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Daemonic Dreadnought

Eye of Terror

Looks like it's time to retire my Creality 3D Scanner.

While I am mostly satisfied with how the Creality performed, wondering what other people are using. My only hard requirement is that scans are ultimately compatible with the software, I currently use MeshLab / Blender / Solidworks in my workflow.

Currently looking at the following:

1) OpenScan Pi

2) 3D3-s

3) EinScan

4) RangeVision

For the record, I tried Photogrammertry using my Samsung Fold 5 without much luck.

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Longtime Dakkanaut

When you settle on something I'd love to hear what you choose. I've been thinking about picking one up, but have no familiarity with the process.
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Torture Victim in the Bowels of the Rock

I've been having good fun with my Open Scan Mini

Nostalgically Yours 
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