

The Bishops musings do gain his attention and he contemplates for some moments before proposing "Might I throw in St. Bonifatius? I always admired the Saint for his valliant work in spreading the Faith, bringing light into this dark dark galaxy..." a saint of the missionaris galaxia, known for his missionary deads. A good choice if one wants to appease the Ecclesiarchy as he was sainted for purely religious deeds instead of feats of battle or conquest as some other saints that tend to be occupied by the Astra Militarum or other branches of the Imperium.

As soon as the opportunity arrises to have a moment in private, Von Gaussenberg would shuffle over to Bishop Sagius, bowing deeply. "A word, your highness?"
Should the addressed agree, Von Gaussenberg would talk about him that he knows about, and greatly appreciates the important role of the Imperial faith for the prosperity of a world - as does the Administratum. He appologizes for his current set of priorities in this first session, underlining that "Ecclesiarchy Presence" and "Food" are the immediate next points on his agenda and showing him his datapad, that at least says so too.
"Strong faith breeds strong people and strong people create good times... One day our world will need a Cathedral and as you might already have guessed, I am no man for half measures. So pray forgive this humble servant to ask that of you, but grant us some patience." he musters his fellow a bit before implying "Unfortunatly the common people tend to be rather shortsighted and ungrateful, seldomly really appreciating long term solutions when faced with some short term inconveniences. If you can help me out on that front a little bit... teach the masses the importance of paying taxes, being patient and accepting that we are in this for the long run, you might find me even more forthcomming and my priorities shifting accordingly..."

Theres no point in pretending this was not a bribe and no shame in admitting it. Basically what Friedrich offers is a sizeable (and probable long term) support from the Administratum for the Imperial Faith IF they scratch his back now and then.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/22 09:20:54

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Colonel Loisy is satisfied with the meeting as well. He is aware of his shortcomings in all manners of fields, and that he isn't fit for the role.

Befriending the adepts of Mars is a good step forward, as he knows that, if he wishes to set up defenses worthy of the imperium, their help will be paramount... As it will to manufzfture the goods and squeeze the money to meet tithes demands.

However, Loisy is unsettled by the Bishop reaction. On the one hand, Loisy and his kin are a pious lot. He felt almost ashamed of not having met the requirements of the munistorum. But he knew he had no choice.

Not afraid to speak in front of others, he stood up, and addressed the Bishop.

"Your Excellency, pardon my lack of investment in this matter. I beg you take my word for it, that we, Kallenese people, are a pious lot, as on our cursed word, it is all we have got, and it is all we brought from their: faith in the Emperor.

May you see my investments in defense and industry as a way to put it to good use, as the best possible act of faith we can. And doubt not, our chapels are full of faithfull at any time.

As a sign of respect towards your spiritual guidance, I propose that you should name this world as you see fit, to give the best example to the people of this newly founded word."

With these words, he hoped to have made amend and soothed the bishop's discontent.

Now, he would let his subordinates and the mecanicum make good use of the money he gave them, and himself start the overseeing od the first defense battery...

Loisy did not learn of Von Gaussenberg bribing of the bishop, and he doesn't really care. However, he thinks to himself, that je may as well do his part by building these infrastructures... But Loisy would have to convince him to not neglect military ones as well... In any case, he will try his best to keep the soon born military fermy on his hand: he is yet again convinced to no one is better armed for the task.


Long story short, Loisy intends to size everything related to armed forces and their supply, as he sees the security of the planet as his sacred duty from now on, while trying to maintain good relations with everyone, but relies on his mecanicus allies and will try to use them to keep in touch with the projects von Gaussenberg carries out... He assumes malice on all sides, but for now, he does not feel at risk in his endeavour.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Friedrich would also use every opportunity that he gets to at least superficially get to know the other members of the ruling council, trying to get a grasp on their aims and ideas for the world. Overall he needs information to evaluate if his ideas will face ignorance or even backlash, who might be a possible ally and who a stubborn hindrance. To Colonel Loisys it gets clear, that von Gaussenberg has no intention of interfering with any military business, indeed assuming him to be the obvious choice to handle such affairs. And while the Administrator seems very focussed on concentrating on the civilian side of development, he at least has the sense of including plans to support the military, like strategically placed forts and citadells as well as power backup systems that provide additional layers of security.
In other words: Loisy doesn't expect Gaussenberg to invest ressources in military stuff, but he won't ignore the armies needs during his own civilian planning and wont get involved into the Colonels business either.

Gaussenberg specifically has a longer chat with the Mechanicum delegate as well as who ever is in charge of the fledging colonies agricultural facilities. Notably he tries to concinve both of them that a solid infrastructure will profit both their fields of work immensely in the future and that he has their respective agencies as high priorities on his agenda. But as an Administrator his knowledge of their needs is limited, so he is very much open for input.
Primarily he implies that his next investment should go in parts towards improving food production as this too is something better started early and right than late and as a patchwork. If possible he wants to convince the Priest of Mars that allocating ressources there instead of to the Mechanicum is not meant as a slight but to provide a healthy and numerous worker base in the future and that he has not forgotten the importance of the Manufactorums, even though it might look that way in the near future.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Bishop reacts to the entreaties of the clerk and the colonel with solemn gratitude, neither betraying that he is pleased nor displeased with your actions.

In response to the matter of the name he nods. "Yes, The Reach of St. Bonifatius. That seems like an endearing name for an enduring world, lifted up into the Emperor's light. The Ministorum will look forward to your continued support in many matters, large and small.

In the coming years, the low born would come to call it Boni's Reach, or simply Reach

Minister Gallows nods his head.

"Very good. you have set forth your plans, and you have a governor... and Emperor willing, you can keep him." The large rotund man smirks beneath his flowing brown hooded robe.

"May your endeavors prove fruitful gentlemen."

Next we will fast forward about ten years. I'll need to get your characters statted up, there will be some challenges coming your way!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/23 01:36:40

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


*interlude dawn of war music as Loisy minds his macro batteries and his Rambo syndrome*

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Arriving was a courtesy and a gift, therefore it was best to do it a bit late. It was preferable to be the last one to arrive, and timing that took a certain something most bureaucrats lacked.

Cardinal Richemont's stooped form slunk into the room, his white robes practically shining in the grey room. He measured a solid 5 foot, 2 inches thanks to his stoop, but the weight of the golden cords, silvered chains, and the 2 and half foot tall white and red hat took their toll on a person's posture after a few decades. A long white beard hung down, almost covering the Imperial Eagle on his chest, embroidered in gold. White, bushy eyebrows sprung from the edge of his over-sized hat. His wrinkled face beamed triumphantly as his cool grey eyes surveyed the others in the room.

Before him, a servitor droned a low chant and rhythmically swung a censor full of acrid incense, while another unrolled a red carpet where he the Cardinal walked. Behind him, Cherubs held up his long, white and red trimmed train. A final servitor collected a re-rolled the red carpet after he had passed.

'A cathedral is an excellent idea, Bishop! I am glad you had the foresight and faith to bring the motion forward before I could arrive," the Cardinal said. It was clear his day's of fiery oration were far behind him.

"What the people need is Faith, good works for their hands, and a rod to keep them from being spoilt.

I pledge my resources to support this efforts. Agriculture as the toils of the field is critical, a Cathedral, and the Enforcer Hub.

St. Bonifatius will be a shining beacon of righteousness for the sector to emulate!"

The Cardinal beamed at High Adept Gallows, "I fully support your magnificent rule as Imperial Governor! Long live the Governor!"

The initial years of running the colony would be harsh, better to let someone else take the harsh times.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/25 16:21:11

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

10 Years Later

The world develops slowly, but largely in accordance with your plans.

More towns and settlements are established throughout the arid dusty continents, with grox herding and mining being the predominant industries. Meanwhile the rough shape of a hive starts to form from the capital city, supported by the vast investments made in infrastructure. Within the proto-hive, the Mechnicum established the world's first manufactorums, which slowly start to creep out and grow, gradually absorbing more and more workers, while producing an ever expanding number of civilian and military products.

Even more amazing, the Mechanicum discovered the remains of an ancient early Imperial human civilization buried within the deep sands of the planet. Several successful expeditions uncovered rare archeotech which further helped the Mechanicum to expand its manufacturing capabilities

These years also saw the establishment of a robust PDF and the completion of the planet's first orbital defense battery. The Colonel became the de facto head of the PDF and consolidated an immense power base behind him as a result.

Meanwhile, the Ecclesiarchy consolidated it's own power base within the Proto-Hive, erecting the first stages of a massive cathedral which regularly drew crowds in the thousands whenever the Cardinal would speak. Meanwhile, the proto hive's harsh enforcers kept a close watch on the denizens of the city, ensuring a measure of order, at least within the proto-hive.

And yet all of the growth was accompanied by creeping pain and a growing sense of fear and stagnation.

There was the usual corruption of course. Every minor official did whatever they could to line their own pockets, but that was par for the course on most Imperial worlds, and therefore was not very notable.

But there were also the mutants and the psykers. The Ministorum Priests were said to be effective in identifying mutations and routing them out of the population. Or at least, the Ministorum Priests said as much. Supported by the Enforcer's surveilance network, it seemed that the purges were at least successful enough within the proto-hive, but out in the untamed wilderness it was anyone's guess.

Certainly rumors abound of criminal mutant gangs and even rogue psykers either hiding deep in an unoticed part ofthe proto hive or out in the wilderness. But these might very well be rumors...

Of more immediate concern was the Trade Union. No one is sure how it emerged but it started in the mines. The low born cried out against the perceived corruption of the lords. Petitions turned to protests, which turned to work stoppages, which turned into strikes. Then it spread to the farms, and finally the manufactorums.

Now the world stands on a precipice. The Trade Union has made one final petition to the governor, and if their demands are not met, they threaten to bring the economy to a stand still.

[Gaussenberg manages to earn 1 wealth during this period of time as revenue from power generation fees, road tolls etc prove immune to the labor disputes. The other players however will not have any excess wealth unlocked until this crisis is resolved]

The Council Chamber:

That same chamber was larger now and grander, decorated with fine Gothic Architecture. The long board room table now replaced with an open aired amphitheater, and illuminated with floating servo screen skulls. The room is dimly lit, and deathly silent. Normally, official council business would be held during the day and each council member would be accompanied by several dozen attendants, and servants. But this meeting had been called in secret, meaning that it would be a pressing matter indeed.

The Governor addresses you all.

"Members of the council. What would you have me do about this so called trade union and it's demands? I feel that I have ignored these problems for too long now, and something must be done."

"Do you advise a negotiation? We have some leverage from an economic stand point. I could threaten to legalize mutant labor or I could send out a call to another Imperial world and offer to pay them to flood us with their cheap labor. Surely the leaders of this Trade Union would see reason, once my superior position is established in the negotiation. Assuming they are not really some heretics in disguise."

"But that would look weak wouldn't it? Asking for greater pay, less working hours, better living conditions, these are not Imperial ideals. Surely some force is corrupting our people is it not? Part of me wants to wait and see who joins this so called global strike and then crush them with our enforcers and the PDF. But would that make me a tyrant, hated by the people, and potentially set us even further back in our production goals. We have been fortunate that our tithes have been so light so far, but we can't expect that to remain indefinitely."

"What say you good council? What shall we do?"

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/26 01:37:09

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Friedrich von Gaussenberg listened intently to the Governors appeal, satisfied that this unfortunate ordeal is finally giving the priority it deserves. Even though his own domains were not YET affected that much by the growing dissent of the workers union, the immediate risk for the growing colony was obvious. Nonetheless he couldn't shake the lingering feeling that this... was not really his problem. Keeping the masses quiet and obedient was first and foremost the liability of the Ecclisarchy, the arbites and enforcers and if had started to spiral out of control the PDF. And so far Cardinal Richemont and Colonel - or was it General already? - Loisy had been so eager to get these forces under their control that this was kind of their business...
Then again, it wouldn't help to ignore the issue and there might be a time where it was the other way around and he would need help when his fields of work caused troubles for the Reach of St. Bonifatius.

Friedrich checked his beloved dataslates and calculaters again, while another mechanical appendic appeared from amongst his clerk robes, giving him a helping hand to hold several dataslates at once. Still being on the very punctual site and being ignorant of the very effective intricacies of timing that Cardinal Richemont used so expertly, the Adminstrator offered his council first.
"It is my believe that this might be an issue of "zuckerbrot and Peitsche" as it was called back home on Mordia. I believe the saying is carrot and stick around here, isn't it? So my council is that we agree to comply with some of their demands, maybe even surpass them - for those that agree to return to obediency. Meanwhile we should also show presence and ability to punish those, that show themselves ungrateful and slap away the outstretched hand that was offered." he pushes some runes on his dataslate and the holodisplay in the middle of the room flashes with his usual schematics again. At least von Gaussenberg had learned something over the last decade and everyone could see a summary as part of the display.
"I have already set significant funding in motion to increase agricultural production and accessibility to its products for the common people, as I believe a full stomach has no stomach for revolt - if you excuse the word play. It should be enough to provide every worker with enough food stuff to not worry too much over survival as long as he doesn't openly refuse to do his share for the colony while providing the opportunity to reward those that show obediency. For the next decade at least the Administratum will bear the cost to keep food prices low, but part of it will be made accessible as payment for work done to give some incentive against strikes."

His planning - as usual includes lots of little details that might only fully take effect in decades, including for example reserving the most arrable land for farms, which tends to be covered with habblocks if cities grow naturally from rural dwellings as it tends to happen on "normal" worlds. A thing that always bothered him. As with the failsaves for his infrastructure grid he also plans to start at least small plantations of crop that would be resistant to climate shifts, to get a head start if things should unexpectedly change.

He looks over to those council members that by one way or the other are involved in Security and comments "Meanwhile I would recommend that the commonfolk is reminded in daily live that while we are benevolent rulers that comply to righteous demands, we do have the means to punish stubborn acts of obstruction and sabotage. Hopefully this will not even be necessary but they must know that we CAN and we WILL if our hands are forced.

To give the right context that I can't perfectly put in an in game text:
Gaussenberg would invest 2 pips into Agriculture aiming for production providing basic food stuff for the workers for affordable cost, not for export. And the mentioned backup plantations are meant in a way that his plan might not gain as much food as mass monoculture could do with 2 pips but reduces the risk that we get into total trouble should the climate shift or some pest animal arise in the next century.
Also as I tried to write: No worker that doesn't totally refuse will starve. Basic calories will be provided for everyone. But workers that stay away from protests and demonstrate being good citizens will defintly live better under his plan, maybe even with some real meat on the table once a weak etc.

His comment towards the security forces is kind of two sides of the same coin. If providing food is enough to quell the unrest, everything would be fine for the Security guys, as only Gaussenbergs Ressources are drained by keeping foodprices low. But if that is not enough they get the ugly business of being "the stick" and gaining the antipathy of the people. If they agree to do things his way of course.

Next he nods towards Cardinal Richemont and Bishop Sagius "Of course we all do not only need worldy nourishment but even more the guiding light of faith and our emperor. So it is my firm believe that we should support the good work of the ecclesiarchy to bring it to our world. The Administratum will assist with funds for that. As a layman I would think it might be best used to forward the construction of our cathedral, but who am I to judge. So of course I entrust these fundings to our good Cardinal and Bishop to do with it as they please. I would also like to highlight our long term commitment to this issue, so unless unforeseen circumstances should put the Administratum in a position that we do not have any funding at all, you can count on a continuation of it over the next decade."
So another pip into religion. With the additional offer that the Ecclesiarchy can use it as they please. Gaussenberg would not gain from it himself (so whatever is done with it would not benefit him directly or improve his reputation in the population), but he hopes to make some friends or at least no enemies within the imperial church.
The long term offering means: as long as I am able to invest another pip next round, one will go again to the Ecclesiarchy. So they have an incentive to not actively work against me

Last but not least von Gaussenberg sets the construction of long distance communication arrays in motion and requests a trained choir of Astropaths from the Adeptus Astra Telepathica from the additional wealth he gained through his control over the infrastructure. He wants to be able to start relations with the Administrators on neighboring worlds and do some networking with the imperial bureaucracy back on Terra and on the Segmentum Capital in Hydraphur. So nothing that will lead to immediate results, but again long term strategy. Making friends and gaining allies in these agencies might take decades, so better start it now. He specifically tries to at least now when inspections, tithes etc. are due and maybe even have a lever to slightly delay them or influence that what is demanded doesn't exceed what they can give.

He doesn't mention this loudly in the ruling chamber and doesn't try to gain any open gratitude for it, but he doesn't hide his efforts either, so everyone who has any say in the planets matter will know sooner or later.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/26 09:52:46

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MN (Currently in WY)

Richemont was bowed obsequiously to von Gaussenberg's generous offer of additional funding for the Cathedral.

Your generosity will be noted by the God-Emperor himself. I of course will continue to also back construction of the Cathedral as the hub of spirituality on the planet, but I would wish to use von Gaussenberg's contribution to build a network of Missionary stations, shrines, and local congregations out in the hinterlands.

Richemont had noted that the only one who had managed to drive considerable profit in the past decade was the bureaucrat. That was disturbing, and he would have to be watched.

I agree with the Carrot and the Stick approach. However, I would recommend we added more "consumer goods" to the mix as well as foodstuff. Give people a taste of luxury, and they have something to loose if the system is disrupted. Add these luxuries on top for those most loyal to our cause and breaking the power of the Trade Union. We need to prove to the people that the Trade Union brings them pain, while we bring them luxury. I will invest in these consumer goods and leave my investments in Enforcers stagnant.

The Cardinal did not enjoy reducing the power in his Iron Fist, but it was easier to control the populace with honey than with the rod. He had enough invested to give him the leverage and spies he needed... for now. An expanded Missionary service would fill that gap for the moment.

It seems obvious to me, that when it comes to enforcement, we should leave that to our esteemed Colonel. He seems to have the most experience and energy for the task.

However, if we can not feed the people no amount of force will quell them. Therefore, I will continue my investments in Food production as well. If the are forced to choose between survival and the regime, the people are always going to choose survival. Empty bellies lead to revolt.

The Bureaucrat's move into food production was unpleasant to Richemont. He knew that control of the food supply was control of the population. He had hoped to corner the marker in that space, but his resources had been incomplete to give him that control. Perhaps he could acquire his stake in the future, as his mind was focused more on infrastructure and networks for support, rather than the power of the people.


Therefore, I am shifting my investment slightly to:

Religion: 1
Manufacturing/Consumer Goods: 1
Food: 1

I will shuffle away from Enforcers for now and leave that to the General.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/26 14:37:38

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Loisy listnend with discipline, as befits a professionnal soldier, waiting for the his turn to speak. When the governor's eyes set on him, he stood, emptied and spread his portfolio on the table, and began reporting on the capabilities and the plans he had for the PDF forces and order on this world.

These were harsh. Loisy presented the PDF as purged: in the ten year that came, he enforced total ideological adherence to the imperial faith and the Emperor, and made these pdf a force to be reckoned with. Because of his extremly paranoid nature, and because he lived through treachery on Inamorta, he made sure all places of importance where of his own folks: all NCO or almost, most officers, and a substantial part of the PDF were recruited amongst Kallenese people, to ensure coherency and loyalty.

But now, he started to see the world as a nest of corruption and he would gladly be the one to dive in and tear the heart of this corruption apart... In his mind, apart from his PDF, anyone, including the police forces, could be guilty in some extend.

Loisy was brutally direct: he demanded his special forces be entitled to bypass all protocols and take the head of all potential or proved leaders of the trade union. He was obviously not a fool - he does not want to starve the people, it was not his duty to inflict misery on them, and on that he agreed with von Gaussenberg- but he needed to send a clear message. But, according to the list he was to show only the governor right after the meeting, in secret, some of the alleged leaders where members of the administration and the police forces. Hence why he asked for freeway to act as he saw fit.

However, with the threat of mutants and heretics truly rising, he needed to yet further reinforce his PDF capabilities, with both materiel and men.

The material part would fall on the shoulders of the mecanicus - the manufactorum was already installed, and he deemed that they probably would appreciate if, in some fashion, more ore kept flowing to better arm and equip the troops, and let some of these riches pay the tithes... But if the war actually broke out, he would no longer be able to rely on the mecanicum. So he reckoned that his methods of targeting the head and sever it to bring the rank and file workers back intro their workplaces would impact them less, and please his mecanicum friends.

While he would gladly leave the rest -food, medicae care, confort- to the others, as he was not a man of economics, and in fact longs for cooperation with them in the best interest of the people of Saint Bonifatius Reach, he was adamant that he only, on matters of security and mutants, had the skill and experience to deal with this crisis.

Finaly, as a last invesment, Loisy would be glad to participate in the projects of the cathedral. He proposed to invest a small portion of his soldiers, in turn, to the building of the cathedral. People would see their protectors work hand in hand beside them for the glory of the Emperor, and this would be felt as an honour by his mostly Kallenese army to work directly towards such a goal.

Though he kept it a secret, Loisy was more and more encline to get int touch with the inquisition just in case...


To make it into something clearer:

Loisy has lived the hell of trahison by the mutants, and he sees them everywhere, especially -as had been the case with the genestealer cults he fought- in strategic positions, hiding or helping them out so favour their own interests. He wishes to cull as many of them, leave the trade union and mutant agitators headless. Considering Richemont pulls out of the enforces, I imagine Loisy actually gets free way to purge the enforcers as he wishes, but I'll leave to the GM to know if such strikes are also carried out in non-armed institutions of the planet, something less likely as neither the administratum nor the ecclesiarchy would tolerate it. For now, Loisy will have to comply.

If more investment is required, that'd be 1 into pdf to carry out such manhunts. Another one would go into PDF as they keep reinforcing to make sure they are ready for anything... and remain pure.

Lastly, he wants to finally concur to the religious fever that lacked and led this world to the brink of heresy. He will propose to put a contingent of soldiers on work rotation to build the cathdral at the expense of the army.

1 into religion.

Loisy remains totally dedicated to the cause, and will actually try to help (hence why he agrees with von Gaussenberg to not starve people). But at the same time, his grip tightens on the security forces as he believes more and more that only he has the gall for it.

Ignorant of Richemond schemes, he will not willingly go against him as a priest. But paranoid as he is, he indeeds thinks that the corruption also has got spiritual roots and not all of the clergy may be innocent... He is very thankfull that they leave matters of security to him, and makes a promise that he will do everything in he's power.

Should matters deteriorate futher or his security measures be denied, he will if possible try to raise the alarm in the inquisition in some way. But for now, he is satisfied with the results, as he belives that they have in a way come to agree on who does what in a global strategy to both ease people, and make them realise what the confort they'd lose by rebelling... And the lasbolt to the head they'd get as a replacment.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/04/26 14:58:11

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

After the others stated their investments, von Gaussenberg applauds the Cardinal specifically and adresses Cardinal Richemont once more. "Your excellency, if you also pledge resources to further our agricultural production, I consider diverting half of my investment from this sector over into our medical system. I recon our combined investment would still suffice and we could add another facet of the good live that potential rebels might loose."

His reasoning is in part efficiency, but also that he wants to avoid stepping into other rulers business for now. So if Richemont is invested in food, let it be his domain.

assuming that a total of 2 investments, one from each of us is enough to feed the masses, I would change from 2x agriculture to 1 agri, 1 medicine

The Colonels rather heavy handed approach is... one way to do it. His "cleaning" of the PDF ranks as well as shaping the militaries loyalties to be chained to him eludes von Gaussenberg who does not have the world view to register it. And if those crackdowns kill off some of his men, he might accept this as colateral damage for now

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Dakka Veteran

The Governor nods his head at your proposals, "Most ambitious and generous my fellow Lords."

"I will announce my degree and it shall be titled: A degree of Bread and Circuses the people will have lower food prices, and shall have some decent entertainment and spectacle. A parade from the PDF, theatrical productions from the Ministorum, whatever you see fit to keep the people distracted from their hardships, and yet, not veering from their devotion to the Emperor. This will undoubtedly put the labor dispute to rest, at least for a time."

And then he raises an augmetic arm and gestures to the Colonel. "But if any of the leaders of this so called union are mutants or heretics, they must be put to death...quietly if possible."

"Can I entrust you lords to carry out a discreet investigation and take appropriate action? If there are enemies of the Emperor on this world, I would prefer them to disappear, like they never existed to begin with. I certainly WOULD NOT want the Arbites or even higher authorities to find out that we have been negligent in our sacred duties."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/26 23:54:59

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Loisy nods politely in agreement: their culling will be thorough, but it will be precise and he will make sure there are no collateral damages. Loisy had already more or less investigated by himself prior tho this and proposes to submit the list in secret to the governor only, so he knows we're his hammer will most probably fall. He will let the list be reinvestigated by the governor's own services - should he not concur, Loisy might start to think that maybe he has got something to hide...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/27 06:04:06

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I secretly rolled the Colonel's Leadership + Intellect against a difficulty of 3. I made the roll 10 times. Each success eliminates 10% of the trade union's leadership. Meaning the Colonel successfully eliminates anywhere between 0% to 100% of the Trade Union's leadership. Of course, there is no way for you to know for sure how successful that is, so I will keep the results a secret

The Governor is very hands off in response to the Colonel running the list by him. He wants no part in what is to come...perhaps to support plausible deniability, or perhaps it's just his way of acknowledging that he is a Governor in title only, with the true power players being the members of the council.

But yes, over the next few weeks, the Colonel's PDF carry out dozens of raids on suspected leaders of the Trade Union even as the Governor issues his degree to appease the masses. The raids are followed by interrogations, and...if the Colonel judges the suspect to be heretical, quiet executions.

All together some 50 persons are detained, and of the 50, about half are executed. (The rest are turned over to the Mechanicum to be converted into servitors).

With the interrogations, the Colonel starts to put a few pieces of intelligence together:

1. The Trade Union is largely tolerant of mutants, even pro-mutant. Indeed, most of the executions were carried out when minor mutations were discovered. Your PDF though could not discern whether the mutations were the result of the warp, or something else, like a gene stealer cult, or if they were just natural mutations.
2. Membership could be somewhere in the 1000s though no membership list was discovered. Secretive activist cells are likely in all parts of the world. After the raids, the cells are likely in hiding.
3. No plans for violent actions or terrorism were uncovered. Their activities were involved solely on organizing labor strikes and demanding higher standards of living, and also for more tolerance of "untainted mutation." However...the raids may have altered these plans.
4. The Trade Union has adopted a rather odd mantra which cuts across all their propaganda: "We must Change our Ways for the Greater Good." The Colonel would know that this appears to be a potential reference to a Chaos god, and the Tau Empire. But it could also just be a bizarre coincidence.

[Any other actions from anyone else before the turn is up?]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/28 01:50:43

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


The colonel will probably bring this greater good stuff to the council, I assume that he believes this is the beginning of a cult of sorts that has created his own god, but he can't say for certain and is puzzled, since he never fought the Tau prior in his life.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/28 05:14:20

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

[Regarding general things done befor the next round]

Fitting to his modus opperandi so far, von Gaussenberg announces that the Administratum will slowly begin planning for a spaceport in the next years, meaning they will start to figure out how and where to build it and prepare funding etc. Basically he already shows his hand to express that he is a teamplayer. He specifically gets into contact with the Mechanicus represantative 01 as well as Colonell Loisy. The first he adresses laying out that the spaceport first and foremost should bolster trading and as the Mechanicum is the most important producer, it should obviously be taylored to their needs. So he asks for some Tech-Adepts and Priests to get together with his Administratum drones and plan the whole thing from the start to integrate optimaly with the needs of the Marsian Priesthood and their Manufactorums. Overall this is again an outstretched hand towards one of the powerplayers on the planet showing that von Gaussenberg has the best interests of the colony in mind.

Similarly he offers the Colonell to offer input on how to plan everything in a way that the PDF has an easy time defending it should the need arise, including for example guard houses, pillboxes and secured access roads. He also does his best to not let the impression arise that he wants to interfere with Loisys alliance with the Mechanicum. He just tries to be a team player and really hates ineffeciency, so the Admech people should be involved in this.

Last but not least he makes clear to the local trading houses that the Administratum plans on providing the means to get trade going (and get rich on it), but they won't get involved themselves. It will be upon them to seize this opportunity when they finally get around this in the next decade or so.
Which again hopefully gives several powers of this great game good reason to let von Gaussenberg live in peace as he will be useful in the future, which in the end is all he wants.


[regarding the immediate concern with rebels and the greater good]

Friedrich bows respectfully as the governor asks if he can entrust them with handling this affair, stating that he will assist to the best of his abilities to resolve this crisis. He still thinks this is not his field of responsibility, but he doesn't want to make enemies either, so offers what help he can to colonel Loisys man hunt. When his teams have requests of shutting down energy in a hab block for a raid or need roads or trainlines closed, von Gaussenberg makes sure that the red tape is cut and the planetary bureaucracy works that little bit faster and less complicated that might make the difference.
When he later brings the results of his interrogations into the council chamber, Friedrich will not make the connections others might do from the wording "greater good" and instead just chips in "If we can convince the public that our benevolent rule is the greatest good they can achieve, we might even be able to use this to our advantage...?" looking over to the Ecclesiarchy representatives who he assumes have a much better grasp on how people function, as this really isn't his strongsuite.

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MN (Currently in WY)

[Other business]

Cardinal Richemont meets with the Bishop to plan out the network of shrines and Minisortium outposts into the outer regions, As this network grows, he will use it to provide tips and leads to Loisy in his manhunts.

He will also partner with 01 of the Mechanicum on the Consumer Goods that need to be produced to ensnare the population into the chains of luxury. Then the Cardinal will try to build connections with a handful of local Trade Houses for distribution with a cut going into his treasury as their benefactor. He will curry favor with some of the Houses and purposely pit them against each other to compete for the contracts. Unlike von Gaussenberg, Richemont wants his patronage to appear highly lucrative and valuable to any Trade House that wants to flourish.

In his Agricultural sector, he will be less demanding of profit, and possibly even generous in making sure to control and maintain low costs. He wants this staple freely available from the Church, and uses his growing Minisortium network as a distribution network to the less fortunate. However, he wants the poverty stricken to see the Ecclesiarchy and piety as their lifeline.

He is working hard to create a system of winners and losers. The "Winners" will have access to luxuries, while the losers will live closer to subsistence. The Church and government helps pick the winners, but also a stabilizing hand for the losers of his class system. There needs to be a permanent underclass dependent on the Church for Piety and survival, while the Winners will also will need access to the church for their "status".

Everything must be in balance.

[About Current Business]
The Cardinal's influence in crime management has stayed static, while Loisy's has grown. However, his small network will be given the task of helping Loisy fill his lists. Sometimes, those who have crossed the Cardinal, have found themselves pulled into a web of suspicion. Folks who refused to sell their land, made life difficult for his Trade House allies, the members of a rival Trade Houses that did not know their proper place, could all be swept up in the investigations and a black shadow of suspicion and possible arrest cast over them. In that sense, the Cardinal is eager to help his fellow leadership root out the heretics and Trade Unionists.

The Cardinal will also support the creation of the spaceport and even offer to provide land from his own Agricultural position. Provided, his desire is to place the trade hub firmly in realms he controls so he can manage access to and from the Spaceport.

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The actions of the PDF and your economic commitments, particularly the food subsidies keep the Trade Union from mounting any more disruptions to the economy. The Governor applauds your efforts and you are free to proceed with your plans to develop the world further.

You know that the world appears to be on the brink of an explosion in development and population as the promise of expanded trade and communication with the wider Imperium promises to bring in great wealth and immigration.

Excellent: We will advance a further 10 years now. Each character will be forced to make difficult choices.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Another decade has run its course and von Gaussenberg has continued to solidify his position as head of the local Administratum. His style of leadership within his agency is quite isolationist at that, keeping not only himself, but also his subordinates out of the other rulers domains as good as possible. Meanwhile this also goes the other way around as he tries his best to monitor, demote and if necessary remove those Administratum drones that get a little bit to friendly with other power players, lacking the undevided loyalty to the Administratum as institution he expects from them. What he tries to select for is a hierarchy of loyalty to the Administratum, the colony and himself, in that order. So even Administrators that are not on best personal terms with him can raise through the ranks if they prove to be loyal to the Imperial bureucracy and their new homeworld. By this he hopes to achieve that his work will be continued when one day the great game he is part of demands its price and someone will kill him off eventually.
I want to use the one question that is allowed to me by my "paranoid" talent to keep an eye on attempts to infiltrate the Administratum and keep it clean

As he enters the council chamber he doesn't really look another decade older, quite the contrary to be exact. His hairline is a little bit lower, the grey sprinkled with some blonde hair again and the skin that little bit more rosy, implying another round of rejunivation treatment. So waiting for him to just die of old age might not be the best of strategies. Through his work, that so far seems to have been perceived favorably by his superiors he was recently promoted within the Administratum ranks, expressed by some traditional golden insignia on the breast of his uniformdepicting a spectacled sloth behind a desk full of folders. That doesn't change anything regarding the pecking order of the council members, yet gives him a certain amount of leverage when dealing with the vast amount of clerks, secretaries, bursars and archivars that keep everything running
as uncommon equipment for round 2 I would like a symbol of authority. The described rejunivation treatment is purely fluff.

As it has become kind of a tradition he is the first to lay out his plans for the next decade, which are not really surprising as he has already announced most of it. "Greetings my lords and ladies, your excellency" he adresses the other councelors and the governor respectfully. "And congratulations to our dear Colonel for his excellent handling of that ugly workers union business. We all can sleep peacefully knowing our security in your hands. I would like to mention as much to the Astra Militarum segmentum command advocation for a promotion that seems long overdue. May I suggest to the other council members to support this notion? I believe the rank of general would be more fitting to the Colonels importance for our world..." Overall another olive branch offered to a council member that didn't cost him much, while laying the groundwork for good cooperation within the council. It would also be interesting to see who would and who would not support this move.

"Regarding our worlds further development the Administratum will of course adhere to its announced commitment and allot its share to the good work of the Emperors faithful servants. And as before I would like to relegate the decision on how to best use these funds to care for our souls to Cardinal Richemont and Bishop Sagius, even though as layman I would love to see the completion of our cathedral within my lifetime." Friedrich hopes to cement his reputation as someone reliable who stands by his word. And the ecclesiarchies power to keep the masses quite is undisputable.
one pip in religion, shared between Bishop Sagius and Cardinal Richemont

"Furthermore as has already been planned for quite a while we will start constructing the planned space port. I want to thank Cardinal Richemont again for his generous offer to provide some of the necessary construction sites to integrate the facilities most optimal into the Manufactorums of our esteemed Priesthood of the Machine god."
As mentioned: 1 pip into space port construction. Main priority is that it works as good as possible for the AdMech guys to do their business, but there will be enough opportunities for everyone to make their cut. I would like to do it in a way that the Administratum basically just keeps things running, so I don't expect any gains or incomes from it (at least not yet, maybe later). But I would like to set things up in a way that while it is cheap it is difficult and very inconvenient to do interplanetary travel and trade without the Administratum knowing what is going on.
Should I by chance have gained a fourth pip to spend this round, this goes into space port too

Last but not least, von Gaussenberg diverts some of his ressources without announcing them loudly in the council chamber. The imperial bureucracy is a vast, wonderful and perfectly working machine... and as every machine it works best if it is well oiled and greased. So he... applies some grease here and there... makes some friends, helps some carreers, sends little tokens of gratitude on special occasions like birthdays and the like, also using this to mention the promotion of Colonel Loisy here and there.
He would also carefully try to make contact with a representative of the Inquisition Ordo Xenos offering access codes and information to the automated logging system of the space port and the interplanetary comm system he build, which both are setup to monitor should anyone get a bit too friendly with non-imperial powers off world. This is just done as an act of anticipatory obedience and he tries to keep it clean to show that he is not deliberatly snitching on the other council members or trying to scheme against them, but merely setting things up in a way to give the most loyal impression to the Inquistion possible in an attempt to stay on the right side of their "nice and naughty" list.
third pip into "communication with the Imperium"

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Dakka Veteran

The Next Decade

With the labor disputes put to rest, the world sees incredible growth over the next decade. The developments are summarized as follows:

1. Economy: The food subsidies continue to require more and more resources, but this is counterbalanced by an increase in trade that comes from the continuing construction and expansion of the space port. The exportation of luxury goods off world, proves quite profitable for all those that invested in the manufactorums and proves to be critical for the world to keep it's finances in good order.

2. Immigration: Increased trade inevitably draws more people to the world. Many are pilgrims that had committed their life savings to travel to some Shrine World but whose ships got lost as a result of the Great Rift, (which scrambled many of the previously stable warp lanes in the Imperial Sanctus). These pilgrims find a welcome home in the proto-hive and are quickly drawn to the Ministorum. Other immigrants come intententionally, hearing of better opportunities. Still others are refugees, often the last survivors of other Imperial worlds that had fallen to various calamnities. Nearly all are absorbed into the proto-hive. Meanwhile, most of the world's original settlers have gravitated to the farms and mines. They look down on the proto-hive dwellers as weak and corrupted by the temptations of big city living. Total Population approaching 750 Million.

3. Defense: The first orbital defense battery is completed along with a light transport ship. The planet tithes it's first Imperial Guard regiment, which embarks upon the transport ship as a tithe. A light ship for the Navy and a regiment for the Guard. However, the tithe depletes nearly half of the active duty PDF and the planet is struggling to find the resources to rebuild.

4. Internal Security: Purges of unsanctioned cults, mutants, rogue psykers, and criminal elements are a regular occurance. However the enforcers and PDF appear to be doing an adequate job, and no serious threats have emerged.

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Odd Occurences: Each character has a situation to respond to...what will you do?

The Cardinal:

Your criminal contacts bring somethign of interest to your attention. The High Tech Priest 01 is rumored to have acquired a powerful xenos artifact from some remnants of the old trade union. The artifact is locked away in the Tech Priest's vault supposedly for safe keeping. But rumors abound that she is conducting clandestine research on the artifact.

Gaussenberg: The Administratum

[You send a message through the Astro Telepathica to the Inquisition on Holy Terra. However it is impossible to know if they receive your information. Such is the nature of astro telepathic interstellar communication

During this visit to the Astro-Telepathica however, you discover the following: A few months ago, one of your lesser known adepts, a clerk named Adolphis was charged with delivering a highly sensitive encrypted message from the High Astropath to the Governor's office. However that message was never delivered. You obtain a copy of the message yourself but do not know it's contents as the encryption is very high indeed.

The Colonel:

Now that trade and communication is opened up, you are able to gather some additional information about the wider goings on in the sector. Chaos and Genestealer cults are identified as the biggest threats to your neighbors, while various pirates, (including chaos renegades) represents the second greatesr threat. You are able to glean that "The Greater Good" is associated with a peculiar Xenos race known as the Tau Empire but they are a relatively minor xenos threat confined to only certain parts of the galaxy and not present anywhere near where your world lies.

Your PDF estimates that 60% of the old trade union's leadership was destroyed, but that the survivors may have infiltrated other parts of the world. Your advisors are worried about genestealer cults and continue to advocate for no sanction for mutants.

However, you get a tip that some Ministorum Priests have been giving aide and comfort to mutants in the warrens of the proto-hive. Your advisors suspect the Bishop is turning a blind eye to mutation.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/30 12:26:43

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


When he heard about the suspiscion a genestealer cult could be active on his planet, Loisy flew into a blind streak of paranoia and rage.

It seemed to all memebers of the council that Loisy had changed not just in rank and aura - in fact, the man himself had something uncanny, something of almost a madman. This was his trauma taking over. One could only hope that his past experience on Inamorta would help him manage the situation, but that he'd cling to his sanity yet and avoid overreacting.

However, the latter was not as certain. Loisy knew well how to counter the cult, he had seen it first hand on Inamorta and could try to replicate the measures... But to him, the extend of the threat was made much more grievous by the evidence he had that some of the Bishop's men outright ignored mutations when they clearly occured. With all the respect he had for the ecclesiarchy, to Loisy, it meant only one thing: if the holy church of the Emperor was besmirched by the genestealer monstrous hybrids, it would need to undergo purification.. whatever people might think about it...

While a changed man, Loisy managed to make good figure in front of the council. He explained clearly all he knew, although with the a hate-filled voice that thunderer heavy as he made his point, suffering no contradiction.

"You cannot estimate that threat to its true level. But I can. I faced them, I saw a world they broke and I was shot in the back by the very men I came to rescue, I fought as much against their blades as I fought to force a passage through corrupt, deformed administrators, I know what it takes to bring them low. It takes thourough purification, cleansing and check.

From now one, I want a decree made to pump as much the medicae require to carry complete medical checks of every citizen, and I mean it, every single one of them. From us, to the very servitors themselves. Anyone, I say anyone, whatever the rank, the function, must be subjected and if he fails the trial, kille don the spot. No, mercy. My PDF and the incorporated policemen will ensure the protection and the carrying out of this cleansing.

Cardinal, your preachers must call to the reporting of mutants wherver they are found. Von Gaussenberg, you need to make the procedures hasslefree for the medicae.

Understand this well: at some point, they will rise. If they rise at their leisure, my depleted PDF will not have had time to rebuild to meet them in battle. We must strike fisrt, find the being at the center of the cult - a monstrous genestealer we call a patriarch- and kill him, or if none of our intelligence services manages it, at least cull them before this happens, when they haven't reached critical mass yet... Even if they rebel in reaction. And then..."

He sat down, obviously worried...

"I have got evidence that some people in the imperial institution are turning a blind eye to all of this. I am about to show them, but hear this much: anyone who will hinder the drastic measures we'll have to enforce should be considered an accomplice, or worst still, a mutant himslef, a traitor in disguise. And I can say this much: at least one of them sits with us right now."... He lost it as his paranoia got the best of him, and is aboput to get loose on the accursed Bishop...


Right, as investments if we still can make those:

1: PDF. Carry on search for mutants.
1: medicae, to carry out the testing of the population
1: bodyguards. Loisy gets incresingly paranoid with the cult emerging in imperial institution, and has made sure a retenue of faithful Kallenese elite soldiers be with him at all times. He does not want to be taken aback yet again.

If this is possible, I want Loisy or his bodyguard ( in case those are accepted) to knock down the Bishop and check him for mutation, while Loisy provide spy-pics of the bishops men engaged with mutants. Should the bishop be indeed found guilty, he will be killed on the spot.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/30 18:19:35

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


And here is a little extra for you all, a small lore for the first Saint Bonifatius' Raid Regiment!


Levied as the very first Imperial Guard regiment sent to the distant warzones of the Imperium on Saint Bonifatius' Reach, the 1rst Saint Bonifatius' Raid Regiment was nicknamed "Loisy's pride" for the attention they received from him so as to make them an elite troop and as well as the will of said troops to honour him in turn.

Benefitting from Loisy's alliance with the mecanicum, and Von Gaussenberg's prowess at buying high grade equipments at groundbreaking bargains, and the years of spec ops operation in manhunts, hijacking, spying, and such, they were a relatively small regiment of some 800 or so men, but each of them having seen live fire action a dozen time already and trained to the pinacle of their specialty. They received no further training from the Imperial Guard, as they were considered specialised, maybe, but fit for immediate service.

As a first assignment, they were sent to the Achilus Crusade Warzone, against the Tau threats. There, against an enemy making use of conventional logistics and structures, they quickly rose to become remarkable, even, some say, on par with the famed Militarum Tempestus. They carried out terorr raids in tau settlements and rear lines, abducted key commanders or officials, and generally became a true thorn in the Tau's operations wherever they were deployed. As an added bonus, they were noticeably pious - Cardinal Richemont had see to it that a good complement of priests would follow, so as to make sure that everyone would know something about him, and this indeed worked. This added considerable mental fortitude to them that bordered on religious zeal.

After years of this war continuing, they however came low - below in fact quarter strength, and while they were still totally viable as such, they became a formation too small to actually be viewed a a regiment, ans their specialty too valuable to lose.

A happy happenstance would actually have the regiment not wither away. As the meat grinder ground ever on, imperial reinforcements kept flowing from ever further - until some day, a Kallenese regiment was shipped, exhausted already, and destined for the trenches of the frontline as nothing but more meat.

Saint Bonifatius' men having kept the tongue of priors generation of settlers, both they and the 5766e Kallen Infantry Regiment felt boundless joy when they met each other -albeit with an unusual accent from the Loisy's pride members.

High command was not blind to these bounds of kinship - and it was decided to combine both regiments. As both regiments were made of the same ethnic roots it was agreed that they'd be renamed 2nd Kallen Raid Regiment "Loisy's pride".

This mixed worked beyond all hopes: the hardened Saint Bonifatius veterans would teach and form their infantrymen counterparts in their art, which brought the regiment to a sort of resplenishment, while said infantrymen who weren't fit enough to became "Loisyards", that is, those who actually made the terror raids deep in enemy territory, would start implementing many tricks they learnt into their infantry tactics. This lead to a formation of formidable skirmishers, who learned to demorilase, terrorise, and mentally break the enemy by all sorts of raids and means.

Wherever they were deployed, they were at the direct orders of high commands to benefit the most from all gathered intelligence, and they became instrumental in a great deal of tactical successes for the Emperor's troops.

To this day, as it has become one of the only two specialised Kallen regiment - the other one being the first Kallen armoured regiment-, they keep recieving reinforcement from both Kallen and Saint Bonifatius' Reach to keep them in line. Von Gaussenberg's administrative knowledge and efficacy also greatly helped ferry said reinforcments and keep what was essentially just as much his creation as Loisy's afloat. Richemont was less interested in the matter on the long term, but he had helped model them to such a loyalty that no one could ever question it. Together, they crafted a magnificient tool for the Emperor's arsenal.

Long live our boys!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/04/30 19:12:47

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

[FYI: We'll have a council scene where we discuss any big proposals and the Governor's reaction, but first let's see how the other characters respond to their situation's first] [Got to love all this paranoia!]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg is a little puzzled about this whole ordeal and conflicted about its implications. Being a good Administrator - or at least trying to be - he should just forward the message to the Governor and not care any further. Meanwhile his instincts tell him that something smells really fishy about all of this.
Finally he decides that after a few month, one or two additional days might not make that much of a difference and he should look into Adolphis reasons for failing to deliver this message first to evaluate how the Imperial cause is best served.

As kind of a failsave should this decision prove fatal and something ill should befall him, he sets up a failsave, guaranteeing that should he not report back, the message will be send to the governor and a copy including information of its source and names and adresses of all people involved go straight to the Inquisition.
Afterwards he sets out to find Adolphis, let him bring into his office if possible and question him about the strange message and his reasons for not delivering it.


Edit: Von Gaussenberg is also a bit conflicted what to think about Colonel Loisy. The man seems to be under a lot of stress, but the Administrator lacks the people skills to make any good guess if the colonels actions are just an effective way to cope with a crisis or a sign that he lost his mind. As Loisys appeal to proactively tackle the problem and burn out the root before it can bear fruit sound quite sensible to him, von Gaussenberg decides to give him the benefit of the doubt and err in his favor. "I will prepare a priority list which members of the Administratum should be checked first because they could do the most harm. Obviously I volunteer to be the first examined thoroughly. There will also be a change in procedures including orders for regular medical inspection and failure to adhere to it will lead to removal from office and a notification towards your office. If we can assist any further let me know..."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/30 22:12:55

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Pyroalchi wrote:
Von Gaussenberg is a little puzzled about this whole ordeal and conflicted about its implications. Being a good Administrator - or at least trying to be - he should just forward the message to the Governor and not care any further. Meanwhile his instincts tell him that something smells really fishy about all of this.
Finally he decides that after a few month, one or two additional days might not make that much of a difference and he should look into Adolphis reasons for failing to deliver this message first to evaluate how the Imperial cause is best served.

As kind of a failsave should this decision prove fatal and something ill should befall him, he sets up a failsave, guaranteeing that should he not report back, the message will be send to the governor and a copy including information of its source and names and adresses of all people involved go straight to the Inquisition.
Afterwards he sets out to find Adolphis, let him bring into his office if possible and question him about the strange message and his reasons for not delivering it.


Edit: Von Gaussenberg is also a bit conflicted what to think about Colonel Loisy. The man seems to be under a lot of stress, but the Administrator lacks the people skills to make any good guess if the colonels actions are just an effective way to cope with a crisis or a sign that he lost his mind. As Loisys appeal to proactively tackle the problem and burn out the root before it can bear fruit sound quite sensible to him, von Gaussenberg decides to give him the benefit of the doubt and err in his favor. "I will prepare a priority list which members of the Administratum should be checked first because they could do the most harm. Obviously I volunteer to be the first examined thoroughly. There will also be a change in procedures including orders for regular medical inspection and failure to adhere to it will lead to removal from office and a notification towards your office. If we can assist any further let me know..."

Prior to the Council Meeting

Gaussenberg eventually finds his way to the office where Adolphis is supposed to sit. But finds another clerk instead. "Umm, hello?" He looks up confused.

After a big of chit chat, you find out that Adolphis tripped down a flight of stairs, supposedly by accident after retrieving the encrypted message from the astro telepathica. Regrettably, the adept passed away from his injuries. Most of your fellow clerks agree that Adolphis was too clumsy and never properly fastened his sandals.

What happened to the message was anyone's guess. It seems it was one bureaucratic oversight after the next with the whole incident.

At the Council Meeting

[Opposed roll Louise wins and manages to grab the Cardinal and expose him somewhat, no mutations exposed though]

The Governor looks appalled and frightened by the Colonel's conduct.

"Colonel...some decorum please."

"Now I appreciate your sentiment but what specific evidence do you have that a genestealer cult is active here...other than the intelligence we have that they are active elsewhere in the sector? We can't afford to bring this world to a stand still...including our sacred tithes, over some paranoia."

"Now I suppose I could authorize more random inspections if you think it's necessary, but that's as far as I am willing to go."

He turns to the Cardinal. "NOW THAT SAID, these are serious allegations against the Ministorum and I expect the Cardinal will answer them in due course...once he has composed himself."

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/01 01:41:36

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
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