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Describe every space marine legion with a song  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Frankfurt, Germany

As the title suggests, type a song name and a link to it, one for each space marine legion (heretics and loyalists) and everyone else has to guess which one it is. You can't include the name of the legion, and the music shouldn't be 40k themed, also, don't put the songs in order of the legion, just mix things up, or put them in order if you want to, it will be confusing either way. Good luck

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/17 20:50:20

'Awsum' is the highest rating I can give something based on quality. Example: I would call it an 'Awsum' AWS-8Q instead of an 'Awesome'
Yes-Close To The Edge is the best song of all time and I'll virus bomb/PPC anyone who says otherwise
my Plog:
my firstborn blood angels army blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/813479.page

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